Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1745: Sandy solitary, Da Mingjiang dissatisfied

Jiang Chen looked at each other coldly and said, "I am just talking about a fact. Is it a good idea to take a pill in the district? You don't ask the girls to be rare."

"Kid, let your recruits shine a little before speaking, know who we are? Do you know who this is? We are Huangquanmen, this is the supreme genius of Yanting, I see you. I really don't want to live. You are now swearing in front of Lu Yan's brother, and you may be able to save your life."

The man continued to say that Jiang Chen was not in the eyes at all, but it was normal. Huang Quanmen was the Dongxu domain sect after all. The following disciples came out of the sky, and they would put a little fairy in the eye. .

"Hey! The people in Huangquanmen are really arrogant. Unfortunately, Laozi does not eat this set. Breaking the pill is breaking the pill. Doesn't it let people say it? You are even better at Huangquanmen. It is also the site of exquisite land. Do you guys? I still have to be wild here."

Jiang Chen’s yin and yang said that he couldn’t help but slap the past when he saw the superiority of these disciples of Huang Quanmen. However, Jiang Chen does not want to expose himself now, and he does not want to make troubles in exquisiteness. After all, this election The ultimate goal of the conference is to stimulate the dragon thirteen to wake up.

On the other hand, more than a dozen female disciples, such as Xuelian, fell on Jiang Chen’s body, with a trace of strangeness in their eyes. This young man has never seen it before, and even can’t think of Dong Xuan’s. Characters, although the other's cultivation is also a fairy emperor, but compared to this election meeting, the early cultivation of the Emperor is really nothing, this is the top genius gathering in the fairy world, an early Emperor, too Conspicuous.

However, a fairy emperor in the district even dared to openly challenge Huang Quanmen, and it was Lu Yan of Huangquanmen. If the other party is not in a problem with the brain, it has a great backstage.

"Kid, I think you are looking for death."

The disciple of Huang Quanmen suddenly became angry. He punched Jiang Chen with a punch. The lightning was like a thunderous punch. The speed reached the extreme, but Jiang Chen underestimated the past.

"Huang Quanmen is really arrogant, and even dared to do it in exquisite blessings. It seems that there is no such thing as a blessing in the eyes."

Jiang Chen shouted loudly, and the voice spread far away.

The Huangquanmen disciple did not gain a momentum, and the anger rushed again. The attack was going to attack Jiang Chen, but it was stopped by Lu Yan.


Lu Yan sighed softly, his brows were slightly stunned, and he looked a little disgusted with Jiang Chen's eyes, but there was also a hint of surprise, because Jiang Chen was just evading his opponent's appearance, completely relaxed and casual, and it was not a simple item.

Of course, this can't be the reason why Lu Yan attaches importance to Jiang Chen. After all, Lu Yan is a supreme master of half-step Xianzun. He has to repair the other side for hundreds of miles. The reason why he stopped his hand is because he didn’t want to It’s here to start in Lingling’s blessings. In that case, it seems that Huang Quanmen is too arrogant, and the face of exquisite blessings is still to be given.

"Kid, you said that I was breaking the pill, I don't know if you have anything to send out?"

Lu Yan said with a sneer, although the medicinal herbs he sent out were not precious, but it was also the emperor's remedy. After all, the other party was only a female disciple who received the exquisiteness of the emperor. It's very generous, and this is almost unquestionable.

The other party is just the beginning of a small fairy, and even dare to ridicule the garbage that he sent out. He must look at what kind of good things Jiang Chen can send. For an early Emperor, a royal product Medicines are invaluable, even if they are in the hands of Jiang Chen, I am afraid that they are not willing to send them out.

"Right, boy, have the ability to send the same thing."

"That is, if you are a countryman, you still have to laugh at others. It’s really a laugh. There is a kind of medicine that you also come up with a royal product."

"I don't know where the little person came from, I think there is a problem with my brain."


The disciples of Huang Quanmen immediately opened the cynicism model. Their thoughts are the same as those of Lu Yan. This guy must not have any good things in front of him. After all, where is the repair, where can there be any good things, even if there are, Will not be willing to send it out.

They all looked at Jiang Chen with great interest and waited for Jiang Chen to make a fool of himself.

"Street?" Today, Lao Tzu will let you open your eyes and open your eyes."

Jiang Chen was a cynical look. He smashed his sleeves and strode to Xuelian and others, then waved his hand.

Oh la la...

I only listened to the sound of a slamming weapon, and more than a dozen war swords suddenly emerged. Every sword was brilliant and screamed, and these swords automatically ran to the body of every female disciple. Before, the sword that stayed in front of Xuelian, the most trembling is fierce, the level has reached the peak of the royal peak, and other swords are also Wang Pin.


Everyone was shocked, even the more than a dozen disciples of Xuelian’s exquisite blessings were horrified, and they couldn’t believe it.

"These are the gifts I gave to the fairies."

Jiang Chen said loudly.

More than a dozen war swords were suspended in the air, and a lot of brilliance came out, which immediately attracted the attention of many people.

"The shot is a dozen or so singers. Who is this kid, how is this big arm."

"Grandma's, so many high-ranking singers, don't you want money? It's a bad boy. Others are just a little bit of a benefit to the leading female disciple. This kid is actually one."

"It’s amazing, it’s really enough."


Jiang Chen immediately attracted a lot of attention. The face of Huang Quanmen was more ugly than the one. They had to admit that the medicinal herbs that Lu Yan sent out were not a grade compared with those of Jiang Chen. There is no semi-comparability.

"This son is such a valuable gift, how can Xuelian dare to accept it."

Xuelian said that the look of Jiang Chen has completely changed, and the shots are so wide that they always make people feel good.

"The things I sent out, but they won't be recovered."

Jiang Chen’s generous handcuffs, these celestial soldiers were collected at the time of the gold killing. At the beginning, he killed too many people, collected a large number of Xianbing, and now the sacred soldiers in the ancestral tower piled up with the mountains. The same, just sent to the disciples of Linglong Fudi, is to give Linglong Xianzun a human condition.

"In this case, then we are welcome. I don't know what the son is, how to call it?"

Xuelian put away the sword and asked.

"I have no door to send, the field alone, the name of the river is not satisfied, people send nicknames dissatisfied with the sky, you can call me a disobedient."

Jiang Chen patted his chest and blew a name for hanging the sky.

That's right, this guy is coming out and forced.

[Today's two more, the next 12 points, tomorrow four more. 】

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