Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1700: The death of the dragon thirteen

"kill him!"

The old man of the corpse smashed up, and the huge movements here attracted too many masters of the celestial masters. There were hundreds of them, and the prisoners of the dragons and thirteen were trapped in them. This is a deadly game. Jiang Chen personally appeared, I am afraid I can't escape.

There are seven or eight masters in the middle of Xianzun. At least the heads of the eight major forces of Dong Xuanyu have come, one by one.

The old man in the corpse of the corpse appeared in the hands of a gloomy blade, and smashed toward the dragon.

The iron rod appeared in the hands of the dragon thirteen, the dragon thirteen incarnation was violent, and then the powerful opponents dared to fight back. The sharp edges of the iron rod and the old man in the dead body collided with each other, and the void was instantly torn.


The dragon thirteen was spurted by the mouth of the earthquake. After all, the corpse yin was the master of the immortal mid-term. The dragon thirteen was only the late emperor, and even the half-step fairy was not, it was not the master of the corpse. The opponent, the old man of the sinister anger, the dragon thirteen can not die, is enough to be proud.

"The old man, don't kill him."

One voice sounded, and it was not someone else who spoke. It was the patriarch of the North and South family that was from north to south.


The aging old man looked angry at the North and South Taisheng.

"Using this person to attract Jiang Chen, this is an opportunity for us. As long as he is in his hands, Jiang Chen will definitely appear. Otherwise, Jiang Chen, who has cultivated the big emptiness, once evaded, we simply look for it. Not enough."

North and South Taisheng said.

"Yes, the North and South patriarchs said that Jiang Chen is the real big disaster. It is too much threat to us. With this dragon thirteen, Jiang Chen does not appear. As long as he appears, he will not hesitate to pay for the price. The dust is wiped out."

Yunyun Zun, the emperor of the Great Cloud Empire, said that the words of the North and South Taisheng are very reasonable.

"Jiang Chen is going to die, Dragon 13 is also going to die, this seat has killed Dragon XIII, and his body is still attracting Jiang Chen."

The old man’s murder is determined to be determined, and it seems that it will not be changed. He said that the sharp blade in his hand once again killed the dragon thirteen.

"Yes, killing Dragon Thirteen, using his body to attract Jiang Chen, this monkey is covered with the blood of our powerful genius disciples, and definitely can't let him live."

Huang Quan’s ancestors also said with sorrow, his body swayed, and the old man was killed at the same time.

The masters of the two great immortals in the middle of the period, how the dragon 13 itself has been hurt can resist.


The void was completely imprisoned by countless immortals. The dragon thirteen had no counterattack force. The sharp blade of the old man of the corpse was inserted into the dragon thirteen **** and pierced his heart. The two sharp fingers of Huang Quan’s ancestors were Piercing the eyes of Dragon Thirteen, directly destroying his eyes.

The old man of the corpse was extremely fierce, and the sharp blade in his hand exudes a horrible breath, shattering the internal organs of the dragon thirteen, and he took him above the sharp edge.

The body of Dragon Thirteen squirmed a few times, and there was no sound at all. The iron rod in his hand seemed to be spiritual, and he disappeared and disappeared. He did not know where to go.

"Did you die? Hey! It’s a pity. A generation of geniuses, a Taikoo war spirit, is dead like this. If the dragon thirteen does not die, it will inevitably become a big man in the future."

"It’s no use to say that so much. It’s blame to blame him for being too powerful. But the death of the Dragon 13 is also worth it. Before the death, he also pulled two sage masters."

"Dragon thirteen is dead, but things are far from over. These big forces are afraid to use the body of Dragon Thirteen to attract Jiang Chen. It is so shameless."

"That is, the big forces are really a little bit of a face, using such a mean and shameless means."


Many people are sighing, Dragon 13 is dead, this peerless enchanting, destined to be a short-lived, and the major forces to use the dragon thirteen bodies to attract Jiang Chen's behavior, but also shameless, but the major forces are also wronged Very, they are all people who want to face, but if there is a way, they will not adopt this extreme means, but now they have not taken care of it so much. It is really not important to compare the face with killing Jiang Chen.

"Send a message to Jiang Chen one day, one day later, if he does not appear, destroy the body of Dragon Thirteen."

The corpse yin old man said loudly, and then hanged the body of Dragon Thirteen on the sky, completely following the practice of Jiang Dust.

The dragon thirteen is suspended in the high sky, and the body is still flowing with blood. The eyes have been completely abolished, and the eyes of the fire can no longer reproduce the glory of the sun.

There are powerful masters of great immortality everywhere. They are waiting for the appearance of Jiang Chen. They believe that the feelings of Jiang Chen and Long XIII will definitely appear. As long as Jiang Chen appears, it will definitely die.

Exquisite and blessed!

Lan Lingji was emotionally excited and flew away from the mountain gate, but was stopped by Linglong Xianzun.

"Master, I am going to save the thirteen brothers."

Lan Lingji is saddened.

"Dragon thirteen is dead, and it is useless to go."

Linglong Xianzun said, she looks like she is in her thirties, she is dressed in a jade robes, and she carries a kind of ceremonial brilliance between the eyebrows, giving a feeling of glory and glory. The exquisite fairy is very beautiful and proud. The human body is a mature taste, and such a woman is destined to look up.

"No, the thirteen brothers will not die, he will not fight."

Lan Lingji shed tears in her eyes. She did not believe that Dragon 13 would die. Even if it had become a fact, she still refused to accept it.

"Accept the reality, the enemy camp is too strong, we can't do anything."

Ling Yan Xianzun is also full of helplessness, she has the heart to help, but also has a lot of concerns with Yang Yu, for the death of Dragon Thirteen, she expressed great regret.

For a long time, Lan Lingji recovered. She looked up at Linglong Xianzun and said in a pleading tone: "Master, let me go and see him."

Regardless of life or death, Lan Ling Ji will go to see the last side of the Dragon 13, even if it is only a long look.

"Oh! Ok, I will show you there."

Linglong Xianzun sighed and disappeared with Lan Lingji.

Big dry empire, genius house!

Han Yan and the monk also got the news. The old man and the ancestors of Huang Quan killed the dragon thirteen. Now they want to use the body of the dragon thirteen to attract the river dust. The death of the dragon thirteen makes the cold and monk fall into anger. The state, the whole person can not calm down.

"What now? Can't let the monkey's body hang there."

Han Yan said with a bite.

"Amitabha, A Yan, first wait, the little dust will definitely appear, the monkey's hatred, will certainly report, this big force is playing with fire, they are angering Jiang Chen, angering a terrible beast."

The monk can't keep compassion anymore. If he doesn't know his own shot, it will not help. He and Han Yan have already rushed out.

Dragon Thirteen is dead, everyone thinks so, but in fact, the dragon 13 that cultivated the vocabulary is really easy to die? A powerful battle dragon, a rare Taikoo war spirit, may not be so good to kill.

[Today's two more, tomorrow's five more. 】

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