Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1709: Cruel to the extreme, the destruction of a great school

This is the horror of the robbery. If it is not a catastrophe, even if Jiang Chen was promoted to the early stage of the Emperor, even if Jiang Chen had a sun **** in his hand, he would encounter such a powerful figure as the ancestral ancestor. Now, killing the corpse ancestors, it can be said that it has removed a big problem, and since then, the entire corpse Yinzong no longer has a slight threat to himself.

The sound of screams disappeared quickly. Among the Leihai, the corpse ancestors followed the corpse of the old man, and once again died in the Leihai. Since then, the corpse Yinzong group has no head, completely collapsed, and it has been riddled with holes. The corpse Yinzong can still survive in the East Xuan domain.

Everyone was shocked. I felt that my breathing was a little difficult. This scene was too shocking. Before they died, they could still accept them. After all, Jiang Chen began to use the sun **** feather to kill the sage, in the river. Dust here, killing Xianzun has already changed is not a rare thing, but now killing, but the ancestor level of the world.

"When it is over, the corpse Yinzong is completely finished this time, even the ancestors are dead, how to mix in the future."

"Dead is also good, this evil martial art, even the body is refining, it should have been extinct, it should not exist in the fairy world, the death is good, I hope that Jiang Chen can completely uproot this big force, then it is fun. ”

"The corpse ancestors can tell the tragedy of death. If he does not appear, Jiang Chen does not have the chance to kill him. He still looked down on Jiang Chen and eventually brought himself a murder, sad."

"The main reason is that Jiang Chen is too much against the sky. At the end of the robbery, he killed a ancestor. With such a means, I am afraid that only Jiang Chen can do it."


The world is shocked, the fall of an old ancestor, almost represents the downfall of a major force, the supreme master of the late Xianzun, Dong Xuan domain has not known how long ago there is no ancestor fallen.


Seeing that the corpse dying dying, those who are still eager to try, and quickly fleeing again, how far away, how far away, fear that Jiang Chen will pay attention to them, even if the last catastrophe remains But no one is willing to make fun of their own lives.

Jiang Chen looked up and robbed the last day. Since the ancestral tower has been collected, there is no need to open it again. The appearance of the corpse ancestors made him make a crazy decision. Today, he has to do something earth-shattering. The big thing is to completely eradicate a big force, the big door, and completely disappear from the world.

There are countless things that big forces can't do, and countless big forces want to do things that they dare not do, but Jiang Chen is not browing.

Jiang Chen’s gaze looked at the direction of the corpse Yinzong. Before the sun **** feathers had destroyed most of the ruins of the corpse yin, today, he wants to let this big force completely disappear, including those evil monks of the corpse One does not let go.

Before leaving, Jiang Chen looked at Yang Yu, and his eyes fell on the painful Blue Ling Ji. He couldn’t bear it, so he said: "You don't have to worry, the monkey is not dead, he has cultivated the vocabulary, and Life, I will find a way to get him back to life."

After Jiang Chen finished this sentence, he split and flew away toward the corpse Yinzong. The last day of the robbery was about to come. Jiang Chen had no time to delay. After the transition, he would run away again, so Before that, I would like to tell the news of the Dragon Thirteen to them.

"What? The thirteen brothers are not dead."

Lan Lingji, who was already dying, suddenly looked shocked and her face suddenly showed ecstasy. The news was too important for her, and she immediately made her laugh.

"Every time, I know that he won't die so easily."

Lan Lingji is excited.

"How is this possible? Long XIII Mingming has been killed by the corpse old man and Huang Quan ancestors, how can he not die?"

I don’t want to understand Huagu.

"The monkey is a fighting dragon, a powerful Taikoo war spirit, which is so easy to die, and, Xiao Chenzi said that he did not die, then it must not die.

Han Yan laughed. For Jiang Chen’s words, he never doubted a bit. Now that he knows that Dragon 13 is not dead, his and his monk’s repressed mood is also cheerful.

"Look, what is Jiang Chen going to see?"

The screaming was ruthless.

"That is the direction of the corpse Yinzong, this guy is going to go to the corpse of Yin Zongdu last day."

Yang Yu is a big man.

"Insane, this crazy man."

Linglong Xianzun is speechless.

"The corpse Yinzong, you have to be completely finished."

Huagu screamed.

Jiang Chen left, and countless people saw his intentions. For a time, the scene was once again shaken up, and it could not be calmed for a long time. The scene was chaotic, and countless figures flew away in the direction of the corpse.

For a major event, the historic moment of the East Xuan domain is probably coming.

"It’s crazy to be mad, he wants to destroy a long-standing faction. This time I don’t know how many people are going to die.”

"The bloodthirsty madness, Jiang Chen is going to do earth-shattering things, the destruction of a big faction, such a feat will actually be manifested in one person, not a big force."

"Let's go and see, Dong Xuan Yu must be completely changed. If the corpse yin is destroyed, the eleventh power of Dong Xuan Yu will become ten."


Crazy, everyone is crazy, many young people yell, they are full of blood, and they are deeply admired by Jiang Chen. They have to chase after them and witness the historic moment to witness the true miracle in the history of Dong Xuan.

The corpse Yinzong, many people are busy, busy rebuilding the mountain gate, have to say that the corpse yin is not a big force, this only two days later, the destroyed mountain gate has been restored half, this speed, Nor is it something that ordinary people can do.

However, all these efforts are destined to be in vain, and the biggest disaster of the corpse yin is just coming.


Suddenly, the black cloud pressed the city, the lightning and thunder, the corpse Yinzong everyone shook, they looked up, they saw a dragon man with numerous tears coming out of the air, the blink of an eye, the entire corpse Yinzong Over the sky, it was completely covered by the rolling thunder, and countless thunders were like huge electric eaves, tilting down.


When the robbery came, it was equal to the end of the day. Many of the disciples of the corpse Yinzong had nothing to do with the reaction, and they died in the thunder.

The building that was just repaired was destroyed in an instant, and the last day of the robbery came, and the opportunity to explain the corpse yin was not explained. It seems to be the punishment of heaven. Under Tianwei, they are like ants, even crawling. There is no ability, only to die, and only one dead end.

[These two are supplements yesterday, and there are still three more today, updated at night. 】

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