Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1744: Huangquanmen Luyan [six more]

Linglong Fudi has specially created a VIP area, and it has created a lot of exquisite courtyards in the VIP area. These North Hospitals are in excellent location, the spirit of Zhongtiandi, and the connected spirits below. It is an excellent training place, all the other hospitals. Completed in one day, although this election is to stimulate the Dragon 13 to wake up, but since it is held, it must be brought out of the momentum of exquisite blessings, belonging to the momentum of the big forces, the scale must be ambitious, can not let Outsiders feel that the exquisite and exquisite land is a small family.

Next to the exquisite jade stone, Jiang Chen and Lan Lingji's eyes have always looked at the dragon thirteen, but the dragon thirteen seems to have no signs of awakening.

"How to do?"

Lan Ling Ji began to be anxious.

"What are you worried about? Isn't this not yet an election meeting? You are afraid to marry someone else."

Jiang Chen smiled.

"You don't laugh."

Lan Ling Ji took a look at Jiang Chen, and he is now dying, where is the mood to make a joke.

“The exquisite blessings now seem very lively.”

Jiang Dust Road.

"Well, there are a lot of people coming from all major forces. Now they are in the VIP reception area today."

Blue Ling Jidao.

"Blue girl, it seems that your attraction is still quite big, so many people are coming to fight for you."

Jiang Chen continued to ridicule.

"You are laughing, but those who come to Xianting are also partly for your reasons."

Lan Lingji said that she is not a fool. The current situation can still be seen clearly. The reason why the geniuses in Xianting will appear is that they are for Jiang Chen. There are many reasons for this gathering to be exquisite and blessed. The reason for Jiang Chen is not without it.

"If that's the case, then I'm going to go out and see if Xianting's genius is three or six arms."

Jiang Chen’s eyes flashed, and it seemed that he was ready to go out.

"If Jiang Gongzi swayed out like this, I am afraid that there will be an outbreak of fighting in the exquisite land."

Lan Ling Ji Dao, she does not want Ling Fu to become the battlefield of Jiang Chen, and Lan Ling Ji can almost certainly be sure that as long as Jiang Chen goes out like this, there will be a big battle immediately. This is beyond doubt.

"I am not going to fight, it is going to watch the fun."

Jiang Chen smiled and said, he applied the technique of transformation, the face began to twist, and the body began to change. In the blink of an eye, it completely changed into a person, and became the same handsome brother, but before the Jiang Chen It is totally two people.

Lan Lingji was shocked. Many people can do things like changing their looks. But one's breath can't be easily changed, but after Jiang Chen's appearance changes, even his own breath has completely changed, if not seen by his own eyes. Lan Lingji will not believe that this guy is Jiang Chen.

"Blue girl, I am going out like this, I am afraid no one can recognize it?"

Jiang Chen smiled.

"It is really difficult to recognize, then you should be careful."

Lan Lingji nodded.

"The monkey will be handed over to you. I will not be able to stimulate him if I stay here. Anyway, I am bored. I will go to the geniuses of Xianting."

Jiang Chen said that his body disappeared and disappeared.

Today's exquisite and blessed land, but the genius is gathering, the scene is grand, such a scene, if you can't take a look, it is not a pity, and Jiang Chen changed his identity to the exquisite blessing, and by the way, he helped a bunch of exquisite blessings. Those disciples are counted as rewards.

Outside the exquisite Fudi Mountain Gate, more than a dozen wonderful female disciples lined up in two rows, constantly welcoming the coming VIPs, who are generally eligible to be received by them, are all genius characters in the major forces, all have certain identities and Status.

Jiang Chen also descended to the hillside of the exquisite blessed land. He walked in the back, and there were five or six people in front. The repairs were relatively strong. They were already masters of the emperor. The younger generation did not reach the emperor. By virtue of this cultivation, they are eligible to enter the VIP area of ​​Linglongfu.

And the young man in the collar who has taken the lead has already reached the point of half a step of the fairy, from the surface, it is almost equal to the previous day.

Almost no need to think about it, this guy must have come to Xianting. Look at the dress of other people, it should be Huangquanmen.

"The road is narrow."

Jiang Chen’s heart was cold and cold. For Huang Quanmen, he didn’t have a good feeling. The injury of Long XIII, some of which was caused by Huang Quan’s ancestors, was calculated sooner or later.

"Little Snow Lotus, come to welcome you to visit, don't know how this son called?"

An exquisite woman in Linglong Fudi greeted her. She was the leader. She was also extremely tyrannical. She has reached the level of the early Emperor and is the peak of the early Emperor. This kind of cultivation is even in the exquisite land. It was also a first-class genius disciple. Now, welcoming before standing in front of the mountain gate, it shows the atmosphere of exquisite and blessed land. It also shows the importance that Linglong Xianzun attaches to the major forces, showing the exquisite fairy respect for this time. The importance of the election event.

"This is our brother Lu Yan of Huangquanmen, who just returned from Xianting."

Huang Quanmen said loudly, when he mentioned the words of Xianting, his head was about to sway to the sky, as if he was also a genius of Xianting.

"It turned out to be the brother of Lu Yan, Xuelian was slow, please come in."

Xuelian quickly made a gesture of asking for the genius of Xianting, but she did not dare to be a little bit scornful.

"Well, the snow lotus sisters have worked hard. There is a strong medicine for the body, which is considered as a face-to-face ceremony."

Lu Yan turned over the palm of his hand and took out a medicinal herb. The medicinal herb gave off a golden glow. At first glance, it was not a thing. It was given to Xuelian, which was a big deal.

"Thank you, Master Lu Yan."

Xuelian politely collects the medicinal herbs. These geniuses who come back from Xianting are very face-to-face. Generally, they will give some benefits. When they meet, Snow Lotus has received a lot, so now stand here to meet the great talents. She is very happy.

"A broken remedy in a district is also a good idea to take it out."

A voice suddenly sounded from behind, and the sound sounded a bit odious, completely breaking the original good atmosphere.


A trace of the light followed the sound and looked at it. I saw a white young man swaying toward the mountain gate. The young man’s face was handsome, but his face was with a sling, and the repair was not Very strong, it makes people frown.

"Kid, what did you say? There is a kind of you to say it again."

The people at Huangquanmen suddenly did not do it, joking, Lu Yan and other identities, a small person who did not know where to come from, dare to say irony to Lu Yan, simply did not want to live.

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