Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1692: Killing

Walking in the void, such as leisurely steps, such as 谪仙缥缈, the world is big, the heavens and the world, anywhere can go, the space is cracked, the void is turbulent, the world barrier, nothing can hinder, this is the big void Surgery.

It is rumored that the big emptiness is cultivated to the extreme, and it can be carried out in different worlds. At that level, Jiang Chen can't imagine, he just learned a little fur of the big emptiness, if he can control the big emptiness like the Nether Emperor I am afraid that the world laws of the fairy world cannot suppress themselves. Jiang Chen can leave the fairy world at any time and return to the Shengyuan continent.

Of course, this is based on the cultivation of the Great Void to the extreme, in the current state of Jiang Chen, or not at all.

When a person is alone, his thoughts can't help but be chaotic. Just like now, Jiang Chen can't help but think of the big yellow dog, think of everything that happened in the golden killing field, think of the scene inside the big mirror, think of the secret of the golden family, think of the wild Ancient place this place.

"Where is the ancient land, where is it?"

Jiang Chen’s eyebrows, the rhubarb dog left a message to himself, and let him go to the barren ancient land to save him. This makes Jiang Chen very worried. You must know that the character of the rhubarb dog is rarely said to save the word. Since Jiang Chen is going to save, it means that there are definitely things that the big yellow dog can't cope with in the wild.

"I don't think about these unrealistic things right now, and I don't know if I don't know what the wilderness is. Even if I know it, I can't help Jiang Chen with my current cultivation. I am now. It is imperative to upgrade your cultivation as soon as possible."

Jiang Chen’s nephew flashed a stern look. It’s better to think too much than anything else. Nothing is important. Whether it’s to save the river dust and the morning rain, or to cope with the situation, Jiang Chen needs strong strength. Now that he is a worldly enemy, he must improve his cultivation as soon as possible.

"I want to promote the Emperor, I must change the dragons and understand the way to kill. Now the killing ancestors in the depths of the soul are once again silent. It seems that my killing is not enough. If so, then come and kill again. By killing the heart and killing the way to kill, thus stimulating the transformation of the dragon, as long as the dragon has changed, I can directly impact the realm of the emperor."

Jiang Chen’s body once again showed the disappearance of killing. In order to transform the dragon, he must continue to do something.

In the East Xuan domain, there are statues of Xianzun everywhere. In addition to the masters of the eight major forces in the East Xuan domain, the other three major domains of Xianzong masters have also appeared. The entire East Xuan domain is like a big net, as long as Jiang Chen Jumping in, you will definitely not go out.

Over the emptiness of the mountains, a strong fairy, the master of the early face of the solemn, he hovered in the sky, the whole body is a trembling airflow vortex, his gods cover tens of thousands of miles, to search this piece, find out The shadow of Jiang Chen comes.

This is an elder of the North and South family, a face of the mighty, powerful master of the Xianzun, high on the top, will not appear on weekdays, but now for a Jiang Chen, but take the initiative to show up.

Just as the old man constantly used the gods to sweep, a figure appeared silently, not far away. The appearance of this figure, even a wave of space fluctuations brought out, quiet is terrible, just like ghosts, no A trace of the trace can be found.

"You are looking for me?"

When the people spoke, the old man trembled, and Huo’s turn turned to look at it. He saw a young man in white standing in the air, holding a golden feather in his hand.

"Sun God, you are Jiang Chen?"

The old man directly exclaimed, and did not say that he has already controlled the breath of Jiang Chen. The sun **** feather alone is the biggest symbol of Jiang Chen. Under the universal sky, the one who controls the sun **** feathers is alone.

However, the old man was shocked that Jiang Chen could appear silently and not far away, and he did not notice it at all. This is undoubtedly a terrible thing. You must know that you are a master of Xianzun, and its perception is amazing. Nothing can escape from his own perceptions, and any fluctuations in the void will be perceived by him, so he has no way to be surprised.

"It seems that the big void technique is really worthy of the name, and it can escape the deception of the deity."

The old man said with a gloomy tone that he is not a fool. He knows that Jiang Chen is proficient in big emptiness, so he can escape his own perception, and Jiang Chen appears so, and the old man understands that there are so many sages in the East Xuan domain. Dust, no use of a little fart, control of the dust of the big void, even if they walked in front of them, I am afraid I can not find it.

However, after the shock, the old man’s face began to show excitement. After all, the purpose of his coming out this time was for Jiang Chen, who is now met and naturally excited.

"Which power are you, I don't want to kill the unknown people, especially to kill a master, or know that I am better."

Jiang Chen said, this is his first confrontation with Xianzun master. In any case, the other side as a fairy respect, he still has to respect some.

If Jiang Chen’s cultivation is in the face of the early masters of Xianzun, I am afraid that I will turn my head and leave. It’s not a half-point opponent, but now he has a sun **** in his hand, and even Zhang Yulang’s half-step fairy genius can Fighting will kill, to kill an elder in the early days of Xianzun, it is easy to think of it. After all, the character like Zhang Yulang, even if the real combat power is not comparable to the beginning of a fairy, but it is not much worse.

Jiang Chen, who has the sun **** in his hand, I am afraid that only the master of the mid-south of the Xianzun can compete with it.

"Haha, arrogant boy, thinking that you can ignore everything with the sun **** feathers? It seems that you don't know the horror of Xianzun. If you hand over the sun **** feathers and follow me to the north and south families, maybe you will let You die a bit fast."

The old man of the North and South family laughed twice. This is the joke that he has heard the best laugh in his life. A half-step fairy king threatened to kill himself in front of himself. This is not funny.

The old man looked at the sun **** in the hands of Jiang Chen. He couldn’t help but reveal a trace of greed. He felt that it was his own creation to let himself meet Jiang Chen. It was God’s gift to himself, because he only killed Jiang Chen. The sun **** feather is its own, with the sun **** feather, after his own status in the entire East Xuan domain, that is supreme.

"It turned out to be a person from the North and the South. It is very good. Since you want the sun **** feathers, then see if you can stand it."

Jiang Chen said that the sun **** feathers have quickly rushed toward the old man.

[The remaining two are 12 points. 】

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