Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1693: Xianzun also has a doomsday

To kill the people of the North and the South, Jiang Chen will not be a little bit soft. Now Jiang Chen, what is needed is killing, and constantly shooting, the higher the level of killing, the better, the stronger the hatred, the better now. Xuanyu has so many masters of Xianzun, all of them are to kill themselves. Jiang Chen’s shots naturally cannot have any politeness, which is in line with the killing of Hualong.

The sun **** feathers are too horrible, the flames are diffused, and the vanity is immediately blocked. The squares are turned into a sea of ​​fire, and the void is torn into pieces. The **** feather itself turns into a sword, which appears in the blink of an eye. Above the old man's head.


The elder of the North and South family exclaimed, his face changed suddenly, and an extremely dangerous atmosphere rose from his heart. It was the taste of death. As a powerful master, this is the first time in his life that he felt dead. It’s so close to yourself.


A horrible sword immediately appeared in the hands of the old man. In the face of the strong sun god, he did not dare to be a little slow, all the energy gathered all over the sword, resisting the sun.


The sword and the sun **** feather collided. The two sides seem to be not at the same level. The elders of the north and south family made a scream and scream. The whole person was bombed out, and the sword in his hand was released. Jiang Chen’s big hand Grab, take the sword in the hands, this is a powerful sage of the sage, the value is high, as a trophy, Jiang Chen naturally wants to collect it.

The parents of the North and the South were beaten hundreds of feet, and the flesh was cracked by the cracks. The mouth was squirting blood, like a fountain.

I have to say that the master of Xianzun is the master of Xianzun, and he is not killed by the strong attack of the sun god.

The elders of the North and South family were shocked and frightened. They did not collide with the sun **** feathers. They would never understand how terrible the sun **** feathers were. Unfortunately, when he knew it, it was already late.

Jiang Chen never gave the enemy any chance. Almost at that old man, he had just stabilized his body. Jiang Chen came to the old man in the same way, and the sun **** became a sharp sword, once again smashed the past.

"Do not"

The old man made a scream and scream, and he was a master of the sacred, and he did not even have the chance to escape. This is a very sad thing in itself.


The sun **** feathers smashed the old man's head, but at the moment before the old man died, he crushed a magical symbol that he did not know when he was out.

"Is it a letter?"

The corner of Jiang Chen’s mouth overflowed with a hint of lightness, grabbing the head of the old man and letting go.

"Jiang Chen appeared."

Tens of thousands of miles away, there is a master of Xianzun who feels the broken of the charm. The momentum immediately trembles and comes to the side. At the same time, at least there are no more than a dozen Xianzun masters, not to mention the distance of tens of thousands of miles. It is a million distances, and for the powerful Xianzun, it is also reached in a flash.

Almost in the front of Jiang Chen, there are more than a dozen powerful masters in the back foot, many of whom are masters of the North and South family. After all, the letter of the letter is also made by the North and the South.

Unfortunately, although their movements were very fast, they were still a slow one. When they arrived, they saw a headless body lying under the mountain. There was a trace of the dust and shadow of Jiang Chen.

"Big brother."

An old man saw a headless body and suddenly burst into tears. His eyes were red, his teeth were gnashing his teeth, and he said: "Jiang Chen, the deity wants to break you down."

"Jiang Chen certainly did not go far, everyone is chasing after."

"Be careful. Now it seems that the sun **** in the hands of Jiang Chen has the power to kill the masters of Xianzun. The messengers in our hands are connected. Once you find the traces of Jiang Chen, don't fight with them. Immediately crush the messenger."

Someone shouted, seeing the headless body, everyone's mood can not help but heavy, they know that they have underestimated the strength of Jiang Chen, or to look down on the power and lethality of the sun **** feather, in other words Jiang Chen now has the strength to kill the masters of Xianzun, and everyone must be careful.

The news that Xianzun was killed was quickly spread, adding a dignity to the already tense atmosphere. No one would have thought that Jiang Chen would dare to take the initiative at this time, and he would kill a fairy. Respecting the master, this is a big uproar caused by the East Xuan domain, it is too big.

"Jiang Chen appeared. This guy is really daring. Nowadays, so many masters are looking for him. He should hide it. Now he is taking the initiative. This guts, except for Jiang Chen, I am afraid there is no one."

"This river dust is too horrible, and it has killed a fairy **** of the north and south family. But it is Xianzun, grandma's, killing and killing, is this still worth it? This is going against the sky."

"It’s not that Jiang Chen is very powerful. It’s the sun **** feathers are too powerful. The **** feathers that are stripped from the golden lupin fan are not generally strong. Xianzun can’t stand it. It’s just my doubt that Jiang Chen’s half-step emperor’s repair Therefore, it is possible to display the full power of the sun **** feathers. If this does not happen, I will not believe in killing."

"To change the day, Xianzun is dead. I heard that Jiang Chen has mastered the big emptiness, and there is no trace to go. There is no trace of it. So many Xianzun can't find him. I guess Jiang Chen. Will be shot again, Dong Xuan domain to be completely chaotic."

No one is not surprised, no one thinks that Jiang Chen will take the initiative to attack, so that the situation in the East Xuan domain will really be chaotic.

Deep in the space, after killing a master of immortality, the killing of Jiang Chen’s body is even more intense. The shadow of the murderous ancestors in the depths of the soul reappears, driving Jiang Chen to continue killing.

"Kill, can't stop, this time you have to work hard until the dragon changes."

Jiang Chen bit his teeth. He knows that his current situation is very dangerous, but it is also very exciting. Under this trend of stimulation and killing, Jiang Chen is ready to shoot again.

Above the wilderness, four and a half steps of the celestial master stood on the sky. They were masters from the South Xuan domain. The faces of the four men were extremely dignified and looked at different directions.

"Everyone is careful. The Jiang Chen has the strength to kill the early Xianzun. If we encounter it, we must not fight it. We directly use the letter to call the master."

Someone spoke up.


However, his voice just fell, a golden light carrying a simmering flame, smashed out from the inside of the void, the master of the talk did not even have a chance to react, the head was directly smashed.

"Not good, Jiang Chen appeared, and quickly spread the letter."

The first one responded, and the three also shredded the messenger in their hands.

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