Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1705: Killing nine robbers [five more]

"My God, he actually provoked the robbery. Only the great emperor in the fairy world can trigger the robbery of the emperor. However, when there is a rumor that there is a rebellion, it will also cause the embarrassment of heaven, and thus fall into the sky, but such a fascinating world. There are very few, and there has not been one since ancient times."

Huaguyi could not remain calm at all, and the appearance of Jiang Chen brought her too much surprise.

"He is the one who is against the sky. If he does not die, he will become the great emperor in the future."

Linglong Xianzun is endless, and it is also unable to control his excitement.

If you can still say that you can still be calm, I am afraid that it is a monk and a chill. They know that Jiang Chen’s horror of the sky and the horror of this catastrophe are just like Jiang’s regular meals, when he is in the Sanyuan continent. I often robbed and all kinds of disasters were spent. It was the first time that I went to the fairyland.

"Okay, okay, I didn't expect it. I haven't thought that this kid has already reached the level of this. The major forces have counted them. I can't think of such a scene. They would have laid down the net, and now they collapsed. I know that Jiang Chen is now causing his own catastrophe. If someone else falls into it, it will cause his own disaster. If it is not supposed to be robbed, it will be devastating. It is absolutely devastating. And the characters like the North and South Taisheng, even if their ancestors came over, they will die under the catastrophe. Today, I am afraid that there will be a real chaos in the world. Jiang Chen will not calm down."

Yang Yu’s son was born, and the previous eight forces went to the cadre of the Dagan Empire, so that Yang Yu felt the incomparable grievances. Now, seeing the ruthless figures of the world’s dying people fleeing in front of Jiang Chen, as if the mouse saw the cat. In general, a depressed voice in my heart is always calculated, and now I don't know how happy it is.

Among the voids, Jiang Chen was volleyed and completely ignored the thunder and thunder. The robbery was a commonplace for him. His body was already immune, and the general catastrophe could not cause any harm to him.

Jiang Chen came to the side of the dragon thirteen and held it in his arms.


At this moment, a thunder and lightning descended from the sky, and it was just on the head of Jiang Chen. The electric light immediately shrouded him and the body of the dragon thirteen, forming a dense grid, and the scalp was numb, but this horror The robbery of the day, even the body of Jiang Chen’s standing did not move.

Jiang Chen took out a thunder and lightning and broke into the body of the Dragon Thirteen. He wanted to inspire a little life of the Dragon Thirteen. At the same time, a lot of wood aura also entered the body of the Dragon Thirteen, which was originally held by Jiang Chen. Fortunately, I tried it, but I was shocked to find that the tears and the aura of wood, the body of Dragon Thirteen can be automatically absorbed.

"The monkey is not dead."

This shock is not the same, Jiang Chen’s face is also immediately showing the ecstasy color. If the dragon thirteen is dead, it is impossible to automatically absorb the thunder and the wood aura. Since it can still be absorbed, it means that the dragon thirteen has not yet dead.

"Right, this guy has cultivated a vocabulary, but he can die for a lifetime, but he can also die and die. The sorcerer of the fighting family is really terrible, but the injury of the thirteen is too serious, the eyes of the fire are destroyed, the internal organs are all smashed, I want Recovery is not an easy task."

Jiang Chen frowned, but in any case, Long XIII did not completely die. At the last minute, he used his vocabulary to keep himself alive. This is a great happy event.


The thunder was rolling, and the second day of robbery was formed instantly. Above the sky, a red dragon appeared. The dragon was completely condensed by the power of thunder and lightning, carrying endless Tianwei, and the horror reached the extreme.

Not only that, the Scarlet Dragon carries an endless killing.

Jiang Chen looked up and found that behind the Scarlet Dragon, there are still seven bloodspins that are constantly condensing. That is to say, after experiencing this catastrophe, there are still seven roads behind, counting the previous one, and the nine are full.

"It’s the legendary killing nine robbery, very good, just in line with my killing dragon seal. If my killing dragon seal is used after the Tianlei quenching, it will absorb more powerful lightning power, certainly more horrible, killing the dragon seal itself. It is the killing of Zulong. If it has experienced the killing of nine catastrophe, it contains the killing of Tianwei. It is the killing of heaven. Every time it takes, it will carry the pressure of heaven."

Jiang Chen’s scorpion is brilliant and inspiring.

"A good and powerful robbery, even if it is the robbery of the emperor, I am afraid it is the case?"

Hua Gu was pale, and such a Tianwei made her feel very uncomfortable.

"I don't know if Jiang Chen can successfully rob."

Lan Lingji murmured.

Extremely far away, the big fairy who had escaped stopped, and his eyes looked at Jiang Chen with a sigh of relief, watching the horrible horror.

"This is a powerful disaster, and it is a full nine. It should be the legendary killing and murder. This catastrophe is too murderous. Jiang Chen is definitely unable to stand up and must die in the looting."

"Yes, if Jiang Chen died in the robbery, we can be considered a major scourge."

"Even if Jiang Chen is not dead, it will fall into a period of weakness after the robbery. When we are going to kill him, it is not a mess."


All the great deities have determined that Jiang Chen is bound to die under such a terrible catastrophe. After all, such a catastrophe is not something that ordinary people can bear. This is one of the most terrifying days of murder, even if Jiang Chen is lucky. Undead, he is not allowed to be keen on him under the weak state.

It is a pity that these Xianzun do not know the means of Jiang Chen. At this time, it is the best choice to escape. If they do not run, they will soon bring endless disasters to themselves.

Jiang Chen looked at the murderous dragon who was about to swoop down, and looked at the dragon thirteen in his arms. He found that the power of thunder and the aura of wood had already touched the dragon thirteen is a vocabulary, and the body began to appear viable, Jiang Chen Another drop of the earth's fairy milk was sent to the mouth of the dragon thirteen, and then he was included in the thirty-third floor space of the ancestral tower.

"Monkey, see brother to avenge you."

The murderousness and killing of the nine evils in Jiang Chen’s body almost formed a tacit understanding. Although Dragon 13 did not die, the injury suffered must be paid a heavy price, and Jiang Chen’s heart is very clear. The word 诀 is almost inevitable.


Jiang Chen's eye-catching dawn looked at the old man in the distance, and immediately displayed a large void. The whole person was like lightning, and rushed toward the old man.

Seeing the movement of Jiang Chen, the sky robbery in the sky also moved, the speed is as fast as Jiang Chen, where is Jiang Chen, where is the day of robbery.

For these immortals, the true end of the day has just come.

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