Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1718: Line up to meet [six more]

"The seniors laughed, and the younger generation just said a few words. The seniors can have such achievements today, and they depend entirely on you."

Jiang Chen smiled. He is incomparably respectful of Xiao’s forgotten. Counting the last incident of the devil, Xiao forget has saved himself twice, and they are all shot at the most dangerous time. This kindness, Jiang Chen I really don't know when I can return.

"Okay, don't say this, you know why I want to hold a talks conference?"

Xiao forgets to shift the topic.

"Predecessors are rubbing my ass. It is impossible to directly fight against Xianting. You can't protect me all the time. I still have to rely on my own after the dust, so the predecessors will hold a discussion meeting to solve my problems." The grudge between the courts."

Jiang Chen is so smart, naturally can see the intention of Xiao forgetting, Xiao forgets the good intentions, Jiang Chen is very touched, to tell the truth, Xiao forgetting can appear at the most critical moment today, and he is not happy with Xianting. Let Jiang Chen really have a feeling of being flattered.

"Well, your kid is very smart, everything will be tomorrow, let's go, let's go to the genius of the Dagan Empire."

Xiao forgets to nod. He likes smart people, talks with smart people, you never feel trouble, what you want to do, only one move, the other party will be clear.

At this moment, the Dagan Empire was all in a busy state. Yang Yu summoned all the masters of Xianzong to the genius house. Even the old emperors of the Yang family came out to meet the advent of a semi-emperor. For the empire, that is the absolute big event, no one can dare to neglect.

On the square of the genius house, there are more than 30 celestial masters arranged neatly, one face is dignified, and the face is full of excitement.

Yes, the ones standing here are all masters of Xianzun. Even the half-step fairy does not have it. Yang Zanqing and Dongfang Yu can only stand in the end.

More than 30 celestial masters, it can be seen that the great power of the Dagan empire is so powerful. These sages are retreating in the weekdays, and there is no effort at all. But today, Xiao forgets to come, who dares to be slow I have to come out to meet.

There are more than 30 masters of the Emperor of the Dagan Empire. This shows that other major forces will not be much worse than the Dagan Empire. This time, they came out to encircle Jiang Chen, and the masters sent by the major forces are only very small. Part of it.

"Yu, when will Xiao’s predecessor come?"

The old emperor looked at Yang Yu, and his expression was also a little excited. Although he was a master in the late stage of Xianzun, he had no way to compare with Wang Xuanfeng and other peerless people, not to mention the semi-emperor level of Xiao forget.

"It should be faster. He took Jiang Chen away before, saying that he would hold a meeting with the big men of the three major Xianting in the genius house tomorrow to solve the problem of Jiang Chen."

Yang Yu said.

"Okay, we haven't come to a half-emperor yet, this is our honor."

"Yes, if you can get in touch with the younger generation of Xiao, it is definitely endless."

"Let's stand here and greet, the scene must be taken seriously, and the young people who are uncomfortable can't be irritated."


The immortals of the Dagan Empire are extremely excited. These old guys who are high on the weekdays, standing here respectfully and respectfully, can be regarded as a beautiful landscape.

The disciples of countless geniuses are watching from afar, and they dare not approach. Many people have come to the genius for so long, and they have seen so many sage masters for the first time. For the first time, they know that the foundation of the Dagan empire was so strong.

"A lot of Xianzun, I did not expect that the foundation of our great empire is so powerful, even the old emperor has appeared. I am the first time I saw the old emperor. It is really a wise god, the master of the late Zun, I don't know. When can we reach this realm?"

"I heard that Xiao is forgotten to come, and we will hold a discussion meeting in our genius. Otherwise, do you think you have the opportunity to meet so many masters?"

"This is not all the merits of Jiang Shixiong. Jiang brother is really against the sky. It is the most horrible genius I have ever seen. He has been disturbing the chickens and dogs that have been stirred up by the entire fairy world. Before that, he destroyed a large force. I can’t believe it. Now Jiang’s brother has caught up with Xiao’s forgotten feelings. I heard that Xiao’s forgotten love for Jiang’s brother and confronted the three emperors directly. It’s a pity that he could not go to the scene.

"Hey! If I could one day be like the brother of Jiang, it would be worth it if I died."

"As for you? Hurry and sneak in the urine to take care of your virtue, but also want to compare with Jiang brother, you are not a little bit worse.


Nowadays, the reputation of Jiang Chen is very loud in the whole genius. In fact, when the gold kills the domain, Jiang Chen’s reputation is completely loud. Those disciples who entered the gold killing field, but witnessed Jiang Chen finally. A fierce killing, such a genius, there is no one in tens of thousands of years.

In the hearts of countless genius disciples, Jiang Chen has become their idol. This time, Jiang Chen was expelled from the genius, and many people felt sad and sorry.

The old emperor and Yang Yu and others seemed very excited. At this moment, two figures suddenly flashed in the void, and soon came to the square of the genius house. It was Xiao forget and Jiang Chen who came back. .

Seeing Xiao forget, the old emperor rushed up and greeted him, and Qi Qi gave a gift to Xiao.

"Yang Can, a younger generation, has seen Xiao predecessors."

The old emperor’s incomparable respect, he knows, this is the character of Yang’s ancestor Yang Junlong.

"Well, all get up, Yang Junlong's descendants, one by one is not bad, you have a big empire, it is not lost Yang Junlong's face."

Xiao forgets that he chose to be in the genius house. Apart from Jiang Chen, there are also some reasons for Yang Junlong. He and Yang Junlong have a good relationship. If you can take care of future generations of your friends, it is incumbent.

“Xiao’s predecessors came to visit, and the entire Dagan Empire was full of brilliance.”

Yang Yu said.

"Xiao's predecessors, I have already vacated the largest hall of the genius of the genius, as the meeting of tomorrow's meeting."

The old emperor said.

"No, the people of Xianting are not so important. If the conference is open to the public tomorrow, they will choose to be in this huge square. The genius of tomorrow will be fully open to the outside world. If you want to come, let them come in."

Xiao forgets to say.

"Yes, Xiao is a senior."

The old emperor nodded, and then said to Yang Yu: "Yu, will remove the protective array outside the genius, and open up."

It was the first time to withdraw the protective array, but the old emperor and Yang Yu did not hesitate. There were half-emperor masters sitting in the town, no one dared to make trouble.

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