Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1706: Thunder, the end of the fairy


Seeing, the old man’s face suddenly changed wildly, and his heart was even more embarrassed. This **** guy, who was uneasy, even thought about killing at this time, even if he wanted other people’s lives, but he could not even his own life. Don't, you must know that the catastrophe itself represents Tianwei. It is the most terrible disaster between the heavens and the earth. Even if the emperor robs, he dare not be half-hearted. He dares not to be a little bit sloppy. You must know that if you are careless, you may fall into a trap. It’s not a joke.

This is also the reason why Xianzun does not leave at all. After all, in their minds, the robbery is sacred and horrible. Even the great emperor, no one dares to be distracted when doing the other. Things, you must know that even a single-minded fight against the robbery does not necessarily guarantee that you will survive under the robbery. If you are distracted, you will basically die.

They couldn’t think of it. Jiang Chen was not the first time to rob. The catastrophe has long been a habit for Jiang Chen. He has already had the property of robbing himself. The ability to counter the catastrophe is not at all. The average person can compare.

At this moment, the old man of the corpse has no time to think about it. Even if he hates the teeth of Jiang Chen, but now sees Jiang Chen approaching himself, it seems that he saw the plague. It is the fear of the hunger, and his heart is in the heart. Trembling.

The speed of the old man is very fast, but Jiang Chen, who is proficient in the big void, is still accurate and accurate in finding out where the old man is. In addition, the old man himself is not prepared enough, and he does not expect Jiang Chen to stand up against the sky. The robbers rushed over to them, so they were caught up by Jiang Chen in an instant.


At this moment, the second day of the murder of the nine robbers fell down, the horrible dragon of murder, the thunder of thunder and lightning, turned into a thundering sea, and instantly gave Jiang Chen and the old man of the corpse to the siege.


The screams of screaming screamed from the thunder sea. It was the scream of the old man of the corpse, a powerful master in the middle of the sage, the lord of the corpse, but at the moment it made a creepy scream, I can imagine him at the moment. What kind of pain is being suffered.

Some people have seen that the old man of the corpse was completely covered by the thunder of the sky. He touched his own catastrophe. Under the attack of the looting, he directly turned to ashes, and even a little **** did not stay.

Look at Jiang Chen, the horrible killing of Thunder Dragon did not cause any harm to him at all. Countless thunder light pervaded his body surface, as if he had put on a layer of lightning armor, and he was at the extreme, Jiang Chen The body of the true dragon is too abnormal. The power of lightning will not only have any influence on his body, but will continue to temper his body. Those thunders will also become his nutrients.

The corpse dying old man died, and the tragic death was under the robbing of the gods. He died in the thunder sea. There is no residue left in the dead. A generation of lords, one of the famous giants in the East Xuan domain, can be said to be extremely miserable. .

Everyone was shocked, everyone was wide-eyed, and such scenes they had never seen before, and they could not imagine.

Using the day to kill people, under the heavens, I am afraid that Jiang Chen will be the only one.

"My God, this Jiang Chen is a bit too much of a metamorphosis, so a powerful catastrophe, he did not have anything at all, but also distracted to use the murder of the murder, killing the lord of the corpse, this is not the eyes See, I will not believe in killing."

"Sadly, it is too miserable. The old man died like this. He felt like a dream. He killed the dragon thirteen and succeeded in using the dragon thirteen to attract Jiang Chen. It was originally intended to avenge the corpse yin. I did not expect to bring such a huge disaster to myself."

"It’s too ferocious, so shocking scenes have never been seen before. Jiang Chen’s characters are too far-fetched, and the entire fairy world must be shaken.”

"Those fairy gods have to be troubled. There is still a long time for the annihilation. Jiang Chen has learned the big emptiness. If he wants to use the murder of the murder, he does not know how many celestial sacred deaths will be under the catastrophe. I The day, I really can’t imagine it."


No one is shocked, everyone is shocked, and I don’t know Jiang Chen’s. Even Yang Yu and Linglong Xianzun respect them. At this moment, they are also shocked Zhang Dazui. Their understanding of Jiang Chen has already been very high, but now It seems that I still looked down on Jiang Chen.

This guy who always creates miracles, once again opened their eyes.

Only Han Yan and the monk are the most calm. When the robbery came on the day, the two of them were completely relieved. The next scene will be fierce, and neither of them will be strange.

Because such a scene, it is not the first time I saw it. The day of robbery is the biggest killer of Jiang Chen. He is in the sky, and can go anywhere, rampage, even the great emperor, he dare not step into his catastrophe. within.

"This is too good."

The ruthless and stunned masters blinked and could not believe this fact.

"This is just the beginning."

Han Yan arms around his chest, his face is relaxed, no one knows more about the horror of Jiang Chen than him. There are too many masters in front of him. Jiang Chen will definitely kill these people in desperation, for those who want to kill themselves. Jiang Chen is never merciless.


The thunder and turbulence, the third day of robbery soon formed, the **** killing Thunder dragon emerged, the scorpion did not bring a little emotion, the strong Tianwei, full of strong killing, to kill everything in this world .


Jiang Chen suddenly laughed loudly, and then his eyes brushed to look at one place, where at least seven or eight Xianzong masters were gathered, all hostile forces.

"not good."

Seeing Jiang Chen’s view to them, those celestial masters immediately scared out a cold sweat, where they dared to have a little nonsense, and they ran away when they were afraid of losing a half point. Before Jiang Dust killed the old man’s scene, he gave All of them left a shadow that was difficult to erase, so that they could see Jiang Chen at the moment, just like seeing a ghost.

This is a very shocking scene, which can make the powerful Xianzun masters flee and flee, and the scared souls are all born. I am afraid that only Jiang Chen can do it.

These Xianzun ran very fast, but they were all faster than Jiang Chen’s big emptiness. Jiang Chen’s eyes appeared in front of a fairy, and opened his arms, and he even hugged the fairy.

"Do not……"

The sage of the sage of the sacred heart screamed, and his own catastrophe was provoked. The whole person was instantly covered by thunder fire, and was burned to ashes under the catastrophe.

At the same time, the third day of robbery landed, and a few of the surrounding masters who had not had time to run away, also fell into it.

[There are unexpected incidents today. I am busy arriving late, so I am late. I am sorry, today is four more. It is estimated that there will be two more chapters. The remaining two chapters will be filled back tomorrow. Thank you for your understanding. 】

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