Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1710: Situation conversion [three more]

Ah, ah...

The screams of savage screaming from the corpse yin dynasty, the power of thunder and lightning is really terrible, there is no way to resist, countless corpse Yinzong disciples were smashed into ashes under the thunder, and the dead **** is not left.

The people who came behind saw such scenes, and they were all horrified and couldn’t speak. Such killings have never been seen. Now, they have to witness the destruction of a big force, the thrilling, the shocking The kind of desperation in the thunder sea makes them unable to settle down.

"When it is over, the corpse yin dynasty is completely ruined. Even if it is not dead, it will only be left with some ugly people. In the future, there will be no big waves in the East Xuan domain."

"The ruin of the corpse is a good thing for us. Such an evil force should not exist in itself. Over the years, the corpse of the corpse has been mad, killing and looting everything. It can be said that it is a complaint, but because of their merits The law is evil, many people are also afraid of anger, even other major forces, are not willing to provoke the corpse Yinzong, today, the corpse Yinzong was destroyed in the hands of Jiang Chen, even if the remaining remains, it is not enough If you come out to do evil again, you can kill them directly. They have no backing."

"Yes, Jiang Chen is doing a good thing for Dong Xuanyu. It eliminates an evil power. They don't even know the respect of the body. There is no humanity at all. Although Jiang Chen is also killing and decisive, he kills. All of them are enemies. Jiang Chen is a **** person. For the brothers, he can insert a knife. I admire him."

"The corpse yin is to be eradicated. I believe that other big forces will also hear it."


No one is not surprised, looking at the rolling Thunder Sea, everyone can not control their emotions, but one thing is certain, that is, for the annihilation of the corpse yin, most people are clapping their hands and think that Jiang Chen is Dong Xuan domain has done a good job.

For Jiang Chen’s impression, no one is bad. Many people are worshipping Jiang Chen, especially those young people who have already treated Jiang Chen as their idol. Young people have a passionate dream. The world, against countless heroes, killing a few ups and downs, that kind of blood boiling, is a lot of people yearning, seeing Jiang Chen fight like rain, killing the enemy so dripping, domineering, who is not envious.

It is unceremonious to say that Jiang Chen is their fantasy. The shadow of Jiang Chen is tall in their hearts. A person who can make earth-shattering things is destined to be passed down through the ages.

As for killing, the fairy world itself is a world of killing, such as the king of the celestial beings, such as the emperor of the emperor, such as the golden emperor, and the emptiness of the emperor, the Emperor of the Qin Dynasty, which is a famous figure of the world is not stepping on the bones of the bones, Jiang Chen although Young, but already has the demeanor of the absolute superiors, it is predicted that Jiang Chen will soon become the king of Zhu Xian, the existence of the emperor, and even surpass, become the first emperor of the ages.

The killings are still going on, the horrible killings and the catastrophe, and the disaster of the last catastrophe is too great. The corpse yin sect has been thought of as a flat land and completely lost its former demeanour.

The powerful attack power of the robbery, even the spiritual veins under the corpse of the corpse are completely destroyed. In the next few hundred years, it is destined to be a barren land.

At this moment, Jiang Chen was also uncomfortable. He had a trace of blood in his mouth. He had to say that he ignored the power of the last robbery of killing and murdering. Although he destroyed the corpse, he also gave himself a life. Down, Zulongta did not help a little.

"The current state may be somewhat detrimental to my escape."

Jiang Chen’s eyebrows, the day of the robbery is about to end, but before the end of the robbery, he has no way to escape, because wherever he goes, the robber will follow, and at this moment, he does not know how many pairs of eyes Looking at yourself, those who are strong to the extreme, once they are trapped in the siege, the consequences are unimaginable.

However, Jiang Chen can't take care of it now. The catastrophe is always going to be spent. For the time being, take a step and take a step. He uses the aura of wood to frantically repair his injuries.

The catastrophe soon ended, and the corpse Yinzong completely disappeared from this heaven and earth. I don’t know how many people died. Some of the remnants of the escape can only be smashed and sneaked into the world. The corpse of the ancestors is destined to become history and become a thing of the past. .

The corpse Yinzong is different from other big forces. Other big forces may have people in Xianting, but the corpse Yinzong does not work. Xianting will not give such an evil force to Xianting’s place, so the corpse ancestors And the death of the old man of the corpse is destined to the destruction of the corpse.

The scene was quiet, and everyone looked at the smoldering corpse, which is destined to become a Jedi.


At the end of the robbery, several places in the sky suddenly burst into a big mouth, and the endless pressure filled the moment. Everyone saw that several powerful figures appeared, and they were extremely powerful. Not weaker than the corpse ancestors, from different directions, the moment of the disappearance of the robbery will completely block this piece of void.

Upon seeing it, Jiang Chen’s face changed completely, because he was shocked to discover that there were too many masters in this moment. In addition to these late masters, there are more masters.

In the blink of an eye, there are more than 20 masters of the late Xianzun in the sky, each of which is of the ancestor level. They are all from Dong Xuan, Xi Xuan, Nan Xuan, and North Xuan. The supreme masters of the celestial world, their appearance, almost blocked the entire East Xuan domain, even if Jiang Chen has a big void, can not escape, not to mention Jiang Chen has just experienced the catastrophe, the body is somewhat weak.

"Mom, it’s going to be a day, a lot of ancestors, Jiang Chen is finished."

"It’s too embarrassing. There have never been such a big thing in the fairy world. All the great ancestors have appeared. It seems that they all see the threat of Jiang Chen. Now they can’t take care of any face. If they don’t kill Jiang Chen now, I am afraid there will be no chance in the future."

"These ancestors obviously have been secretly concerned about the development of the situation, and they are not willing to come out. However, after this catastrophe, they have seen the threat of Jiang Chen and have to come forward, so at the end of the robbery, these All the ancestors appeared, and such scenes can be much larger than the previous scenes."

"What to do? Is Jiang Chen really going to die? He lost the catastrophe, and the big emptiness seems to be unable to escape. If you rely solely on the sun **** feathers, I am afraid it is not enough. These ancestors are all immortals. Respecting the late, one is more than a horror."


The scenes are ever-changing. Before the moment, Jiang Chen was still in the air of the robbery. The next moment became the shackles of the middle, and was besieged by countless ancestors, becoming a must-have.

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