Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1679: Sad reminder of the Northern and Southern Dynasties

This war killed 4,000 people. Jiang Chen was offended by all the forces in the three great celestial worlds. There were even three major sects. Although the people present did not dare to continue shooting, there was no bit of hatred against Jiang Chen. Reducing, throughout the history of the fairyland, there have never been such a heart-wrenching person, Jiang Chen is the first in ancient and modern times.

But after killing so many people, after going out of the gold killing field, the world will be in chaos, and there is no place for Jiang Chen to hide a little bit. This is almost certain.

Among these dead people, especially the corpse yin sects have the most powerful people, and some of the big forces are almost killed by Jiang Chen, such as the corpse yin and the north and south family, as well as the Shenquanmen Huangquanmen and Jiang Chen hatred. The relatively deep forces have basically had two hundred people when they came into the gold killing field. Now, there are only less than 30 left. Others are either dead when they are looking for treasures, or they are killed in Jiang Chen. In the hands, after the end of the trip to the Golden Killing Field, these major sects saw that they were so small, and the top management was afraid to spurt on the spot.

Nowadays, it’s useless to say that more, especially those people with big forces, all of them are huddled in the crowd, so they don’t even dare to breathe. They know very well, if this time comes out Come, Jiang Chen is afraid to immediately rush to kill them, so that the ferocious things may not be done by others, but Jiang Chen can definitely do it, and it is not polite.

The scene was quiet, and now I can only wait for the remains of the golden family to sink again, and then the portal of the Golden Killing Field will open, and then everyone will leave, which is a complete end to the gold killing trip.


At this moment, one of the eighteen golden passages suddenly burst into a powerful roaring sound. The horrible energy was transmitted from inside. It seems that there are powerful masters, and the golden channel has been opened since. After that, it was not closed. The movement of the Golden Passage was so large that it had already alerted everyone in the Golden Killing Field. Someone appeared at this time and was drunk.

A lot of eyes looked at the past, I saw a man wearing a gold robe, full of blond hair appeared in this space, the coming momentum is too strong, the gesture is arrogant to the extreme, his voice flashing, a look of the world .

"The North and South Korea is coming."

Seeing the arrival, Han Yan couldn't help but smile. The Southern and Northern Dynasties at this moment are more powerful than the ones when the relics of Xiaoyao Qindi appeared. Like Long XIII, he didn't know what baby he got, and he even reached the fairy. In the late stage of the emperor, according to his current cultivation, killing half a step like the dragon thirteen is not a problem.

"It’s not a time for this guy to appear."

The monk’s hands were together, and he came to Amitabha. The dark and the north and the south met Jiang Chen. Every time it was a tragic character. If it was before, like a strong enemy like the Northern and Southern Dynasties, they would definitely feel great pressure. After all, this guy Too strong, in the same level of circumstances, not his opponent.

But now, everyone's heart is not too relaxed. Even if the North and South Dynasties are resounding, the ending will be imaginable. They all understand the relationship between Jiang Chen and the Northern and Southern Dynasties. Since they met here, Jiang Chen will let go of the opportunity. .

After the appearance of the Southern and Northern Dynasties, the brow immediately smashed up, because he smelled the pungent blood in the air, knowing that there was just a fierce battle here. Then his eyes fell on Jiang Chen’s body, just right. Jiang Chen is also watching him, Jiang Chen mouth with a smile, his eyes full of banter.

However, the Northern and Southern Dynasties, who did not know what happened here, did not care about Jiang Chen’s gaze. After all, Jiang Chen had never had a good face in front of him. Then, the eyes of the Northern and Southern Dynasties began to fall in the hands of Jiang Chen’s Sun God. On the top, the scorpion instantly lit up.

"The sun **** feather? It seems that the gold family is really a treasure, this **** even the sun **** feathers have got."

The Northern and Southern Dynasties were shocked. He had the eyes of the gods, and he could see through everything, and it was the reincarnation of his great emperor. He naturally knew the sun **** in the hands of Jiang Chen.

"Jiang Chen, hand over the sun **** in your hand."

The Southern and Northern Dynasties shouted loudly at Jiang Chen. The sun **** feathers were too attractive, so he always forgot to think about why he was so quiet. He forgot to think about how the **** air in the air came, even I forgot to see the ones around me who were shocked.

Moreover, the north-south orientation is self-centered, and there is no other person in the eyes except for himself. He is too proud. Even if it appears at the moment, he will pay attention to others, why not even such characters as Zhang Yulang and Xia Xiaotian Do not care, at this moment, he can only care about him, one is Jiang Chen, one is the sun **** in the hands of Jiang Chen.

He was promoted to the late Emperor of the Emperor, and he was determined to hold Jiang Dust. On the same day, he was united by everyone to fight the scene of the embarrassing escape. He will never forget his life. It is simply a deep hatred. He must kill himself. Jiang Chen is able to defend his majesty.

"The Northern and Southern Dynasties, if you want the sun **** feathers, you come up and take it yourself."

Jiang Chen said that the words are full of provocative tastes. The killing in his eyes is once again shot out and directly condensed into substance. He will not let go of any good opportunity to get rid of the Northern and Southern Dynasties. The Northern and Southern Dynasties must kill themselves.

"Hey! Today the son will kill you."

The North and South Dynasties were cold-hearted, and they were going to kill Jiang Chen. At this time, the genius of a north-south family in the crowd rushed out and was blocked by the North and South.

"Don't shoot at the boss."

It was still the fear of the unbelievable face that day. He used the voice of the gods to tell the Southern and Northern Dynasties everything that happened before.

After listening to it, the face of the North and South Dynasty changed dramatically, and the look of Jiang Chen’s eyes changed completely. If he did not say it from the genius of the North and South family, he would not believe it, but he knew that no one in the North and the South would dare to deceive. Yourself.

"Haha, the Northern and Southern Dynasties, you are shooting, are you not the body of the emperor? Do you have the fear of fear and fear?"

Han Yan laughs, I will let go of such a sneer.


The North and South dynasty snorted, and then did not talk much, turned and left, can let the arrogant North and South Korea run away without fighting, this is the first time, but the North and South Dynasty is not a fool, although he has confidence in his own strength, but still I am not confident that I can contend with the sun **** feathers. Even Zhang Yulang’s generations are spiked. If I encounter them, I am afraid that it is also a dead end.

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