Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1690: Respect for the teacher

Seeing that the old devil wants to escape, Jiang Chen’s mouth is also overflowing with a smile. A small person in the middle of the immortal, if he escapes from his own hands, it is a shame for Jiang Chen, Jiang Chen is not Will make this shame happen.

Jiang Chen’s big hand gently grabbed the void, and the old demon’s body had just entered the space and half of it had already been stunned, and Jiang Chen gave it to the students.

"There is still no end, why are you so anxious to leave."

Jiang Chen laughed.

"Well, this seat has been planted today, boy, what do you want to end up?"

The old devil said, but at this time, he also had to give in. After all, people under the roof had to bow their heads. The young man was too strong. He was not an opponent at all. The force is not in the same grade.

Since I debuted, I have never suffered such a large humiliation and loss. Because of my identity, whoever gives me a little face, even if I am doing too much, the other party is too angry to speak. Today is undoubtedly Turning over the ship in the gutter, planted in the hands of a small boy, has lost an arm, which makes the old devil depressed to the extreme.

"Nature is blood and blood, you kill someone, then leave your life, isn't that reasonable?"

Jiang Chen said in an understatement.


The old devil was first stunned, directly suspecting that his ears were wrong, and then he laughed: "I don't know if I am wrong? You dare to kill me? Do you know who I am?"

"The corpse of the corpse."

Jiang Chen looked at the old devil with great interest. He was really curious about the identity of the old demon. Hearing the tone of the other party, it seems that he really has a small identity.

The old devil's smile came to an abrupt end, and it was incredible to look at Jiang Chen: "Do you know the corpse yin? It would be great, let me tell you, this seat is the younger brother of the old man, you dare to kill me, you all day Yunge has to be buried together."

"The younger brother of the old man, it seems that I really can't kill you."

Jiang Chen’s light trembled. I didn’t expect to catch a big fish today. If this guy changed his identity, he would die immediately, but since it’s the younger brother of the old man, he’s really not willing to kill it, isn’t it? What a pity.

"Kid, you know each other, if you kneel down to give your seat to the head, bow down to the seat and then contribute to this mountain gate, this seat may bypass thousands of orders from your Tianyun Pavilion."

The old demon determined that Jiang Chen began to be afraid. After all, in the East Xuan domain, his fame is nothing, but the reputation of the old man is enough to make people feel horrible, plus the horrible acting and style of the corpse. Not afraid.

"What I don't understand is how a corpse old man can have such a waste of a younger brother."

Jiang Chen shook his head. This is indeed a doubt. He must know that the old man of the corpse is the lord of the corpse, and it is already in the middle of Xianzun. His younger brother is not good at all, at least half a step. Xianzun, it turned out to be a mid-Emperor, and this guy is not in the East Xuan domain, running to the front line to destroy the rules, it seems that it is not aggressive.

"what did you say?"

The old devil's face is cold, but he dares not move. He is not a fool. He knows that he is definitely not the opponent of this young man.

"It seems that you don't know anything about the gold killing. I don't kill you. It doesn't mean that I want to let you go. I might make you die."

Jiang Chen said, suddenly slammed out the palm of his hand, and a sly fall on the head of the old devil, a ray of fire along the head of the old devil directly into his body.


The old devil screamed and screamed. He only felt hot. He seemed to be a fire dragon in the body. He wanted to burn him all. The fire of the sun destroyed his meridians and destroyed his sea. A minute of time. Let the old demon become a waste person.

"You, you, you abolished me, you actually abolished me, ah"

The old devil is heartbreaking, a master of the mid-prefecture of the Emperor, Yaowu Yangwei used to it, noble habits, once it is abolished, it seems to fall from the top of the pyramid, and fell into the deep soil, this life is restless Climb out again, the feeling that ordinary people can't understand and understand, that is the real life is not as good as death.

"Kill me, kill me soon."

The old devil is crazy, he feels that he has no courage to continue to live, and what it is like to live like this.

"Hey! Falling into the hands of my Jiang Chen, it’s hard to die, waiting to meet your brother."

Jiang Chen made several bans and blocked the old demon, so that he didn't even have the chance to commit suicide. Then he threw it and threw the old devil into the ancestral tower.

"The head is really more and more horrible."

An elder said that everyone’s eyes on Jiang Chen are full of respect. Jiang Chen’s growth is not what they can imagine. Today, if Jiang Chen’s key moment comes back, Tianyun’s up and down may really be The old devil is clean to kill.

"How did the dust come back suddenly? Is it difficult to calculate the Tianyun Pavilion?"

Tianjizi said with a smile, and now solves the crisis of Tianyun Pavilion, and the mood of everyone has become extremely easy.

"Master, I am here to heal your wounds. It just happens that this old demon is going to be unfavorable to Tianyun Pavilion, so I will pack it up."

Jiang Chen said that although he couldn’t cultivate because of the Japanese machine, he was still alive and well, and he was relieved.

"What? Dust, you, can you heal my injury?"

Tianjizi was a little unbelievable. He was very excited at the moment, and even his speech began to tremble. He was very clear about his injuries. In fact, he had already been desperate. He could not recover any hopes one day.

Today, Jiang Chen came back and said that he was helping himself to heal his injuries. If he did not say it from Jiang Chenkou, he would not believe it at all.

"Yes master, I have a way to get you back."

Jiang Chen smiled.

"Okay, okay, dust, even if the teacher can't recover, you have this heart, and the teacher has comforted him."

Tianjizi is very excited, and his eyes are a little red. Compared with Ouyang He, he is lucky. His eyes are better than Ouyang He, and Tianmu Yun and Jiang Chen are not comparable.

"Respecting the teacher, paying attention to the righteousness, I am fortunate in Tianyun Pavilion."

The Yufeng Dao people took a beard and looked at Jiang Chen’s eyes full of appreciation. When Jiang Chen left, the Yufeng Taoist did not think that the other party would come back again. The ghosts like Jiang Chen would fly very high and far away. After all, Tianyun Pavilion is only one stop he passed, but Jiang Chen is still back, indicating that there is still his concern here. Nowadays, there are not many young people who respect the teacher and pay attention to it.

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