Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1749: It’s surnamed Jiang’s

The name of the gods and people soon spread throughout the exquisite blessings, and even the tops of the exquisite blessed land were alarmed, not to mention the VIP area where Jiang Chen had lived. For a time, the whole exquisite land was talking about disobedient The name, the mouth is closed, it is a god, no one.

In the following time, the VIP area was in the city, but they were all rushing to the public. They had nothing to do with the genius of other big forces. Apart from Jiang Chen, this other hospital was quiet, and many genius disciples were very blue. It’s the geniuses who came down from Xianting, and the face is even more ugly. They came here to be guests, but also to find opportunities to show themselves, to attract the attention of the emperor or the saint. Now it’s good, all eyes are up. The one who was not convinced of the son, all the limelight was robbed.

Jiang Chen’s other hospitals are screaming, and the female disciples of Linglong Fudi are not willing to miss this great opportunity, especially for those disciples who are under bottlenecks. Whether they can get a fairy is a trivial matter, can be ignored by the son. Most importantly, for them, this is a godsend.

"I want to break through, the bottleneck that I have been for so long, I have finally broken through."

"Me too, disobeying the son is really a god, and has been exposed to hidden dangers for many years."

"Bad man, this is a great grace, I will never forget it in my life."

In the following time, from time to time, there will be disciples of the exquisite blessings to break through the bottleneck. At this time, even some elders of the emperor have come to consult. Some elders have been in a certain realm for a long time because of their age. Almost in this life, I didn't think about breaking through the bottleneck. Now, after Jiang Chen's guidance, I even broke through directly. This is a tearful thing for them.

In a different courtyard next to Jiang Chen, the Dagan empire is inhabited. Because the relationship between the Dagan Empire and the exquisite land is better, the treatment is naturally better, and the place of residence is also superior.

The owner who lives here at this moment is not someone else. It is Yang Bufan, and Yang Lang and Shan Chong are the leaders of the younger generation of the Dagan Empire. Today, Yang Bufan is a lofty prince in the Dagan Empire. Nothing, there is only one king who is in the middle of the sky. Although the emperor did not say it, people are not fools. It can be seen that the next generation of the prince of the Dagan empire is the prince, because many princes can no longer find one. Contrary with Van Wang, even the geniuses of Yang Lang and Shan Chong have shown that they should be loyal to the Van Wang, not to mention the support of Jiang Chen and Jiang Chen.

This exquisite and blessed election is the great day of the Eastern Xuan domain. As one of the great forces, the Dagan Empire is naturally a symbolic comer. Yang Bufan is the representative, the genius of the Dagan Empire in Xianting and Didn't come back, because they wouldn't kill Jiang Chen, and those who came back from Xianting were all geniuses and geniuses who had hatred with Jiang Chen.

"Where is Wang, what kind of person is this river not convinced? Is it too embarrassing?"

Yang Lang asked with interest. Now the VIP area is about to become a vegetable market. The name of Jiang’s dissatisfaction is spread throughout the exquisite land. They don’t want to know it, but they are neighbors.

"Jiang is not convinced? The early Emperor of the Emperor? The shots are wide and the eyes are unique. How do I feel that such a character, besides Jiang Chen, can't find a second one?"

Yang Bufan thought and thought, and felt that he could do this, and it was the cultivation of the early Emperor of the Emperor. Even if he looked at the whole fairyland, he could not find a second one except Jiang Chen.

"Where Wang, you shouldn't think that this river is dissatisfied with Jiang Chen?"

I was very interested in the eyes.

"That can't be said, you said that in addition to Jiang Chen, who has such a big skill, and even if there is such a big skill, why do you want to help the exquisite land for no reason?"

Yang Wufan laughed.

"You are really saying that."

Yang Lang is a bit angry.

"If you look at it, you won't know."

Yang Bufan said, directly open the door of the other hospital, with Yang Lang and Shan Chong directly to the other courtyard of Jiang Chen, and saw a white young man sitting on a wicker chair, and constantly pointed to ask for advice. Female disciples, in addition to the teachings, each person also sent a fairy soldier, it is really very wide.

When the eyes of the three people fell on Jiang Chen’s body, the eyes of Jiang Chen also looked over and raised their eyebrows at the three people.

The three men rolled their eyes and it was this guy.

"It's really him."

Yang Lang shook his head. Originally, he thought that there would be a sturdy role in the East Xuanyu. It was originally Jiang’s dissatisfaction.

But the three are not surprised, after all, I thought of this at the beginning.

"Okay, let's not go over, stand here and watch him pretend."

Yang Bufan has arms around his chest and a big smile on his face.

Compared with Yang Bufan, the characters in other hospitals are not so good, and the atmosphere in the VIP area is extremely suppressed.

Huang Quanmen here.

"This **** Jiang dissatisfied, took the limelight away, and did not give Lu Yan a brother before."

A disciple said angrily.

"How many of the disciples of Linglong Fudi have advanced?"

Lu Yan asked.

"Brothers, from yesterday to now, there have been more than one hundred of them who have been promoted under the guidance of Jiang."

Someone replied that within one day, the bottleneck problem of more than 100 people was solved. This kind of fantasy-like thing made them simply can't believe it.

"Can't let him continue any more. The overall strength of Linglong Fudi is improved. It is not good for us. If this election fails, Huangquanmen will not be able to establish a good relationship with Linglongfu, plus Linglong. The blessed land and the Dagan empire and Jiang Chen have a good relationship. In the future, it is possible to be an enemy of us. The overall strength of the exquisite land has been improved, which is not good for us."

Lu Yan said that the eyes were exposed to the cold.

"Master Lu Yan said yes, this does not know where to come out of the river dissatisfied, in order to show the limelight, has brought great benefits to Linglong Fudi, this is not what we want."

Someone said.

"Not only that, I feel that I have to remove this Jiang disobedience. This guy has become hostile to us when it first appeared, and this person is too divine and sinister. If it is not removed early, I am afraid it is also a big problem. ""

"A Jiang Chen, another river dissatisfied, this surname Jiang is so abnormal."

Huang Quanmen did not feel good about Jiang Chen and Jiang. He felt that such a person must be removed as soon as possible and could not let it grow up.

[Counted yesterday's two more, today's two more, a total of four more, before twelve o'clock. 】

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