Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1722: Xiao forgets the strength [fill yesterday]

"Who's winning?"

Han Yan couldn't help but curiously ask, the previous battle was completely obscured, and I couldn't see the battle scene inside. I saw that Xiao Forget and Li Wangye were unscathed at the moment, it is difficult to judge who lost. Who wins.

Jiang Chen did not answer, but with a smile on his lips.

On the battlefield, Xiao forgot to say aloud: "Li Wangye, can you sit down and talk now?"

Li Wangye’s eyes on Xiao’s forgotten feelings are still with the color of surprise before. The other people’s battles have not been seen, but Li Wangye’s personal experience is extremely clear. Qian Qianyun and Qin Xuanbing also see clearly, their expressions, the same Full of surprise.

"Hey! Xiao forgets, you really shouldn't interfere with Xianting."

Li Wangye snorted and then landed and landed directly on the large square. His actions have undoubtedly acknowledged the strength of Xiao’s forgotten feelings, which proves that Xiao’s forgiveness is qualified to stand here and hold talks with him.

"See, who wins and wins, isn't it clear? People like Li Wangye, even if they take a little bit of cheapness in the battle, they won't land on the square."

Jiang Chen said.

"Xiao's predecessors are really bulls, this has just been promoted to the half of the emperor, and then look at the younger generation of Xiao."

Han Yan said with a smile, but it is not a moment of relaxation, because then, at the moment of tit-for-tat, although Xiao forgets to show the extremely powerful strength, but wants to solve the problem of Jiang Chen perfectly, it is definitely not a piece. Simple things.

After Li Wangye landed the square, Qi Qianyun and Qin Xuanbing also landed. The two did not say a word since they appeared. However, after they witnessed the battle of Xiao forget and Li Wangye, they were also prepared to listen to this sadness. What words should be said? Even if he is ruthless and ruthless, he also wants to let Xianting give up the battle and trial of Jiang Chen.

"Xiao forgot, you say, how do you want to solve this problem? Jiang Chen has killed a lot of geniuses in Xianting. This is not the case."

Li Wangye stood there and said.

Countless gaze is eyeing here, especially the ancestors of the great forces in the sacred field. Now they have pinned all their hopes on Xianting, and they must not let Jiang Chen.

"Li Wangye, you also said, Jiang Chen is killing your genius, fighting between young people, killing, who is born and who is dead, I think it is only a matter of strength, gold killing domain is a place of killing, who are you? It is clear that all the geniuses who have entered the gold killing field have been able to get out half of them. Your genius is dead in the hands of Jiang Chen, only to show that he is not good."

Xiao forgets to say aloud.

"Xiao forgets, you can't help but say that it is too easy. If it is a real battle, we will not say anything when we die, but you are forgotten. Jiang Chen relies on the sun **** to kill, that nature. It’s totally different, and now the sun **** is in his hands, and if Xianting doesn’t suppress it, who can suppress him.”

Qian Qianyun spoke up, and he disapproved of the words of Xiao, and the determination to kill Jiang Chen did not seem to be shaken.

"You are a peerless sage, even a semi-emperor master, personally come forward to deal with a fairy queen. The impact on your reputation and face is not small. What I want to say is, do you have a genius? Do you find a young man who can fight against Jiang Chen? If you are a genius of Jiang Ding, it is a matter of the younger generation, this seat will never come out to block, but If you guys and old guys want to face their face with Jiang Chen, this seat will never agree."

Xiao’s attitude of forgotten is also extremely determined. He now pulls out the face and genius of Xianting, step by step, and each step has his own plans.

"Jokes, we are high on the court, the number of genius figures is innumerable, and it is a small Jiang Chen can compare. If the sun **** feathers are lost, Jiang Chen is in the eyes of our Xian Ting genius, even the ants are not."

Li Wangye’s momentum is extremely shocking. He is extremely angry at the performance of Xiao’s forgetting and destroying the genius of Xianting. You must know that Tangtang Xianting, Xianjie Supreme, high above, to say that there is no decent genius, there is no need for Xianting to exist. It is not a joke that the immortal practice of the Holy Land, where countless people are rushing to enter, is not a joke.

"Well, since you said so, it would be better."

Xiao forgets his face with a smile, he turns to look at Jiang Chen: "Jiang Chen, hand over the sun **** feathers."

Jiang Chen was a glimpse, and he did not hesitate. He took the sun **** feather directly and handed it forward to the hand of Xiao forget.

The moment when the sun **** appeared, it immediately attracted countless eyes. Even Li Wangye couldn’t help but look at it. For the legendary golden lupin, they have never seen it before, but see that one is depressed. The sound of humming sounds, the whole body is golden, and the fire of the sun above it is filled, it looks like a strange thing.

Xiao forgets to hold the sun **** feather in his hand, and then said to the three people in Li Wangye: "From now on, the sun **** feathers belong to me and forget the custody, Jiang Chen body, there is no more weapon weapon, from now on, as long as Xianting And the old masters of the great powers of the immortal world do not deal with Jiang Chen, your genius figures, just take a shot, I will not forget what I will forget, this seat believes that this is a matter of the younger generation, such a grudge should be Let them solve it themselves. For Jiang Chen, it is a great experience and a sinister to deal with countless geniuses in the world. For your genius, there is a character like Jiang Chen as an object of experience. A good thing to improve oneself, if someone can kill Jiang Chen, naturally famous fairyland, become the first person of the younger generation, this is the purpose of my commemoration of the conference.

Xiao forgets to accept Jiang Chen’s sun **** feathers and tells his own purpose. When this is said, many people secretly nod, because Xiao forgets, you can’t pick any faults. His words are reasonable, you even There is no rebuttal.

Even the sun **** feathers are closed up. If Xianting still disagrees, then the face will not pass. The older masters have no reason to take Jiang Chen’s shot. If it is hard to shoot, it is to recognize the Xianting youth. No one in this generation, this person, Xianting can not afford to lose.

For Jiang Chen, this is also a good thing. Not only has it got rid of the current predicament, but there are also objects of experience in the future. Under the oppression of countless enchanting geniuses, it is better to grow better than the sun god. .

Moreover, Jiang Chen is also the most reassured to give the sun **** feathers to Xiao, and he is now reluctant to forget Xiao, but grateful or grateful, for his own affairs, Xiao forget can be said to be painstaking.

"Well, I didn't expect Xiao's predecessors to solve this problem. In this case, the Jiang Chen crisis will be lifted.

Yang Yu was amazed, and the admiration for Xiao’s fortunes rose to a higher level.

"Don't be happy too early, but also look at Li Wangye. They agree to disagree, and even if they agree, the geniuses in Xianting who are not born are not so good. The major forces in Dongxuan are in Xianting. There are genius characters, we also have big empire, how strong the characters are, you should be very clear, they have no chance to come back on weekdays, but now, it is different.

The old emperor said.

Yang Yu nodded secretly and his face dipped again.

The scene was quiet again. The masters of the great powers in the fairy world changed their faces one by one. It is obvious that they did not think that Xiao Forget will use this trick to directly resolve the crisis of Jiang Chen, making their situation extremely passive. Now, they can only expect that Li Wangye will not agree with Xiao’s request for forgotten.

In the field, Li Wangye held his hand and stood in the middle of the world. He looked at Jiang Chen, his eyes flickered and then his eyes fell on Xiao’s body.

"Xiao forgets, if this seat does not agree? If this is the insistence on killing Jiang Chen?"

Li Wangye said coldly.

"Haha, if so, Jiang Chen is here. Although you are going to kill, I can't stop it, but I can tell you clearly, unless you have the three hands together to be sure that I will kill together, or else Later, if you are in Xianting, you will see one killing one in this seat. If you see two, you will kill one pair. My Xiao forgets from then on and becomes a ghost. The three fairy tales will no longer have a day."

Xiao forgets suddenly laughs, his black hair is open, his posture is arrogant and arrogant, and he is extremely unparalleled. Every word is powerful, like a thunder, directly hitting the human heart, making people feel that his words are absolutely Not kidding.

"Are you threatening us?"

Li Wangye hated his teeth and cut his teeth.

"Threats? You can also understand this. I am obsessed with a thought and a discussion with you. You are determined to kill Jiang Chen. Then there is nothing to talk about. You should not think that I am joking. Li Wangye, you are killing the river now. Dust to try, this seat immediately kills all the major forces here, I see if you can stop."

Xiao forgets the strong, his words are simply crazy, the prestige of the emperor is filled, so that everyone is frightened and timid.


As soon as this was said, the faces of the great ancestors of the big forces became extremely dark, and almost all the big forces in the four major fields of the celestial domain were gathered here. If Xiao forgets to really launch a mad singer, then For the domain, the blow is simply unimaginable.

More importantly, Li Wangye and the three of them joined forces, and they couldn’t stop Xiao’s forgetting. This is the clearest point in Li Wangye’s heart, because he has already deeply understood the horror of Xiao’s forgetting.

This is also the intention of Xiao Yu to fight against Li Wangye at the beginning, for the sake of the current negotiations.

[There are two more today, it is going to be twelve o'clock in the night, so the brothers don't have to wait. 】

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