Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1750: conflict

"What about that? Anyway, it’s all going to die. When the election of tomorrow will begin, Li Feng’s brother will come. Whenever Jiang Chen dares to appear, he will die.”

Lu Yan’s face sneered.

"What? Li Feng’s brother is also back. My God, it is said that Li Feng’s brother is now a true master of genius. The true genius, is Li Feng’s son also interested in the sacred woman of Linglong Fudi?”

Some disciples were shocked and suddenly couldn't believe that the name Li Feng was a legend in the history of Huangquanmen. If this year's glory, it has already reached the early stage of Xianzun's cultivation. Such a peerless genius is simply not ordinary. The genius can be comparable.

"Jokes, Li Feng brother, who is interested in a saint, this time, Li Feng brothers come back, mainly to kill Jiang Chen, if Jiang Chen does not appear tomorrow, Li Feng brother will not shoot, as for the election, That is my business."

Lu Yan smiled and mentioned the name Li Feng. His proud face could not help but reveal a respectful color.

"Since the brother Li Feng came back, it seems that other big forces also have the genius genius masters coming back. This time, Jiang Chen will die, and there is no chance of alive."

The disciples of Huang Quanmen were sneer on their faces, and they remembered Jiang Chen. They all bite their teeth and can't wait to eat the meat of Jiang Chen.

"Although we can't wait to eat Jiang Chen, we have to admit that Jiang Chen is really a horror. Today, Jiang Chen has become a big problem. Only the enchanting shot of Li Feng's brother can kill him. Brother Lu Yan, this river is not satisfied. What should I do? Is it that he has been arrogant like this? Others don’t say that the limelight has been taken away by him, and we are too faceless."

Some people say that Jiang Chen’s things are not mentioned for the time being, because they can’t deal with Jiang Chen, but now the river is not convinced, but it can’t make him too arrogant.

"You used to find an excuse to abolish him, a small person."

Lu Yan said dismissively.

"Well, Master Lu Yan can rest assured that this matter will be handed over to me."

A young man with a sullen face is very confident. He is called Lu Qi, the cultivation of the Emperor in the middle of the immortal, the rare genius of Huang Quanmen, and his own strength is also very tyrannical. Naturally, he will not put a dissatisfaction into his heart.

There are still more than 20 female disciples from the exquisite hospitals of Jiang Chen who come to visit. They are all repaired by Xian Wang. They have a bright smile on their faces, and many look at Jiang Chen’s eyes. It’s crazy.

At this moment, three young men who came in from outside the door didn't even look at Yang Bufan and Yang Lang, and they walked toward the inside of the other house.

"Mom, what did the people at Huangquanmen run over?"

Yang Lang couldn't help but snorted.

"Isn't that still not seen? Look for awkwardness."

Yang Wufan laughed.

"Would we like to shoot?"

Asked alone.

"In the middle of a fairy emperor, in the early days of the two emperors, do you think we have the need to shoot?"

Yang Bufan looked at the single charge.

The single charge shrugged and continued to pose a playful gesture. This kind of character actually ran over to find the trouble of Jiang Chen. The ending was almost without thinking. It was just running over to let Jiang Chen step on it.

Lu started striding to Jiang Chen, and he circled his arms and looked down at Jiang Chen. He said loudly: "I heard that I don’t accept the son’s thoughts, but I can also help people to hit the bottleneck. It’s just that I am in a bottleneck. Please don’t let me see it. Look."

The appearance of Lu Qi immediately caused dissatisfaction with the disciples of Linglong Fudi, but these disciples were all cultivated by Xian Wang. In front of the Emperor, they still refused to speak.

Lu Qi’s posture is very proud. Wherever there is a little bit of advice, it seems that Jiang Chen has not been put in the eyes.

"This Xiongtai is probably the impotence that caused the loss of the man's fighting power, leading to the stagnation of the spirit, this life is over, the gods can not save your stubborn illness."

Jiang Chen said that it is not salty or light.


After listening to Jiang Chen’s words, the surrounding female disciples couldn’t help but giggled, only to think that this disobedience was too bad.

Lu’s face turned out to be incomparably ugly, and the most taboo for men was that they could not be said, not to mention that there were so many women’s faces, which was a shame for Lu Qi, which made the proud Lu’s suffering, I was angry on the spot.

"Bastard, do you dare to insult Lu brother, look for death?"

"Jiang is not convinced. If you are squatting in front of Lu’s brother, you may still be able to get forgiveness from Brother Lu."

The two disciples next to Lu Qi were angry and looked like Jiang Chen’s words would be straightforward.

"Insults are also what you are looking for. This place doesn't welcome you. If you don't be angry with this son, you can get out of the way."

Jiang Chen waved his hand impatiently. In the face of Huang Quanmen, he really couldn't be polite, and he couldn't give a smile. The three guys came to find out, but unfortunately they found the wrong object.

"court death."

The disciples of the early two emperors were completely angry. They had seen arrogant, and they had never seen such arrogance. A kid who didn’t know where to come from, dared to lick his nose in front of them. Got it?

The two suddenly sneaked out the big hands and directly grabbed the past toward Jiang Chen sitting in the wicker chair. They made up their minds and tried to suppress Jiang Chen and let him kneel on the ground. This guy is called Jiang Dissatisfied. Then hit him to be convinced.


The palms of the two men have not touched Jiang Chen, and they have been caught by Jiang Dust's two big hands. They are not surprised by the two people. Jiang Chen’s palms are hard, only two squeaks are heard, and the two are wrists. Directly crushed by Jiang Chen, the bones are completely distorted.


Subsequently, Jiang Chen stretched out his feet in lightning and squatted on the knees of the two. The two could not withstand the strength of Jiang Chen. They slammed into the ground and screamed in the mouth. Their palms were still pinched. In the hands of the struggle, the one leg below was directly abolished by Jiang Chen. He could only squat on the ground with another leg and sweated coldly.


This scene suddenly caused a storm, surrounded by awe-inspiring, the female disciples who were exquisite and blessed, all surprised and openly mouthed, can't believe watching Jiang Chen, how can they not think of it, this is not to accept the son, not only shot The vastness, the magical effect, the unique vision, even the strength is also strong to this extent, we must know that the two are the masters of the emperor, and the genius of the emperor, very difficult to deal with, but now it is understatement by Jiang Chen Pressed on the ground, can not move, this does not mean that the genius of Huang Quanmen is too weak, only to show that the opponent is too strong.

[The remaining two chapters are together at 12 o'clock. In addition, I would like to thank the brothers who live in today's squares for their rewards. 】

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