Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1678: Sweeping four thousand people

The sun gods are constantly sweeping, and a large number of geniuses die under the gods. The real blood flows into the river. On this ancient battlefield, there is a massacre killing, many people who have not participated in the war and who have begun to wake up. I was shocked to see this cruel scene, except for the stiff expression, I couldn’t say a word at all.

The killing gas is spreading, it seems that it can't stop at all. The other party does not stop. The killing will in Jiang Chen will not disappear. It will only become more and more intense. The murderous ancestors in the depths of the soul have begun to condense the essence.


The sun **** feathers swept across the screams, and a large number of people died in tragic death. The dead **** is not left. This is destined to be a ferocious massacre. 20,000 people must break the golden gate, but none of them can be close to the golden gate. Jiang Chen is a roadblock. He stands there. No amount of people are useless. It is faster to rush to the front.

Gradually, the shots began to decrease. Many people finally saw the situation and chose to retreat. They let them wake up and stand in the distance and watch the fierce battle ahead. The backs began to cool down, and they all had been given cold sweat. Soaked.

"God, what am I doing?"

"This is a devil. He can cast the sun **** feathers without limit. We are still rushing forward, it is too stupid."

"Baby is important, but compared with his life, nothing is done. Jiang Chen holds the sun **** feathers there. Who can enter the territory of the golden family is simply delusional, those people are still rushing, do not know how much to die. people."

"This is a god-killing god. It is a madman. The murder never blinks. Even Xianting is not in the eyes. The big forces behind us have no more threat to him. This is a fearless fear. People, killing everything, whoever rushes to death, in his eyes, all beings can kill, whoever rushes up is not important."


The people who have withdrawn are afraid of it. In addition to fear, there are some lucky ones. They have been driven by greed and desire. They are influenced by the emotions of thousands of people. They simply don’t know what danger they are in, and they are sober at this moment. Come here, I know what I have just done, I am playing with the **** of death, and now I can stand here intact, that is my own creation and air transport.

The killings are still going on. In a minute, another thousand people died in the dust of Jiang Chen’s sun. Until now, just this wave of attacks, the people who died in Jiang Chen’s hands, there are three thousand. Count, this killing, shocking and unconventional, simply cannot be imagined.

More and more people have recognized the reality. After waking up, they have withdrawn from the battlefield for the first time. Everyone can't speak, and this scene makes their scalp numb.

"Stop, everyone will stop, don't attack again, Jiang Chen can use the sun **** feathers without limit, and then kill, we will die."

Someone suddenly shouted loudly, this scorpion used a powerful energy to release it, and shocked many people's minds.


Many people have changed their minds, and the blood of the eyes disappeared without a trace. The whole person was immediately awake.

"No, ah..."

Some people are shocked at the forefront. Although they are awake in time, they can't save their lives. The sun **** feathers have already rushed to the front, and everything is late.

The battlefield collapsed instantly. The people who had been red-eyed and rushed, turned and ran, and the pungent **** smell made them completely awake. They burst into tears and frightened, just thinking about leaving the battlefield soon. The treasures in the golden family are no longer important, and life-saving is the most important. It is most important to stay away from Jiang Chen as a comet and a demon.


Jiang Chen murdered, the sun **** feathers swept out again, killing a large piece, tens of thousands of people making birds and beasts scattered, all in the blink of an eye away from the golden gate.

The battlefield that was originally awkward was also quietly quiet. Jiang Chen recovered to its original appearance. He held the sun **** feathers and stood faceless outside the golden gate. His cold eyes swept over the people around him. The half point is weakened, and the meaning of killing in the depths of the soul begins to gradually retreat.

On the other side, the fierce battle between Dragon XIII and Ye Qingtian continued. Ye Qingtian had already released his own giant blood and became a giant body, but he was still not the opponent of Dragon Thirteen. He was hit with countless ways. Scars, bloody, have reached the end of the strong.


The dragon thirteen slammed the attack, and the battle of the holy law was like a myriad of sharp blades, surrounded by Ye Qingtian, and hit an arm of Ye Qingtian.


Ye Qingtian made a scream, his mind had long been chaotic, otherwise he would not be so bad, and he was given the dragon 13 so quickly. At this moment, his face was full of fear, and the death of Zhang Yulang’s five people made him unable to control. In the heart of my own fear, at this moment, the fierce dragon 13 is playing like a dog, and the whole person is desperate.

"Do not kill me."

Ye Qingtian shouted loudly. This is asking for mercy. It is really difficult for him to ask for such a big man to ask for mercy.

However, the dragon thirteen was murderous, and he did not accept the other’s petition, and the killing of the word was overwhelming.


Ye Qingtian, who is already at the end of the tough, can bear such a devastating attack. The whole person is drowned in the devastating energy ocean. He screams and is killed by the dragon.

At this point, all six masters died, Zhang Yulang and Xia Xiaotian, they died under the sun **** feathers, it is also considered to be dead, Ye Qingtian was killed by the dragon 13 one stroke, of course, tragic death in battle Under the law, it is not shameful.

The whole space is pungent and bloody, Jiang Chen is standing there like a god, not saying a word, but no one dares to come forward.

Countless people have grief on their faces, because many of them have died, and they died in the big melee, and they died under the sun god. This battle died in Jiang Chen’s hands. The genius is at least 4,000. This is an unimaginable number. It is an unimaginable loss for countless forces in the three celestial worlds.

"My brother was killed by him. This madman, I regret it, I can't wait to eat his flesh."

"Don't say it, it will be miserable when he hears it. This thing also blames ourselves. Before Jiang Chen just got the sun **** feather, remind us, let us not play the idea of ​​the golden family, it is our ghosts. ""

"What about that, how many people killed this guy, do you want to stop here? The big forces in the three fairy tales have been offended by him, waiting to get out of the gold killing field and see him survive."


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