Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1731: Powerful scary

Looking at the madness of Jun Tianqiu, Jiang Chen couldn't help but smile. A big sage called to challenge himself. Jiang Chen suddenly felt that his grades had been pulled down.


Jun Tianqiu shot, he jumped, and a **** red sword in his hand, smashed toward Jiang Chen, but the next moment, Jun Tianqiu made a scream, the whole person fell directly from the sky Like a dead dog, he squatted on the ground. No matter how he struggled, he couldn't get up. His body was like an unbeatable giant mountain. He couldn't move at all, and his mouth continued to spurt blood.


The whole audience was amazed, everyone was stupid, one by one with a horrified gaze staring at the dust of the sky, and from the beginning to the end, Jiang Chen did not even move, it felt like Jun Tianqiu suddenly Just like landing from above, Jiang Chen did not even look at Jun Tianqiu with sharp eyes.

However, people are very clear that Jun Tianqiu is now on the ground like a dead dog. It must be done by Jiang Chen. Otherwise, the powerful Jun Tianqiu will fall down on his own.

This is terrible, and countless people are horrified. No one can imagine the extent to which Jiang Chen is tyrannical at this moment. For the immortals who are high above, they have no concept. In their minds, the world, the Great It is the most powerful existence, and Jun Tianqiu has stood at the peak of the Great Holy Spirit, and it is enough to fight the immortal.

But now, the horrible Jun Tianqiu met the legendary Jiang Chen, and even the ants were not counted, and they were directly crushed.

They naturally don’t know that Jiang Chen’s current cultivation is even in the fairy world. It’s also a figure at the peak level. In the early days of the Emperor’s Emperor, he was enough to fight the fairy, and a small big holy, the gap between them is really not Being able to speak the same day, the two sides are completely out of one level.

Even if Jiang Chen is forced to exert strong power under the pressure of the world law, even if it is a look, it is enough to kill hundreds of times. This is an irreparable gap.

"It’s terrible, it’s terrible. It’s a legend. It’s terrible. It’s not what we can imagine.”

"That is the power of a true immortal, and the king cannot compete with it."

"The real legend of the Shengyuan continent, I did not expect to come back again, the king is really unfortunate."


No one is not surprised, such a scene is unimaginable to everyone.

Jun Tianqiu was unmovable on the ground, and he did not even have the strength to struggle.

"God, what kind of power is this?"

The people of the Shengwu dynasty could not help but swallow a spit. Many of the great saints and the little saints here were promoted in recent years, so they did not know about Jiang Chen. They only saw the portrait of Jiang Chen. They are more aware of the fighting power of Jun Tianqiu. Nowadays, in the hands of Jiang Chen, Jun Tianqiu has become a vulnerable ants. They simply cannot imagine how strong Jiang Chen is now.

"Wu Lang, how much horror do you say Xiaozi is now?"

Yuzihan shrugged and said to Wu Lang with a smile.

"A very terrible degree, that is not what we can imagine."

Wu Lang shook his head. He looked at Jiang Chen now. He could only look up. Once upon a time, Jiang Chen was still a small genius who was not as good as himself. He needed to come out to resolve the crisis. Now, the gap between the two sides is already different.

Jiang Chen held out a hand and confronted the celestial vengeance on the ground. Jun Tianqiu flew again and came to the front of Jiang Chen, but the fool could see that Jun Tianqiu could fly back from the ground, completely It is controlled by Jiang Chen. Otherwise, Jun Tianqiu will still be unable to do so.

"Jiang Chen, are you not affected by the heavens and the laws of the world?"

Jun Tianqiu asked in amazement.

"To deal with you, you don't need to use any energy at all. Moreover, Tiandao is not a big deal for me. I am going to break through the heavens and the road sooner or later."

Jiang Chen said faintly, he looked at Jun Tianqiu with great interest. Suddenly, this guy was even more arrogant than the Southern and Northern Dynasties of the year. Unfortunately, this person did not live in the same era as himself. Otherwise, it must be another. The enchanting character against the sky.

"Haha, Jiang Chen, I am the **** of heaven and earth, know what is the Son of God? I am the son of God, I am not dead, you can not kill me."

Jun Tianqiu laughed, he didn't seem to know what fear was at all. In the face of strong danger and Jiang Chen's pressure, he was not afraid at all, and he could still maintain his pride.

"Yes? Then I tell you, in front of my Jiang Chen, what ghost **** Buddha, as long as I offended me, there is only one end, that is death."

After Jiang Chen finished, he no longer talked with Jun Tianqiu. In his opinion, he and a small person of the great holy class have spent so much to say that they have seriously lowered their grades.


As the voice of Jiang Chen fell, the body of Jun Tianqiu burst into tears, and then the whole person evaporated into nothingness, and the complete death and death disappeared completely from the world.

From the beginning to the end, Jiang Chen stood there and did not move there. Jun Tianqiu was removed by Jiang Chen’s understatement. The dead **** is not left, as if this person never appeared.

However, at the moment of the death of Jun Tianqiu, Jiang Chen’s brow couldn’t help but stunned. He could be sure that Jun Tianqiu had completely died, and the death was clean, but the son of God, who is the **** of heaven, still let him and Very uncomfortable, intuition told him that this vengeance does not seem as simple as imagined.

After the great heavenly machine reached the heavenly mood, Jiang Chen was very convinced of his instincts, because such things happened in the South and North Dynasty.

Isn’t Jun Tianqiu the same as the Southern and Northern Dynasties? Is it a avatar of a big man?

Jiang Chen shook his head and directly denied this idea. This monarchy is not a avatar at all, because the current Jiang Chen, after all, is not the original Jiang Chen can compare, when Jiang Chen did not see the virtual reality of the Northern and Southern Dynasties, but that year If Jiang Chen has the current cultivation and eyesight, he will be able to see at a glance that the Northern and Southern Dynasties are nothing but a separation.

However, he did not feel any scent from Jun Tianqiu, and Jun Tianqiu did die. Jiang Chen was only invisibly felt. This may not be an ordinary person.

Converging the mind, Jiang Chen no longer thinks about meaningless things. It is a fact that Jun Tianqiu was killed. Since the Sanyuan continent has experienced such turmoil and happens to be back again, it is natural to make the Shengyuan continent a piece of iron.


Jiang Chen’s gaze fell on the body of a large number of Mozu masters. The killing in the eyes is really undisguised.

Plopping through...

Just one look, the masters of the Mozu all fell on the ground, not just them, all the people who followed Jun Tianqiu were kneeling on the ground, shivering in a scary manner.

At this time, no one will ever think about the big things that rule the whole world. Now life is the most important thing. Jun Tianqiu is already dead. What are they fighting against Jiang Chen? The gap between the two sides is too big. Jiang Chen is in their eyes, that is, the gods, the supreme being unattainable, and there is only one ending to it, that is, death.

"The people of the Mozu, when A Yan held the Supreme Wand to convince you, you don't honestly stay in the devil's world, but you still ran out to make trouble, and dare to dare to shoot against the Shengwu Dynasty. It seems that you don't have to continue to exist."

Jiang Chen said coldly.

"On the immortal life, the eternal life, we no longer dare, our Mozu is only oppressed by Jun Tianqiu, had to surrender."

"Yes, I am a singer. All of this is a sin of the enemy. We have no way. If you don't kill us, we will hide in the secluded world and swear that we will never come out again."

"If you don't believe in Shangxian, we can swear in the name of the Mozu."


The people of the Mozu are frightened. They are also afraid of death. Although the Mozu people are ferocious, but when they stand up with an unattainable god, all resistance is powerless. At this time, they only ask for mercy.

"It's already late."

Jiang Chen couldn't help but say that he flicked and flicked, and the flames rushed out along his fingers like a sword. Those flames turned into snakes and fell into the bodies of all the masters.



The fire instantly filled the masters of the Mozu, and with all the screams, all the people of the Mozu were burned to death.

"There is no need to exist in the devil."

Jiang Chen reached out to the void and grabbed a big hand. A world directly fell into his hands. The world in his hands is the devil's world. It is a different space that belongs to the Mozu.


Jiang Chen's palm was gently gripped, and the devil's secluded world was broken. All the thousands of demons in the world were killed in an instant. At this point, the demons of the Sanyuan Continent were completely destroyed, and even a little residue remained.

Jiang Chen knows very well that the Mozu is unruly and unruly, and cannot be tamed at all. He wants to make the Shengyuan Continent quiet, and let the Mozu no longer be chaotic. The best way and means is to destroy it directly. Complete destruction.


Seeing the means of Jiang Chen, everyone is tempted to **** the cold air. This method is really terrible. It is just a matter of thought to raise a hand and destroy a world without any effort.

The Mozu was completely destroyed, and the Sacred Continent will never have another Mozu.

The rest of the people of Jun Tianqiu squatted on the ground, the body trembled fiercely, and the power of Jiang Chen had completely forced them to force. It was a horror that had completely exceeded the limits of humanity. They were not afraid. Nothing can be done.

On the other hand, on the side of the holy dynasty, there is a sense of excitement on each of the faces, but in the same way, each of them is also shocked to the extreme, they never dare to imagine, a person can be powerful This level.

[About the update, I have already said that in the future, I will save the two more every day, and reward the extra plus, so the update will be stable. The old Su is also a province because it suddenly has more and more, and then it is even less. It is. 】

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