Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1721: Who is qualified to be high?

Li Wangye entered the extraterritorial battlefield. The two stood opposite each other and looked at each other. The momentum of the body was improved a little. They did not take the lead. It seems that they should use the momentum to overwhelm the confrontation and occupy the first advantage and defend their respect.

"Little dust, do you say that Xiao predecessors can beat Li Wangye? That is the half-emperor master of the older generation. Xiao’s predecessors have just been promoted to half-empire."

Han Yan said something worried.

"Don't worry, since Xiao's predecessors dare to do this, it is a great confidence in their own strength. His way of forgetting has been sentimental and metamorphosis. Even if it has just been promoted to the semi-empire, it is not to be underestimated. Look, This is the battle of the dignity of the semi-empire, and it will surely be wonderful."

Jiang Chen said that he has absolute confidence in Xiao’s forgetting.

The geniuses’ faces are full of worries, but they are psychologically prepared in advance. They know that today’s negotiation conference will not be so easy. If you don’t show absolute strength, then Nothing can be done at all, and everyone knows this very well.

On the extraterritorial battlefield, the momentum of the two major emperors is like a tidal wave, turning into a stormy wave, and a wave is higher than a wave.

Because Xiao forgets to close the battlefield, people outside can hardly feel the pressure inside. Otherwise, such a pressure will cause countless people to spurt and die. Even so, just look at the battlefield. In the situation, many people can't help but be scared.

Soon, the competition between the two people has reached the level of white heat. After the momentum of Xiao’s forgetting is higher, Li Wangye will chase after him. Conversely, Xiao’s forgetting is also true. The competition between the two majors and the half is directly glued up. It can be seen that Li Wangye from one The beginning of the expression is relaxed, and now it is also dignified, and the look of Xiao’s forgotten feelings has changed. It is obvious that Li Wangye had previously looked down on Xiao’s forgotten feelings. He did not think that Xiao’s forgetting that he had just entered the semi-empire’s existence could actually compete with himself. To this extent.

The two men are now competing. Jiang Chen once had a time with the Northern and Southern Dynasties. They all want to use the momentum to overwhelm each other. It can be said that they are on the battle.

The scene is silent, no one is talking, this battle, I don't know what the outcome will be. If everyone thinks that Li Wangye will win at the beginning, then at this moment, seeing the state of Xiao forget, no one dares to make this conclusion.

From the very beginning, I didn’t talk to Qian Qianyun and Qin Xuanbing. At the moment, there were some movements. The two looked at each other and saw the surprise color in the other’s eyes. Obviously, they did not think that Xiao’s forgetting could be with Li Wangye. Do such a positive confrontation.


The momentum of the two people broke out with a roaring sound. Like a tsunami, on the top of the two men, a golden dragon was rushed out. It was an imposing dragon, completely composed of powerful momentum, two and a half. The emperor drank aloud, and the two imposing dragons collided with each other, making an earth-shattering roar and intertwined.

This imposing battle lasted for three minutes, and then burst into tears. Li Wangye and Xiao forget the emotions of the earthquake. At the same time, they took three steps to stabilize themselves.

Li Wangye was shocked, and the incredible look at the opposite Xiao forgets, Xiao forgets that Tsing Yi moves with the wind, and the power of the semi-emperor is less than that of the right.

"The horrible momentum collides, I don't know who wins and who loses."

"You didn't see it? It's obviously not a winner. Xiao forgets more than we think. Li Wangye is clearly watching Xiao forget, but this is just a momentum collision, not a win or lose, nor a win or loss. Being able to represent the true strength of a semi-emperor, then, is the real beginning."

"Xiao forgets that he is a peerless genius, that is, he does not know the battle for a while. He still can't compete with Li Wangye."

"I think it's very difficult. After all, Li Wangye is the master of the semi-olds of the older generation. The degree of tyranny is not comparable to that of the average half-emperor."


No one is shocked. All eyes that look to Xiao’s forgotten have changed, and changes have taken place. However, the real battle is only just beginning. In people’s minds, Xiao’s forgetting is still not able to confront characters like Li Wangye. .

"Xiao forgets, it seems that this seat is a bit small to see you, but you should not think that this is qualified to negotiate with this seat, then, this seat will let you see, the name of the fire, the horror."

Li Wangye was angry, and the body began to permeate the flaming flame. It was a powerful holy fire. Compared with playing the fire, he was much stronger than Lan Tingyan. Otherwise, there would be no title for the fire.

"What do you do nonsense? The shot is."

Xiao forgets that there is no fear of color. He is full of steaming battles, and that is the battle of the world.

Li Wangye no longer spoke. He chose to take the initiative. He put out a flash of fire in his hands. The red-gold flame was filled. The ancient seal was imprinted with an old pattern. The flames that were shot out could burn the void.

The fire mark is getting bigger and bigger, and it has become a dozen feet in the blink of an eye. Under the control of Li Wangye, it rushed into the past with a sigh of relief.


The flash of fire is like a huge fireball. This is a casual move, enough to make a big hole in the sky. If the general fairy respects this fire, I am afraid that the fire has not yet attacked the body. Just destroy it.


The fire whistling, the fire in the blink of an eye came to Xiao forgiveness. In the face of such a powerful attack by Li Wangye, Xiao Forgot directly took out a long sword. It was a very cold sword with a blue sword. The sword of the peerless world exudes a ruthless taste.

This is a ruthless sword, a sword of killing, and any creature between heaven and earth will be destroyed under this sword.

"Forget the sword, it is the legendary sword of forgiveness. I heard the solemnness of the sword, and the sword is ruthless. I didn't expect to see this ruthless sword one by one."

"Li Wangye's life-threatening flame is also an abnormal horror. The two masters collide together. It can be said that the real needle tip is against Maimang, but in comparison, Li Wangye is more dominant. After all, he has stayed in the realm of the semi-empire. It’s been a long time.”

"The real fierce battle is about to begin. Two masters of the two great emperors, with the ability to destroy the land and destroy the land, must be separated."


No one is not shocked, the appearance of the fire and the sword of forgiveness is the peak of this battle, compared to the previous momentum, but it is much more lively.

Under the eyes of countless shocks and expectations, the Forgotten Sword penetrated into the fire mark with an extremely smashing angle. Jiang Chen’s eyes brightened and he also had unique insights into the swordsmanship. Even with his pride, he had to Even the sorrow of this sword is so powerful that the simple sword is not fancy, but it can be straightforward. It carries a sword without God's power and directly penetrates into the weakest place of the fire.


The next moment, the fire of the strong to the extreme, the spurt broke, the explosion became a sea of ​​fire, shrouded the entire field of the battlefield, followed by countless icy swordsmanship, in the strong oppression of Jianmang Under the hot sea of ​​fire, it will soon be extinguished.

Looking at Xiao’s forgotten feelings, it’s still handsome and handsome. He stood up with the sword and there was no slight weakening in the momentum. That is to say, Li Wangye’s killing of the fire did not cause any harm to Xiao’s forgetting.


This time, it was Li Wangye’s turn to be really surprised. He looked at Xiao’s forgotten eyes and changed again. He had no beginnings at all. Others may not know, but he knew that he had just merged. How much energy is almost his desperate killing. In his opinion, if you forget the feelings of Xiao, you will not be hurt. If you take your own move, you will have to be embarrassed, but when you think of it, Xiao forgets that the hair is not lost. Easily destroying his own fire marks with a sword. If you don't see it with your own eyes, Li Wangye will not believe it at all.


The void burst, and in the hands of Li Wangye, there was a fire and a raging fire. The next moment, the endless flame filled the air, and immediately there was a huge artistic conception of the fire.

On the other hand, Xiao’s forgotten sword in his hands swayed hundreds of millions of blue-colored swords, and everyone saw that the two collided with each other at an extremely fast speed.


The sky was completely smashed, and the entire field battlefield was completely covered up by raging fires and countless swordsmen. No one can see what happened inside, but the sound of blasting that is constantly coming out can be thought of inside the battle. How intense.

This fierce battle, for a full ten minutes, has not stopped, and many people are anxious.

"Who can you say who can win?"

"It's hard to say, Xiao forgets to be stronger than we think, since it can compete with Li Wangye to such a degree."

"I feel that no matter whether Xiao can forget or not, he has already qualified for negotiations with Li Wangye."


Everyone is guessing the ending, even if you can't see the situation inside, you have to stare at it, for fear of missing a wonderful moment.

A few minutes later, in the arrogant extraterritorial battlefield, suddenly quiet, the flaming flame and the blue swordsman began to disappear, and the scene inside was manifested in the expectation of countless people, only to see Li Wangye and Xiao forget Still maintaining the posture before the battle, mutual confrontation, the two have no half-point injury, and even the momentum is exactly the same as the beginning.

"Who won in the end? Is it a win or lose?"

"I don't think it's important to win or lose. The talks can be carried out."


No one knows who wins and loses this battle, but now it seems that winning or losing is not important. What is important is that Xiao forgets to stand still intact, which proves that he is qualified to be high and qualified to be equal to Li Wangye. Stand together.

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