Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1751: Special treatment

Under the control of Jiang Chen, the genius disciples of the early two emperors could only lie on the ground and mourn. It is extremely difficult to move the bombs. At this moment, the two people are full of regrets, regretting that they are too impulsive to do things. Before I know the strength of the other side, I will take it out. Now I am really self-sufficient.

"Look at your bear-like kind, and you are so daring in the face of the son, do you know the meaning of the name of this son? One meaning is dissatisfaction, and the other meaning is the special treatment, you two now If the servant is convinced, the son will let you go."

Jiang Chen looked at the two painful people, yin and yang said strangely.

"Bastard, the river does not accept, you dare to hurt the people of Huangquanmen, I see you are really tired."

Lu was furious, when the people of Huangquanmen had such humiliation, but at the same time of anger, Lu was also very surprised and surprised the strength of the other side.

"Say it."

Jiang Chen completely ignored Lu Qi, and he was just a fart and continued to speak to the two.

"The river is not convinced, let us go, or let you die without a place to die."

"You are playing with fire, and you dare to fight against our Huangquanmen. Even if you have eight lives, you are not dead enough."

The two are still dead ducks, and it is impossible for them to say convinced in public. This involves the dignity of Huang Quanmen, and they simply do not believe that the other party dares to deal with them. After all, Huang Quanmen is not Everyone dares to provoke, let alone there is a brother who is a good brother, that is their greatest reliance.

"Well, since you are not satisfied, then there is no chance to be convinced. I have already given you a chance. If you don't accept the son, you will never give a second chance."

Jiang Chen said, the palm of his hand was forced again, only to hear a bang, the two men's legs were directly burst, turned into a blood fog, the arm was shaken by the shoulder, not only that, Jiang Chen's two feet at the same time 踹In their gas sea, even the gas sea is directly kicked, and the two people are completely abolished.

"Ah... you abolished me and actually abolished me."

"No, no, this is not true."

The two of them immediately made a pig-like sound. They lay on the ground and continually rolled, screaming and screaming, and it sounded creepy. The two were suffering endless pain, physical and spiritual double blows, and they could not accept this. In reality, they are hard to cultivate to the realm of the Emperor, young and have a good future. Now they are abolished, and all their futures are destroyed, which makes them feel good.

The blood on the ground was dripping, and some female disciples couldn't stand the scene like this. The eyes that looked at Jiang Chen also changed. No one thought that this looks like a slap in the face, and the amiable person refuses to accept the son. Spicy and ruthless, the two were abolished when they came up.

Moreover, that is the genius disciple of Huang Quanmen, I am afraid that it is really troublesome, because Huang Quanmen is really not so irritating.

Lu Qi’s eyes are about to seep out. It’s unexpected that he happened. He didn’t even believe it until now. This river dissatisfied and even shot the two of them. Lu Yan’s brother told them that they came over. It is a great irony to find an excuse to abolish Jiang Chen and now his own people have been abolished.

"Jiang is not convinced, you are looking for death."

Lu said that he was murderous and directly locked in Jiang Chen. He had to kill Jiang Chen and seek justice for the two on the ground. Otherwise, he would have any face and could not go back to see Lu Yan. It is.

"What? You have to take it? I advise you not to shoot, otherwise, the end will definitely be the same as the two."

Jiang Chen squinted and looked at Lu Qi. He sat there all the time. He did not leave the cane chair. His posture was arrogant to the extreme. He did not put Lu from his eyes, and the more he did, the more he got up. The more angry he is, the more he is in the name of Huangquanmen, when he was so despised.

"Well, you are not satisfied with the situation. Today, I have to fight you to be convinced."

Lu Qi can no longer bear, completely violent, violent temper instantly tumbling up, full of big fists of the mouth of the golden light, with the momentum of lightning toward Jiang Chen hit the past, Lu Qi is also the middle of the Emperor As a repair, the shot is still very sharp, and the speed is extremely fast. Wherever the fist passes, the void is broken.

However, in the eyes of Jiang Chen, there is no difference between the early Emperor and the Emperor of the Emperor. Anyway, it is a trick.


As before, Lu’s fist was captured by Jiang Chen’s palm. The ocean-like energy hit the palm of Jiang’s palm, and it seemed to be like a stone sinking into the sea. The power of this boxing did not even allow Jiang Chen to sit on the wicker chair.


Lu was shocked and his eyes were about to come out. He tried again, but he still couldn’t shake Jiang Chen. He wanted to break free, but he was shocked to find that Jiang Chen’s hands were like a pair of iron tongs. Keeping him in control and letting himself exert much power can't break free.

This time, Lu's face has completely changed. He is not a fool. At this time, he would not know that he had kicked the iron plate. When he encountered a hard battle, even if he tried his best, it was not the opponent of the other party.


No one has reacted yet, and the power of terror has rushed out from Jiang Chen’s palm. He only listened to the slamming sound. The arm of Lu’s arm burst directly under the brute force of Jiang Chen, smashing into blood fog, and the ground. The two men suffered the same treatment and one arm was directly abolished.


Jiang Chen raised his hand and slap, and Lu Qi only felt that a mountain suddenly fell on his own body. Under this force, his whole person was involuntarily crushed and slammed into the ground.

"Huang Quanmen is such a thing, it is hard to beat."

Jiang Chen looked at the squatting on the ground and said coldly.

The female disciples around have been completely dumbfounded. The strength of Jiang Chen has completely shocked them. If the two young disciples in the early Xianhuang period were still acquainted, then the experience of Lu Qi made them unable to believe. .

"No, this is impossible, it is absolutely impossible."

Lu began to smash, and his heart was so heartbroken. Such a blow was too big for him. Although he broke an arm, the attack of the soul was much more serious than the injury of the body.

Yang Bufan three people look at all this in their eyes, they are all indifferent. After all, they already know the identity of Jiang Chen, and what happened in front of him is the means and behavior of Jiang Chen.

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