Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1701: Grief and Ghost [One more]

There is a saying that the black cloud is under pressure in the book. Now it is directly the top of the black cloud. The top of each person, the top of the whole world, the sky above the East Xuan domain, there are black clouds everywhere, it is the anger and the enthusiasm The pressure adds a sense of doom to the whole world, and the hearts of the people tremble.

On the distant sky, the dragon thirteen was suspended like this, and the blood had already flown away. He became a monkey with only one person high, and the golden hair on his body became dim, and there was no vitality and breath on his body. Countless Xianzong masters surrounded his body, and the sky was filled with a bleak taste.

Linglong Xianzun with the blue Ling Ji, standing in the extreme distance, facing each other.

"Thirteen brothers."

Lan Ling Ji smashed up, the voices became hoarse, tears and rain, she wanted to rush over in desperation, even if it was jade, even if it could not be born, we must die together.

"Ling Ji."

Linglong Xianzun firmly controls Lan Lingji, and does not let Lan Lingji do stupid things. Now all major forces are in anger, especially the old man and the North and South Taisheng. Anyone who wants to play the thirteenth idea They will be regarded as enemies by them. If Lan Lingji rushes up, it is 100% fatal.

"no, do not want……"

The beautiful face of Lan Lingji has been painfully distorted. A generation of saints, at the moment, is crying regardless of the image, tearing heartbreaking, crying earth-shattering.

Although Lan Lingji and Long XIII met each other soon, they were deeply in love. From the 13th day of the Dragon, Lan Lingji was rescued from the black wolf. His shadow was firmly imprinted on the heart of Lan Lingji.

A proud woman may never look at her own pursuers. They are cold and arrogant. They feel that no man in the world can deserve a noble self, but the more such a saint, once the psychological defense is broken, Feelings are out of control.

"You said that you want to come to me with exquisite blessings. I have been waiting for you! Dragon Thirteen, why did you fall down like this, are you not claiming to be invincible?"

Lan Ling Ji squatted down, so he squatted in the void, arms around his shoulders, constantly shaking and sobbing.


Linglong Xianzun sighed, Lan Lingji was she looked at growing up, as if she was out, as a daughter, and seeing the pain of Lan Lingji, how her heart feels good.

At this time, two figures appeared beside them, but Hua Guyi and Hua Xiaoqian came. Looking at the grief of the Blue Ling Ji, Hua Xiaoqian was also a sad face. She looked up and floated in the sky. The lonely figure on the heart, the heart can not calm down for a long time, he will not forget what happened in the ancient city, she will not forget who saved herself and the life of a group of sisters from Yan Yulong.

The man who is like a god, the invincible Taikoo war spirit, is proud of everything, and today it is so tragic, which makes Hua Xiaoqian unacceptable.

"The grace of the dragon son has not been reported, and there are two people."

Hua Xiaoqian also showed a tear in his eyes.

When Huagu looked at Linglong Xianzun, he said, "If you join me, I don't know if I can take the body of Long XIII back."

"Try it."

Linglong Xianzun’s eyes shot two cold awns, and they all felt that they owe the humanity of Dragon Thirteen. They couldn’t bear to watch the body of Dragon Thirteen hanging here.

"Do not be impulsive."

Just then, a voice sounded, Yang Yu did not know when it appeared next to them.

"Yang Yu, Jiang Chen is the person of your big empire, don't you have to contribute?"

Linglong Xianzun said.

"Do you think you don't want it? Jiang Chen is the most genius disciple of the cherished genius. He will be able to raise my empire's national prestige in the future. But in the eyes of this scene, even if we have three joint hands, what can we do? If I am Yang Yu, I am alone. Even if you fight with them, you will not be out of the way, but unfortunately I am not, you are not, and now the big forces involved are not only the eight forces, but the whole of the three fields, what can we do together? They are at the end of the wrath, or they will not kill Dragon 13 directly. If we take the shot at this time, we will only find an excuse for them to deal with us. If the major forces join forces to destroy us, I believe them. Many people will be very happy. The eight forces are now angry and depressed. There is no place to scatter. You are now giving them a place to suffocate and give them a reason to find them. At the end of the three forces, you can not consider it for yourself, but you should also consider the lives of thousands of disciples."

Yang Yu said coldly.

Wen Yan said that Ling Yu Xian Zun and Hua Gu all stopped. Yang Yu’s words are facts. They want to shoot, but they seem to be powerless. As Yang Yu said, even if the three of them join hands, they will not be able to **** the dragon. The corpse of the thirteenth will instead give the major forces the opportunity to unite to kill them. In that case, for the three major forces, it is the disaster of extinction.

"Don't we look at the body of Dragon Thirteen like this?"

Linglong Xianzun Emei.

"Don't worry, there is still one day, Jiang Chen will definitely appear."

Yang Yudao.

"Are you so sure?"

A flower valley.

"Of course, Jiang Chen is a person who is passionate and righteous. You should not underestimate Jiang Chen. This is a fierce tiger. It is a beast. Once the beast is provoked with anger, it is very terrible. The major forces have killed the dragon. He also used his body to ask for help. This has touched the bottom line of Jiang Chen. You wait and see, angering a beast, the fairy world, and will never be calm again."

Yang Yu said that his evaluation of Jiang Chen is too high.

"But even if Jiang Chen appears, I am afraid it will not help. He just relies on the big emptiness and the sun **** feathers. But nowadays, even if Jiang Chen takes the sun **** feathers over, I am afraid I will not save the dragon thirteen. I will also bring myself in. If Jiang Chen is not a fool, it should not appear."

Together with Huagu, he has not seen Jiang Chen, and he does not understand Jiang Chen, so he will say such a thing.

"Jiang Chen will definitely appear. He will not watch the body of Thirteen being destroyed here."

A voice rang from behind, it was Han Yan and others. No one knows Jiang Chen better than him. In order to repair his broken arm, Jiang Chen did not hesitate to get recycled lotus.

Yang Yu said yes, this big force is angering a beast. Once the beasts are dispatched, they will bite and bite.

However, looking at the camp there, the monks and Han Yan and Yang Bufan could not help but worry about it. This situation is really too difficult.

[Seeing that a brother said that I wrote Dragon Thirteen, it seems that I did not read the text carefully. 】

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