Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1704: Heavenly robbery attack [four more]

The appearance of Jiang Chen immediately caused an uproar, and everyone could not keep calm. Han Yan and the monk were full of blood, but they could not shoot. Hua Gu’s eyes fell on Jiang Chen’s body, which also showed a strong shock. This is her. The first time I saw Jiang Chen, even with her eyes, I have to admit that this Jiang Chen is really a dragon among people, Xianjie, has not seen such a powerful person for a long time.

The same is true of Linglong Xianzun. She and Huaguyi, the first time I saw Jiang Chen himself, was deeply shocked by the skyrocketing domineering.

Yang Yu looked at Jiang Chen and his eyes were hot. This is his favorite disciple. He suddenly felt that today's Jiang Chen may create a miracle.


At the moment when Jiang Chen appeared, a large number of Xianzun masters swarmed up immediately, and immediately surrounded Jiang Chen, surrounded by three layers, three layers outside, and impenetrable, such a prisoner, even if Jiang Chen would display a big void I am afraid that I can’t escape.

"Jiang Chen, it seems that your courage is really not small, even dare to appear."

North and South Taisheng shouted loudly.

"Jiang Chen, you ruined the corpse of this seat, this seat will kill you today."

The old man was gnashing his teeth and showing his anger. The attraction of Jiang Chen was too great. Everyone was besieged and completely disfigured the body of Long XIII. After all, Dragon 13 is already a dead person. The only useful thing is to attract Jiang Chen. Now that the goal has been achieved, who will care about the corpse, no one except the old man will make a ruin.

In the face of so many sirens' sieges, in the face of the mortal old man, such as the mid-level master of the sage, Jiang Chen is indifferent to the whole person, his gaze is just watching the dragon thirteen floating in the distance, he said I don’t want to say anything, the anger on my body is like a volcano, and it is constantly spurting. His scorpion is about to seep out, endless anger, endless killing, and his whole person instantly turns into a killing madman, the brother’s body. In front of the eyes, the old man’s move completely angered Jiang Chen.

In Yang Yu’s words, a bloodthirsty beast was provoked, and the consequences were absolutely unimaginable.

Jiang Chen’s gaze fell on the old man of the corpse and the ancestors of Huang Quan. He said faintly: “It’s two of you.”

Jiang Chen’s voice has been hoarse, and the killing on his body is almost unstoppable and may break out at any time.

"Yes, Jiang Chen, you ruined my corpse Yinzong, I will kill your brother, let you know what is pain, since you are here, then accompany your brother to go on the road, but this seat will not let It’s so easy to die.”

The corpse yin old man said evilly.

"Yes? It seems that you are not suffering enough."

Jiang Chen mouth overflowed with a sneer, and his big hand grabbed the void and grabbed a person directly from the ancestral tower. It was the old demon who had been abolished by Jiang Chen.

"Brother, save me, brother..."

The old devil was in the hands of Jiang Chen, like a dead chicken, constantly struggling, he saw the old man, seeing his big brother, became extremely excited, he seems to see hope, he believes, if this world There are still people who can save their own words. It must be their own big brother. No one knows more about how terrible his older brother is than he is.

"Second brother."

The old man suddenly saw his brother-in-law actually falling into the hands of Jiang Chen, his face changed on the spot, and this kind of change was something he did not think of.

"Jiang Chen, let me go to my second brother."

The old man was drunk, but his own younger brother did not become a weapon, but the old man of the corpse has always been very fond of him, covering him everywhere, even if his brother is doing anything outside, the old man is also allowed to listen to it.

He couldn't think of it, his brother would fall in the hands of Jiang Chen, even if it fell into the hands of any other person, the old man would not worry, but the other side was Jiang Chen, the devil who killed the murderer than himself.


Jiang Chen simply ignored the threat of the old man. He had a smirk on his face, and suddenly a spurt of fire in his hand rushed into the body of the old devil. In the twinkling of an eye, the old konjac became a pile of fire. The man made an earth-shattering scream, it was a tyrannical fire of the sun, and the old devil could not bear it.

In the blink of an eye, the old devil was burned to ashes, and there was no residue left.

Opposite, the old man was angered, and he gave a sigh of relief, watching his own brothers burned to death by the enemy alive, the feeling that ordinary people can't understand.

"Jiang Chen, this seat will kill you thousands of pieces."

The old man was mad and went to Jiang Chen to attack and kill.

The Jiang Chen battled into the sky, and the sun **** feathers in his hands swayed out and smashed toward the old man.

At the same time, Jiang Chen’s momentum completely broke out, which led to the catastrophe.


The world is turbulent, and the sky is robbing too fast. In the blink of an eye, the sky is over the clouds, the thunder is flashing, and the strong Tianwei shop is scattered. Many people’s hearts have a feeling of tearing. This is the real day. The robbery, the catastrophe that the emperor can cause, the unimaginable pressure of heaven and earth, is not at all comparable to the pressure of the celestial beings, not at the same level.

"what is that?"

"It is a robbery."

Someone exclaimed, and the horrified eyeballs are about to come out.

Over the sky, countless masters of Xianzun are planning to shoot against Jiang Chen. At this moment, they see the catastrophe coming, and their faces are maddening. Even the old man who is opposite to the corpse is scared and pale.

"How can he be robbed when he is a fairy?"

"It is a real catastrophe. This guy who is against the sky is the catastrophe brought by Jiang Chen. This is the catastrophe that the emperor can cause. No one can resist it."

"The day of robbery is coming, the speed is extremely fast, and Tianwei is inviolable. Mom, everyone is going to be, don't get close to Jiang Chen, or you will punish your own disaster, you will be killed by the thunder, grandma bear, it is a dog. It is."

"Run, run, and enter the scope of the robbery is equal to death."


The powerful Xianzun camp was in a big mess in an instant. They were pale and ugly to the extreme. At this time, there are people who have the heart to kill Jiang Chen. They are now far away from Jiang Chen, attracting a catastrophe. Jiang Chen is a The hedgehog is covered with thorns, and whoever is close to it must be bruised and bruised.

Killing Jiang Chen is important, but his life is more important.

The effort between the blink of an eye, the unbreakable Xianzun camp, all fled and fled, all became a bird of surprise, even the old man who was bent on killing Jiang Chen also ran away. They screamed and screamed, and they had to count on the sky, and they couldn’t count the ravages.

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