Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1702: Anger Jiang Chen [two more]

"Just, if small dust appears, how to deal with the front of the scene and the scene."

Yang Bufan’s face is a worrying color.

"Do not worry, the small dust has experienced all the big winds and waves. It is still intact, I believe he must have a way, the bodies of the thirteenth will not be destroyed by them."

Han Yan said that he had known the time with Jiang Chen for the longest time. He met when he was in Qizhou. Until then, Xuan Yimen, Jiang Chen came along, and created a miracle. He and the monk There is an inexplicable belief in Jiang Chen, the miracle that ordinary people cannot understand and believe.

But now, they looked at the body of the dragon thirteen who was suspended there. The sadness and anger in their hearts were also uncontrollable. The brothers were humiliated, but they could only stand in the distance, the kind of depression, which ordinary people could not understand. .

Han Yan and the monk also wanted to rush to get the body of Long XIII back. Unfortunately, it would be useless to do it. If Jiang Chen knew it, he would definitely marry them. They could not create trouble for Jiang Chen.

"Hey, do you know that Tianjiang Dust will appear?"

"It's hard to say, Jiang Chen is not a fool in such a scene. If it is mine, I will definitely not appear."

"So you can't make Jiang Chen in this life. I heard that Jiang Chen is a person with a strong sense of righteousness. With the Dragon Thirteen brothers, I will never leave the body of the Dragon Thirteen. I think he will definitely appear."

"But even if Jiang Chen appeared, it would be useless. Today's scene is too big. I am afraid that there will be hidden masters in the late Xianzun. Once Jiang Chen appears, he will fall into a dead end. Although the sun **** feather is strong, but the sun **** feather is strong, but After all, it is just a depressed, not a complete golden lupin. The strength of Jiang Chen itself is limited. Once it appears, I am afraid that I will not be able to save the body of Long XIII. I have to come in."

"Look, I think Jiang Chen will appear. This is a person who is not afraid of fear."


Since the end of the Golden Killing Field, Dong Xuanyu has not calmed down. For three consecutive days, Jiang Chen has killed more than a dozen Xianzong masters, hangs his head to provoke demonstrations, and then ruins the corpse Yinzongshan Gate. Now Long XIII is Kill, the body is also hanging there, waiting for the appearance of Jiang Chen, and then, I don't know what will happen to earth-shattering events.

In the thirty-three-story space of the Zulong Tower, the time is rapidly lost. Jiang Chen is completely in a state of retreat. There are always flashes of light outside the body surface. The body is sometimes heard from the sound of dragons. His black hair is windless and automatic. The whole person is different.

A month soon passed, Jiang Chen finally opened his eyes again. His eyes, the gods appeared, the dawn was extremely sharp, and the dragons were completely transformed. His cultivation was the first peak of the Emperor. More importantly, because of the transformation of the dragon, the Zulong Tower itself has also received great benefits, and it has been condensed into the forty-two layers. This is the place where Jiang Chen is most happy. The layers all represent a strong point. For the Zulong Tower, it has always been the most precious baby of Jiang Chen.

"This time, the dragons have become very good. Not only have they been improved, but the ancestral tower has also been upgraded. I have also controlled the killing of dragons."

Jiang Chen's palm turned over, and a **** dragonfly appeared in the palm of his hand, constantly hovering. Then, the dragon was turned into a blood-killing dragon, and the scorpion was cold and ruthless, vivid and vivid, like a real dragon.

Killing the dragon seal, the more serious the killing, the stronger the power that can be radiated. This is the essence of killing the dragon seal, and Jiang Chen is very clear.

"The outside world should have been in the past two days. I don't know what the major forces are doing, simply go out and see."

Jiang Chen stood up and walked out of the ancestral tower, but his own breath was still shrouded by the ancestral tower, which was perfectly hidden. Although he cultivated as a great advance, the situation is still very dangerous. In the confrontation with the masters of the great powers, Jiang Chen’s biggest reliance is still the sun god.

Of course, even his own combat power, in the state of the dragon, is enough to kill the fairy, and of course, just fight the general fairy.

However, Jiang Chen just walked out of the Zulong Tower, suddenly the scalp was tight, and a large dark cloud appeared on the top of his head. A long-lost feeling instantly filled the whole body and hit his heart.

"Heaven robbery."

Jiang Chen exclaimed, and then his face was full of excitement. This feeling is really missed. When he was in the Shengyuan Continent, every improvement in his own realm would lead to a robbery. He went to the fairy world and was once robbed. I have never experienced it. This time, the dragon has become a promotion, and finally I have found the feeling of robbing.

"Haha, cool, there is another killer."

Jiang Chen laughed and quickly converge his breath completely. Regarding the robbery, he can control it as he pleases. When he wants to rob, he will rob.

A powerful catastrophe has a devastating blow. Any monk who robs and robs is a life of nine deaths. In the fairy world, only when the emperor is attacked, the emperor’s robbery will be attracted. Under the emperor, it is impossible to provoke the robbery.

This shows that the law of heaven and earth in the fairyland is more tyrannical, and it is difficult to see the existence of the anti-sky. This is why Jiang Chen has never caused the catastrophe, but now the dragon has changed, and Jiang Chen once again attracted the catastrophe.

Everyone is afraid of being a tiger, and the guy who is so excited about Jiang Chen is really wonderful. If someone sees Jiang Chen’s attitude towards the robbery at this moment, I am afraid that I will be depressed.

But for Jiang Chen, the catastrophe itself is a killer. As far as the current situation is concerned, the power of the catastrophe is much more terrifying than the sun god. Jiang Chen thinks that if he runs to the north and south families, he will fly over the sky. If you rob, it will definitely be very spectacular. Even if the ancestors of the North and South families are afraid, they will not dare to shoot themselves.

Walking in the East Xuan domain, the sky is still a strong pressure, which itself is also expected in Jiang Chen, he walked into the air, seeing many monks flying in a direction of panic, Jiang Chen curious, also Follow it later.

"Go and see, the time is coming. I heard that Jiang Chen did not appear. The old man of the corpse should burn the body of Dragon Thirteen in public."

"Oh, I guess that Jiang Chen is afraid to appear. After all, compared with the brother's body, his life is the most important."

The two said openly.


A figure suddenly stopped in front of them, the two just wanted to open their mouths, but they saw the other cold eyes like hell, and the immediately scared souls were shaking.

"What are you two talking about? Is Dragon 13 dead?"

Jiang Chen is pressing anger, he wants to know what happened.

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