Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1677: a big disaster

Ah, ah...

The fierce screams of the sky, the blood madness, this is destined to be a **** river.

"A Yan, you all withdraw."

Jiang Chen shouted at Han Yan and others. Han Yan and the tyrants and Yang Lang and others were still a little bit sloppy. They immediately left the battlefield. They are now horrified and can’t speak. They don’t know Jiang. The dust is exactly how to do the sun **** feathers, but they are convinced that the responsibility of guarding the golden gates is completely unnecessary.

"My embarrassed, is this still human?"

The master suddenly swallowed a bite and couldn't believe what was happening in front of him.

"The little dust may have been completely integrated with the sun **** feathers, so it is possible to display it without limit. This is too horrible. The little dust is now stunned. For these people, it is simply the end."

Han Yan is awkward, he knows Jiang Dust too much. There is no such thing as Jiang Chen can't do in this world. Even if it is so earth-shattering, it is nothing in Jiang Chen.

"The little dust seems to be hitting the traces of a certain kind of avenue. The killing atmosphere on his body is getting more and more intense. The whole people are undergoing earth-shaking changes. These people are too unlucky to become a stepping stone for the small dust."

The monk said, his eyes were poisonous and he saw something.

"Too bad, you can only blame these people for not blaming, knowing that Jiang Chen is in control of the sun **** feathers and will continue to kill."

Yang Lang sighs.

"This is no stranger to them. The attraction of the gold family is too great. This trip to the Golden Killing Field is different from the past. From the Xiaoyao Qin to the Daqian Mirror, to the Sun Shenyu in the hands of Jiang Chen, the rare treasures are successively connected. Everyone knows that there must be a big treasure in the golden family. There are unimaginable treasures. In this case, few people will remain calm, even if there is only a chance, they will fight for it."

Shan said that he even began to doubt that if he is not standing on the side of Jiang Chen today, he will not be like those people, not afraid of death.

Temptation, sometimes it’s really deadly.

Lan Lingji and Hua Xiaoqian have already been scared. Rao is that they are all great saints, and they have never gone through such a fierce battle scene. In their eyes, Jiang Chen has become a bloodthirsty killer. God, and the young man in front of the handsome white is completely two people.

Even as a spectator, they are still frightened. They don’t know the ending of this war. How many people will die, but one thing is certain, Jiang Chen is going to be famous, to become famous, to alarm the three fairy tales, just, After waiting to go out, will there be a place for Jiang Chen in the three major fairy circles?

Jiang Chen is completely immersed in the killing. The will to kill him is very simple. As long as there are enemies, he must kill. In front of these people, they must hit the golden gate. That is their own enemy, they will kill.


Jiang Chen showed great emptiness, and he smashed a road in the crowd, blocking the front of the Jade Dragon, and the icy dragon looked at the bottom of the jade dragon.

"How can you possibly cast the sun feathers without limit?"

It was only at this moment that Yulong Gongzi really felt the fear.

"You don't need to know that a dead person doesn't need to know too much."

After Jiang Chen finished, he ruthlessly shot, and the sun **** emerged as a big fan, and took it to the Jade Dragon.


Yulong Gongzi could not escape the attack and kill of the sun **** feathers, and eventually died.

Subsequently, Jiang Chen locked a group of people with the sun **** feathers. It was the corpse of the corpse, and Jiang Chen did not say anything. He directly killed the past and suddenly screamed and screamed.

Jiang Chen’s eyes are like torches, corpse Yinzong, Shenxingmen, Huangquanmen, North and South families, Promise Xianzong, Universiade, Tianyu Dynasty, and what is invincible, Guangming Xianyu Huangjia, these have already established hostile relations with themselves. The great forces have completely become the object of Jiang Chen's culling and have become an important target for killing.

On the other hand, the dragon thirteen battles and the holy law were cast to the extreme, and Ye Qingtian’s retreat was repeated, and it would not be able to stand up. In fact, Ye Qingtian was not so bad, but because he himself was affected by Jiang Chen’s sun **** Too serious, leading to confusion, can not concentrate on the use of combat.

This kind of influence is undoubtedly very dangerous for Ye Qingtian. He is not the opponent of Dragon Thirteen in his own fight. Now he is not stable, and it is even more impossible to compete with Dragon Thirteen. If this situation develops, It is also a matter of morning and evening to be killed by the Dragon.

After the dragon thirteen got the word 诀, the battle of the holy law was fierce, the momentum was high, and the more he played, the more excited he was. He is now bent on killing a half-step sage master to lay the majesty of his fighting family. Ye Qingtian has undoubtedly become the final object.

The blood flows into the river, the real blood flows into the river, those are the blood of the emperor, and the genius in the genius is the genius of the genius. It is a fascinating genius. At this moment, Jiang Chen is like cutting vegetables and cutting vegetables.

In the end, before Jiang Chen guarded the golden gate, the sun **** feathers constantly waved, and a large number of people fell to death. This is the real one when the Wanfu is not open, and there are too many people who die.

Those who watched the battle have changed their face. Up to now, there are at least two thousand people who died in Jiang Chen’s hands. Among these two thousand, hundreds of members of the big forces.

"Fatful, too ferocious, Jiang Chen has to kneel down this day."

Yang Lang kept shaking his head.

"It is indeed a great disaster. If you kill so many people, you will be alarmed by the world. The three fairy tales can't sit still. Countless big forces will kill him. Xianting will not let him go."

It’s full of enthusiasm.

"I have never seen such a madman. I am completely ruthless and obedient. People can live forever. If they can see the earth-shattering events like Jiang Chen, even if they are dead, it is worth it."

The ruthless eyes of the magic bloomed out of the magical power. He now casts on the five bodies of Jiang Chen worship. Some things, you can do it without your strength. It requires absolute courage and courage. Jiang Chen’s guts make people feel chilly.

But as everyone is worried, Jiang Chen has killed too many people and almost offended all the forces that can offend, including the three emperors, which is enough to be included in the annals of the immortal world. Without such a madman who dominated the world, Jiang Chen can be the first. Even the Emperor Xian and the Emperor of the Immortals, who had been in the nine celestial worlds, did not have the earth-shattering event of Jiang Chen.

However, for Jiang Chen, what is the big disaster, these people will not retreat, he will continue to kill, the things that the rhubarb will explain, Jiang Chen must do, and these people will not retreat, the will to kill the way It will not disappear, and the killing will continue.

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