Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1732: Father's whereabouts

Wu Jiu came to Jiang Chen's side. He is also a heart-warming moment. He knows too much about his brother. Moreover, no matter how terrible and terrible this performance is, Wu Jiu will not feel the slightest accident. In his heart, the existence of Jiang Chen is a miracle in itself. The miracle he created in the Shengyuan continent is too much. Jun Tianqiu is terrible, but Wu Jiu has never taken Jun Tian ** Jiang Chen. I have compared them together. In his opinion, this is simply not comparable.

"Brother, how are these people disposed of?"

Wu Jiu asked.

"All killed, their hands are contaminated with the blood of the holy dynasty."

Jiang Chen said in an understatement that he sentenced all the great holy saints to death in one sentence.

"On the immortal life, the immortal life, we know that we are wrong, we are willing to change the former, and then for the Shengwu Dynasty."

"Don't kill us, we really know it is wrong, forgive me."


The masters are screaming at the ground, crying and crying, although they are the peaks of the world, the true master of the great saint, the unity is also an unparalleled force, but witnessed Jiang Chen destroy the genius After the means of the family, they really can't afford the idea of ​​rebellion.


Jiang Chen snorted and flickered out a finger, facing the next point, those big holy little holy, all the body burst into bursts, died on the spot, all died, one did not stay.

Jiang Chen's face is expressionless, and his eyes are not with a little emotion. The cold is terrible. This is the means and means for him to punish the enemy. The big world of the fairy world is much more cruel than the Shengyuan continent. Jiang Chen has experienced too much. Now, knowing that if you want to stand in this world, if you want to worry about it, you must be embarrassed.

These people were contaminated with the blood of the holy dynasty. They died, and they also avenged the death of the sacred martial arts. Moreover, Jiang Chen knew that Wu Lang and Yu Zihan would not be able to use the fairy tales for a long time. The foundation of the Shengwu dynasty was weaker. This group of people now surrendered. It is difficult to protect them from rebellion. They have been instilled with different ideas by Jun Tianqiu and can no longer be left behind.

This scene was seen by everyone in the holy dynasty. Everyone felt that breathing was a little difficult. This is really terrible. Jiang Chen’s fierce means, even they could not imagine, killing all the powerful enemies by hand. I am afraid that I will not be able to do it.

"Nine brothers, the weak meat, this is the reality, there is no need to have psychological pressure, if you fall into their hands, imagine what will happen to you?"

Jiang Chen took a shot of Wu Jiu's shoulder and then strode toward the smoke and clouds and dance Tianyang.

Jiang Chen bowed deeply to the smoke battle cloud and Wu Tianyang, and shouted: "The father-in-law."

There are not many people in the world who have made Jiang Chenyu, and there are two of them.

"Okay, dusty, good, if not for you today, the holy dynasty will be finished."

The smoke battle cloud took the shoulders of Jiang Chen and could not restrain his inner excitement.

"Father, you are injured."

Jiang Chen hit a wood aura against the smoke battle cloud. The smoke war cloud only felt a tremor, and immediately recovered. The whole person returned to the peak state, and the smoke and the cloud were shocked. This Jiang Chen’s means was really a horrible mess.

With the continuous growth of Jiang Chen Xiu, the aura of wood is becoming more and more pure and the effect is getting better and better. With his current method of emperor, it is necessary to help a great saint to repair the injury. .

"Dust, tell us about you, how are you in the fairy world?"

Wu Tianyang asked excitedly.

Jiang Chen smiled. He knew that Wu Tianyang was actually asking about the dance of bamboo. After all, they all soared, and dancing bamboo was his biggest concern.

"The father-in-law is relieved, the sister is very good, the rain is good, there is me, you don't have to worry about it. This time I figured out that the Shengwu Dynasty was difficult, so I broke through the sky, but with my current strength, Can not stay in the Shengyuan continent for a long time, must return as soon as possible, now Jun Tianqiu has been removed, the holy Wu Dynasty can be completely stable."

Jiang Chen said that even if he has a fairy mark on his body, he can't stay here for too long. After all, he is no longer part of the Shengyuan continent, and the world is completely out of touch. The world simply cannot bear himself. The pressure, you can make a sneeze casually, can make the world fragmented.

If there is no help from the fairy mark, when he comes to this world, the world will collapse directly.

"Brother, let's go in and talk."

Wu Jiu came to Jiang Chen.

"it is good."

Jiang Chen nodded and saw some old faces. Jiang Chen’s heart was finally settled.

In the palace's grand ceremony, some backbones are sitting there. Jiang Chen naturally sits at the top. As long as he is there, Wu Jiu can't sit in this position. Even if he is allowed to sit, Wu Jiu does not dare.

Jiang Chen looked around and couldn't help but ask: "What about me?"

It was really outside when Jiang Chen was looking for the shadow of Jiang Zhenhai, but did not find that now the core figures have gathered together, or did not find Jiang Zhenhai, which had to make Jiang Chen wonder.

"Dust, you have been flying up a hundred years ago."

The smoke war cloud said.

"What? I am soaring?"

Jiang Chen couldn't help but exclaimed. This was something he didn't imagine, and his father had already soared for a hundred years. According to the time rule of the fairy world, Jiang Zhenhai had a hundred days of flying.

Jiang Chen is in the Xianxian domain. He has never felt the breath of his father, but this does not blame him. He has always been in the cusp of the wind. Jiang Zhenhai has just been flying for a long time. It is probably too weak to repair. Jiang Chen can’t find it. It is normal, and it is not necessarily that Jiang Zhenhai has soared to the Xianxian domain. After all, there are nine major immortals in the fairyland, and it may be wherever it may fly.


Jiang Chen also did not see the image of Nangong. In fact, he did not need to ask. The right to ask the heavens of Nangong, I am afraid that it has already soared. He once tried to find Nangong in the fairyland, but there was no gain. I didn’t see Nangong’s question here, and I have confirmed his guess.

"Nan Gong asked that the sky has already soared. It seems that you have not encountered it in the fairy world."

Wu Jiu said.

"The fairy world is too big, not what you can imagine."

Jiang Chen shook his head. This time, the harvest was still quite big. It not only lifted the threat of the Shengwu Dynasty, but also learned the news of Jiang Zhenhai and Nangong asking for the sky to fly. Then the next thing, when you get to the fairy world, If you want to find a way to find these two people as soon as possible, Nangong asks him that he is not worried at all. This guy's talent is almost comparable to that of Han Yan. Even if he is in the fairy world, he will mix well. He is most worried about Jiang Zhenhai and Jiang Zhenhai. It can be said that there is no strong talent. It is better in the Shengyuan continent. It is a land emperor, but when it comes to the fairy world, it is a small shrimp. If it is not good, it must be bullied.

He did not intend to let Jiang Zhenhai fly to the fairyland. In Jiang Chen’s view, it’s good to stay in the lower bounds of An’an. At least, there is no need to worry about life safety. However, Jiang Chen knows that Jiang Zhenhai can’t worry about himself, and he’s soaring to Be yourself.

But now Jiang Chen has to worry about Jiang Zhenhai. It is his relatives. If he is wronged, Jiang Chen will certainly blame himself, and he will not feel better. No one knows more about the cruelty of the fairy world than he does.

Perhaps in the eyes of Wu Jiu, they can become a fairy, and that is the glory of the supreme. The vulgar is not known to the immortal world. He is nothing, and there are not many people who have regretted flying up. It is better to be a cockroach in the fairy world. High and high living on the free, but unfortunately flying up and then think about it, it can only become a luxury.

"Little dust, one day, I will fly to the fairy world."

Yu Zihan said incomparably solemnly that he does not expect that he will be as tyrannical as Jiang Chen, but he can fly up to the fairy world. It is the biggest goal of his life. Like Wu Lang, he once missed the days of fighting with Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen took a shot of Yu Zihan's shoulder and said a refueling.

Jiang Chen did not tell the imperial concubine how cruel the world was. He couldn't break a man's dream. In the same year, he and Yu Zihan were the same as the immortal world. They regarded the flying fairyland as their lifelong goal and dream. For people, it is such a goal.

Jiang Chen is not qualified to deprive Yu Zihan of his dream.

At night, Jiang Chen and Yu Zihan, Wu Lang and others sang the wine, so it was not easy to find out the feeling of the year.

Yu Zihan and Wu Lang said a lot of things that were once, and the sound of laughter continued. The legends that Jiang Chen once created were all told by them as if they had just happened yesterday.

On the next day, Jiang Chen left. There is a statue and the highest statue in the Shengwu Dynasty. This statue is Jiang Chen. He was worshipped by the descendants of the Shengwu Dynasty. When Jiang Chen left, he left a **** in the statue. Read the seeds, this **** of the seed, will not disappear for thousands of years, enough to keep the holy dynasty permanent peace.

Jiang Chen sacrificed the plane map, found the direction of going back, and then applied the big void technique, and quickly returned. His thoughts and enthusiasm, Jiang Zhenhai's soaring, filled him with worry, and returned to the fairy world, the first piece he had to do. The matter is to find the traces of Jiang Zhenhai. Regardless of which Xiannian area Jiang Zhenhai is in at the moment, Jiang Chen will find it and bring it with him. This is the most important person in his life.

The fairyland is not too flat now, because Jiang Chen’s affairs are simply too flat. It is almost not long before Jiang Chen left the Dagan Empire. Xianting has a talented master. After Jiang Chen returns, his days are still calm.

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