Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1717: Xiao forgets the good intentions of the heart [five more]

"Have you heard it clearly? Xiao’s predecessors said where to hold a conference?"

Yang Yu looked at Linglong Xianzun and Huaguyi, who was next to him. He looked very excited. He clearly heard it clearly, but now he has to confirm it again because he can't believe it.

"Yang Yu, you are not here to pack garlic, Xiao said that you want to hold a discussion meeting in your genius, you don't hurry to go back and arrange it."

Huagu did not look good at Yang Yu.


When Huagu’s voice fell, Yang Yu disappeared instantly in the same place. He ran faster than the rabbit. When he saw it, Linglong Xianzun and Huagu were speechless, but they could also imagine Yang Yu’s mood at the moment. The place does not choose, but chooses to be in the Dagan Empire. This has already shown the world that Xiao forgets the good feelings of the Dagan Empire.

For a big force, it can be seen by a half-emperor, that is, the ancestors burned high incense, and only one emperor can be a guest of the Dagan empire, that is, the glory of the great empire, if the empire can With a semi-emperor, whoever dares to provoke.

This alone is enough for other major forces to be embarrassed.

"I said that the little dust is not so easy to die, and now it is safe to sit back and relax."

Han Yan laughed.

"Not necessarily, this also depends on what results of tomorrow's negotiation meeting, see the attitude of the younger generation."

Hua Guyi said.

"It’s enough to use the power of shock to forget the power of Xiao, is it too much trouble to hold a conference?"

The ruthless and incomprehensible road, his thoughts are very simple, that is, violence solves everything. In his heart, Xiao forgets that he is a master of the semi-empire, and that half of the emperor protects Jiang Chen, that is enough, where is the need for a discussion conference, It is simply a matter of doing this, but also reduces the shelf and majesty of the semi-emperor.


Linglong Xianzun waited for the ruthless look: "It seems that you can't see through the good intentions of Xiao's predecessors, and when you look down on Xianting, the semi-emperor master is indeed supreme, but for the powerful Xianting, But it is not a big deal. Xianting has a real emperor sitting in the town. Moreover, even if Xiao forgets to protect Jiang Chen, will Jiang Chen always survive under the protection of Xiao forgetting? Xiao forget can protect him for a while. I can't protect him forever, and the chicks under the wing can't fly high. Xiao forgets to do it. It just helps Jiang Chen to resolve the biggest crisis. Others still need Jiang Chen himself, so that he can keep it. Jiang Chen, in the second place, can also create a good environment for Jiang Chen."

"Xian Zun said that it is true. What Xiao’s predecessors have to do is exactly this. He is now going to wipe the buttocks for Xiao Chenzi and clean up his tail, instead of directly confronting Jiang Chen’s front and the three major immortals. In that case, the last thing is If both lose, they will not get any benefit."

The monk nodded and knew that Linglong Xianzun said that it was not false. This is also the meaning of Xiao’s forgotten convening of a conference.

"And, it is also purposeful for Xiao’s predecessors to discuss the location of the fire in the Dagan Empire. One is to help the Dagan Empire to become famous and to strengthen the momentum of the empire. Second, to give Jiang Chen a reasonable reason to return to the genius, before My father has told the world that Jiang Chen has been expelled from the genius house. There is no reason to call it back now. If Xiao’s predecessors come forward to let Xiao Chenzi go back, then everything goes smoothly.”

Yang Bufan said with a smile.

Nowadays, everyone is very happy. After sweeping away the haze and things, they started to develop in a good direction. They are very admired by Jiang Chen. They admire Jiang Chen and even the people who have forgotten the feelings of the world can make friends, and the other party is willing to For his confrontation with the three emperors, this is very rare.

"I don't know how the 13th brother is doing now?"

Lan Lingji is still concerned about the safety of Dragon XIII. She was already desperate. After listening to Jiang Chen, she said that after the death of Dragon 13th, she was relieved. After that, she saw that Jiang Chen was besieged by so many masters. My heart is even more nervous. Until now, Xiao forgets to take away Jiang Chen. Her mood is relaxed again. The ups and downs of this time are really not a good taste.

"Do not worry, Xiao Chenzi said that the monkey is fine, then there will be nothing wrong with it."

Han Yan comforted, he believes Jiang Chen, that is his most trusted person.

"Everyone is scattered. Tomorrow's genius is expected to be open. Let's go and see, hope that Xiao's predecessors can get a good result. We don't want to be happy too early before the results really come out."

Linglong Xianzun said.

Everyone nodded, knowing that Linglong Xianzun said it is very reasonable. The attitude of Xianting is still unclear. Tomorrow, Xianting will definitely send out the masters of Xiandi. I don’t know what gestures I will use to talk to them, but it is conceivable. Xianting is definitely not so good to deal with, so it is not a good thing to be happy too early before the results of the negotiations have really come out.

The masters of all major forces have left, and they are in a bad mood. They thought that they would kill Jiang Chen’s situation, but they made such a big event, involving half of the emperor. The next thing is not that they can be the masters. They can only rely on Xianting, but tomorrow they will all go to the genius house. They will join forces to give Xianting pressure. Let Xianting give them a fairness.

Dong Xuanyu is not destined to be calm. Such a big scene does not know how many years have not appeared. A wave of unrest has started again. The discussion meeting of tomorrow is the most crucial thing. It is the highest tide of Jiang Chen’s time. Almost everyone is looking forward to it.

Deep in the void, Xiao forgets to smile and look at Jiang Chen in front of him.

"Why do seniors look at me like this?"

Jiang Chen rolled his eyes and said that he was speechless when he first contacted Xiao, and the other was a pickled old liar. Now he has become a beautiful man. It is impossible to say that he is not used to it.

"Kid, you are so embarrassed, you have made such a terrible event, it seems that this seat was still underestimating you."

Xiao forgets a smile.

"You don't make fun of me. If it wasn't for you, I guess I was killed by the guys."

Jiang Chen shook his head. He didn't dare to do anything bloody, but today he finally saw the horror of the fairy world. He knows that there are days outside the sky, and there are people outside of the world. With his current cultivation, he is still far behind in the fairy world.

"There are Laozi, they can't kill you, but I really want to thank you. If it wasn't for your guidance last time, I am afraid that this life will not impact the emperor's territory, and I will be embarrassed all my life."

Xiao forgets to stand up and hold hands. If it is not the words of Jiang Chen on that day, he is still the old liar.

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