Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1687: Billion miles of pressure on the spread [three more]

The world is in chaos, and the masters of all major forces have been dispatched. In order to kill the same person here, this is the first time in the history of the East Xuan domain. Jiang Chen and Long XIII are completely famous, no one is shocked, the size Between the forces, the streets and alleys, the topics discussed are Jiang Chen and Long XIII. The most powerful wanted criminals have almost become two legends, which are full of praise.

"The achievements of the First World War have killed so many genius characters and made a name for themselves. If this happens to me, even if it is caught and killed by the Eight Forces, it will be worth it in this life."

"Life is alive, and I am eager to make some vigorous things, either vigorous or vigorous, or a fierce death. Like Jiang Chen, I will not go to this world, even if he is dead, it will go down in history. To make future generations awe."

"Yes, this is the miracle of the younger generation. It is the idol of countless young people's dreams. When born as a man, it is like Jiang Chen, doing things that others can't do, and dare not do."


Jiang Chen’s name has become an idol of countless people. Those who practice are not half-blooded. Sometimes they are often motivated. If they can’t do it, it means that they can’t hope for it. If they don’t, they can achieve it. After the things that I long for are realized by others, the figure of that person will become extremely tall and unattainable in my own heart.

The masters of the eight major forces have been dispatched. The search for Jiang Chen in the world is all the masters of Xianzun. Even the half-step Xianzun can only guard the mountain in Zongmen. Although the eight forces are bent on killing Jiang Chen, they also know Jiang. The horror of dust, or the horror of the sun **** feathers, even the half-step fairy genius of Xianting could not stand the attack of the sun **** feathers. The people under the fairy statues shot, they all died, to Jiang Chen’s The level of ferocity, once met, will never leave.

On the following day, the northern powers of the North, the South Xuan domain, the West Xuan domain, the three major powers of the big forces began to appear in the land of the East Xuan domain, with the increasing number of these masters, the East Xuan domain is more chaotic, this It’s the whole thing in the fairyland. Xianting hasn’t shot yet, and the movement is already so big.

The vast Dongxu domain is vast and hundreds of miles wide. At this moment, there is a strong pressure everywhere in the sky. People are worried, and some people hide in their own places of residence.

There are too many masters, too many fairy statues, and the gods are criss-crossing in the void. It seems that the masters of all major forces are preparing to turn the whole Dong Xuan domain over and over again, and also to Jiang Chen and Long XIII. find out.

However, Jiang Chen and Long XIII seem to have completely disappeared from this world. The masters of all major forces are busy and hot, and they have not found out the two, even a monkey hair has not been found.

Deep in the void, in the gap between the space, a figure is like a dragon, and it is Jiang Chen.

Space is cracked, this is the place where Xianzun master can't touch it. Only Jiang Chen, who controls the big void, can walk freely, just like a leisurely step.

Jiang Chen’s face is full of sadness. He has not considered what happened outside, nor has he thought about his situation. This is not the first time he has experienced the world.

Jiang Chen’s mood is very heavy now. He looked at the sun **** feathers in his hands, and thought of the rhythm when he left.

Now, the smoke in the morning is buried in the fairy, and I don’t know where to go. The dance bamboo has entered the remains of the Qindi Qindi, and it has not come out of the gold. The big yellow dog has entered the legendary big mirror, Jiang Chen. Suddenly became a lonely man, he is used to loneliness, but afraid of loneliness, it is not the same feeling, some people never get, so lonely, that is called habit.

Some people once owned, and once they lost, they will be especially lonely.

Jiang Chen now belongs to the latter. He has a heavy heart. This once the first saint of the world, once the ancestors of the world, is now entangled in countless problems.

Too many questions, too many secrets, Jiang Chen knows nothing.

"Why is the light rain in the funeral fairy? Is it a light rain in the funeral fairy, if not, then where is the light rain now? If so, what is the relationship between her and the king of the celestial being, the **** rhubarb, Leave a bunch of questions and leave."

Jiang Chen shook his head. Before the rhubarb was by his side, it was full of mystery. He seemed to know everything. Jiang Chen was not in a hurry. He felt that when he arrived, the rhubarb would tell him everything, but now the rhubarb is gone, Jiang Chen suddenly has a bit I don't know how to go next.

It turned out that I had a sense of dependence on the dog, and it was a spiritual dependence.

"What happened to the golden family in the past? Why did the big war not see the enemy's face? What is the significance of the image left by the big mirror? Is it a warning to future generations? Who is the last juvenile demon? Why is it so touched by rhubarb, is that the deity of rhubarb?"

Too many questions, too many questions, Jiang Chen thoughts thousands, long time can not calm down, he once omnipotent, suddenly felt that he is so small.

I don’t want to understand it. In the end, Jiang Chen simply stopped thinking about it. His attention began to focus on the dragon. Before the gold was killed, the dragon had already shown signs of evolution, killing the dragon. The shadows have appeared, but it is a pity that Jiang Chen still can't master the way to kill, and the dragon has once again quieted down, there is no sign of change.

Jiang Chen knows that it is because killing is not enough, and it is not enough to stimulate the transformation of the dragon.

"I have been in the space for so long, I don't know what happened outside, go out and see."

Jiang Chen locked in one direction, found an exit in the space crack, and the body flew out when he swayed. He converges and uses the ancestral tower to completely cover his breath. In his current situation, walking in the crowd is the most common. A mortal one, the masters of all major forces want to find him is extremely difficult.

Just out of the gap between the space, Jiang Chen felt the powerful pressure in the void, and his face immediately.

"The immortal board, so many masters, Dong Xuanyu brought so many masters of Xianzong, it seems that the other three major players have come, really can afford to see Laozi."

Jiang Chen mouth overflowed with a smile, with his cleverness, naturally can guess why there are so many masters in the East Xuan domain, it is obviously directed at himself.

Later, Jiang Chen’s gaze looked into the distance, and muttered to himself: “I have to worry about it, and then come back and stir up the heavens and the earth.”

After that, Jiang Chen showed a big void and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

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