Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1686: The strongest wanted criminal

"Yang Yu, do you dare us? Gold killings have brought us so much damage. Today, you will leave because of Yang Yu."

Yun Tian Zun drunk, the powerful momentum is also released, without Yang Yu weak.

"There is no need to say so much nonsense. If you want to fight, you will be shot. My empire is never afraid of things, and the fish is dead."

Yang Yu’s head rises and rises into a skyrocketing wave, which is the arrogance.

Upon seeing this, the leaders of the eight major forces began to hesitate. They did not think that Yang Yu’s attitude turned out to be such a strong degree. In fact, even if they had the heart to attack the Dagan Empire, there were great concerns. After all, it is the site of the Dagan Empire. As one of the eleven major forces of the East Xuanyu, everyone knows the details of the Dagan Empire. If the fish is dead, even if the eight forces win, the loss will not be small.

"Jiang Chen seems to be really not in the big empire. We are now shooting against the Dagan Empire. It is not good for us. What we do now is to chase down Jiang Chen, find him, and kill him, not in Here, the Dagan Empire fish net is broken. In that case, Jiang Chen’s kid will only take advantage of the fishermen’s interests. This person’s luck will be countered. If he gives him enough time to grow, it will be a disaster for our eight forces. Don’t forget, he There are sun **** feathers and big void in the hands."

Zhuge Qiong, the patriarch of the Zhuge family, said that he was dressed as a scholar and seemed to be only in his thirties. His eyes were shining with wise light.

"The Zhuge patriarch said yes, there is still a ancestor in the Dagan empire, it really does not appear to be cheap, and we are not guilty of a direct battle between Jiang Chen and the Dagan empire. It has always been inconsistent with the Dagan Empire. Now I want to use us to get rid of the Dagan Empire. We don’t need to be used by him. The urgent task now is to chase down Jiang Chen. The threat of this person is much greater than that of the Dagan Empire."

The lords of the Promise Xianzong also said that although they were angry, they were able to mix in the fairy world and occupy such a high position. No one is a fool. At this time, it’s not worthwhile to break the net with the Dagan Empire. The losses of the eight major forces in this golden killing field have been large enough, and compared with the Dagan Empire, the threat of Jiang Chen is undoubtedly the biggest.

"Let's go, it doesn't mean much to consume here, and it's impossible to really fight. If Yuntianzun wants to fight, let him fight with the Dagan Empire. We must now exert all our strength to kill Jiang Chen and Long Shi. Third, I heard that the Dragon 13 is a descendant of the fighting dragon, and it is also a huge threat to fight the Holy Law in one hand."

Huang Quan’s ancestors are also a human being. What is the stake in this, how can he weigh it? From any angle, it’s not worthwhile to fight with the Dagan Empire. Yun Tianzun obviously wants to use them. Yun Tianzun is A smart person, but they are not fools, they will let others use.

"Yang Yu, we are going to chase Jiang Chen now, I hope that you will not participate in the Dagan Empire."

North and South Taisheng said to Yang Yu.

"Of course, Jiang Chen has nothing to do with my big empire."

Yang Yudao, but in his heart is a bitter smile, he really wants to participate, I really want to help Jiang Chen, but it is really powerless. He knows very well how much the disaster of Jiang Chen is under this time. The eight forces are probably just the beginning. There are also Xianting in the back. The other two forces in the fairy world and Xianting will not even give up. He Yang has three heads and six arms and can't keep Jiang Chen. The only thing he can do now is to pray that Jiang Chen will not die. As an emperor of the empire, he has the responsibility to plan for his own people and not let them fall into the heat.

Therefore, even if Yang Yu wants to help Jiang Chen, he can only stay out of it. He still has no ability to go all out. He is still untouchable in Xianting.


After the North and South Taisheng finished, they left the high-rises of the North and South families directly. To reach this level, they will not waste their time. If they can’t fight, they should do what they should and make meaningful. Things.

After the departure of the North and South families, the other forces of the Eight Forces also left, and in the end there was only one wrathful Yuntianzun.

"Yun Tianzun, do you want to let you ask for tea?"

The taunting color of Yang Yu’s face.

"Yang Yu, you don't have to be arrogant. When I kill Jiang Chen, I will fight with you."

Yun Tianzun released his words.


Yang Yu did not have any fear at all.

"let's go."

Yun Tianzun’s big sleeve waved, and the people with the big cloud empire left directly. They wanted to use the other forces to attack the Dagan Empire. Now it’s only his own, and it doesn’t make much sense to stay.

"Father, it seems that we have a battle with the Big Cloud Empire. It is inevitable."

Yang Bufan said.

"Well, extraordinary, fighting with the Big Cloud Empire is an opportunity for you to establish a majesty."

Yang Yu took a shot of Yang's shoulder and then turned and left.

Yang Bufan’s eyes flashed two cold awns. He understood the meaning of Yang Yu’s words. He wanted to control the empire in the future. If he wanted to be an emperor, he must have enough means and achievements to surrender, and fight with the Great Cloud Empire. His best chance.

The Dagan Empire was originally a huge crisis. It was directly resolved by Yang Yu with a strong attitude. A real emperor must be able to set off the fate of an empire at a critical moment. Yang Yu is undoubtedly a qualified emperor.

The crisis of the Dagan Empire was lifted, but the crisis of Jiang Chen has just begun.

After the return of the eight forces, they immediately issued the ultimate killing order. The killing order was like a whirlwind, spreading the entire East Xuan domain at the fastest speed, including what happened in the Golden Killing Field, and it was also spread instantly. Jiang Chenhe The reputation of Long XIII, no one knows no one in a day, has become the strongest wanted criminal in history.

Now it is only the eight major forces. Next, I am afraid that Xianting will also participate. It is said that Jiang Chen and Long XIII have become the strongest wanted criminals. They are all too much. In the history of the entire fairyland, in addition to these two people, who still has such treatment. .

"My God, the eight major forces of Dong Xuan Tian also issued the killing order at the same time. This is the first time in the world. This Jiang Chen has done something that is both angry and angry, and angered the eight forces to fight him."

"You still don't know. Jiang Chen killed a lot of talents of the eight major forces in the killing of gold, so that the eight forces lost a lot. When the eight forces suffered such a large loss, they naturally killed Jiang Chen."

"I heard that Jiang Chen killed thousands of talents this time. Even the geniuses of the three emperors have been killed. It is simply against the sky. Look, this matter has just begun. I am afraid that Xianting will participate. Scary, terrible."

"The world is in chaos, the entire East Xuan domain, not right, is the whole of the fairyland, it will change."


[Thanks, don't give up the brothers to reward, become the ninth lord of this book, today's five more, count the morning to make up a total of six more. 】

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