Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1752: Can you dare to fight?

The other hospitals began to get confused, and the screams of the three people attracted more people, making the small courtyard more heated.

"Look, that is the person of Huangquanmen. It is the erection of Huangquanmen on the ground."

"What did I see? This river is not convinced of what the characters are, how can it be so powerful, he seems to be just the beginning of the Emperor, Lu Qi is the supreme master of the Emperor of the Emperor, is very famous in the Huangquanmen, now The shackles that were not convinced by the river could not move on the ground."

"The stranger of the fairyland is really a lot of things, and there are many geniuses and geniuses. This time, the exquisite and blessed land selection, this river is not convinced to be famous."


Many people have seen the scenes in other hospitals in their eyes. They are all embarrassed and many people can't believe it.

"Put them now."

Just then, a cold voice suddenly sounded from outside the hospital. Then, five or six people came in. The leader was dressed in black, and his eyes were as cold as a snake. Jiang Chen recognized this person. It was before Lu Yan, who was met outside the mountain gate of Fudi, was a person of Huangquanmen.

Looking at the three encounters of Lu Qi, Lu Yan’s eyes immediately spurted out the fire. This river refused to accept the people who dared to abolish Huangquanmen. That is to provoke Huangquanmen. The loss is not only the genius of Huangquanmen, but also the genius of Huangquanmen. With the face of Huang Quanmen, for these big forces, face is sometimes more important.

"What are you? What are the qualifications to let the unacceptable release?"

Jiang Chen sneered.

This kind of performance suddenly caused a burst of white eyes, this guy is really arrogant, even dare to talk to Lu Yan, this is a typical death.

"I don't care who you are? What you are doing now is to dig your own grave."

Lu Yan said coldly.

"is it?"

Jiang Chen reached out to the top of Lu’s head and then said to Lu Yan: “You take another step forward and I kill him directly.”

When this came out, it caused a wave of turbulence. The wounding and murder were completely different concepts. If the river refused to accept the people who actually killed Huang Quanmen, the hatred would be settled. The possibility of defusing, between each other is the enemy of life and death.

Moreover, those who dare to kill Huang Quanmen, how much courage they need, at least a lot of people who do not believe that Jiang Chen really dare to kill Huang Quanmen, after all, offending Huang Quanmen is not a joke.

"you dare?"

Lu Yan has been very angry. The other party is threatening himself. No one has ever dared to threaten himself. He Lu has never been threatened by anyone.

"Then try it."

Jiang Chen said that it is not salty or light.

"court death."

Lu Yan’s nephew is like a viper, striding toward Jiang Chen. He does not believe that the other party dares to kill Lu, because it is playing with fire and playing with fire**.


However, Lu Yan was only one step away, and he heard a scream and scream, and the entire head was completely burst, and was killed by Jiang Chen on the spot.


The audience was stunned. Everyone was shocked. Lu Yan, who took the step, stopped. He himself was incredulously watching Jiang Chen. The other party actually killed Lu Qi and really dared to shoot. Killing people, killing the people of Huangquanmen.

Such a move is already openly enemies with Huang Quanmen.

But in the same way, many people have begun to admire this disobedience, saying that killing and killing, clean and neat, without a little bit of muddy water, such a hot means, it is rare.

"Kid, I think you are really tired, dare to kill the people of Huangquanmen, then you will die."

Lu Yan was furious and murderous and shot, and Jiang Chen was killed.


A loud scream, a powerful pressure descended from the sky, a daddy with a cane flew over, she floated over the VIP area, looked at everything that happened in the other hospital, and her eyes stayed on Jiang Chen for a moment and then moved. open.

This is a powerful master of Xianzun. In the exquisite elders of Linglong Fudi, he has great prestige in the exquisite land.

"Tomorrow is the beginning of the election meeting. Have you had enough trouble here? Have you regarded the exquisite land as a vegetable market? If you want to solve the grudges, please go outside the exquisite land."

When the old man finished, his body disappeared and disappeared.

After all, it is a VIP area. In the place where VIPs are served, with the strength of Lu Yan and Jiang Chen, if you fight here, you can still calm down where you are.

The appearance of the old man, let Lu Yan's momentum also closed up, he looked at Jiang Chen, coldly said: "Jiang is not satisfied, you do not claim to be dissatisfied with the sky? Dare to fight with me?"

When Lu Yan’s words came out, many people felt that they were over-extended. Especially the female disciples who were exquisite and blessed, all of them were fighting for Jiang Chen’s injustice. Lu Yan was a half-step fairy, or no return from Xianting. The genius, not the servant is only the beginning of the emperor, which has a great repair gap, Lu Yan has to open the challenge to disobey the son, is this not a bully?

However, people feel that Jiang Chen will certainly not agree. After all, this is a matter of no grasp. Living is a matter of death. Anyway, it is a site of exquisite and blessed land. It is suppressed by exquisite blessings. Even if Lu Yan is angry again, Dare to directly fight and fight against Jiang Chen.

"You want to fight with me?"

Jiang Chen looked at Lu Yan with great interest.

"Yes, leave the exquisite land, find a place where no one is, and fight for life."

Lu Yan said loudly.

"Then find a place where no one is."

Jiang Chen said, his body swayed and flew directly to the sky, flying away from the exquisite land.

This scene once again made everyone stunned. Even Lu Yan himself was stunned. He didn’t think that the other party actually promised to fight him. He just scared each other and found a little face because he knew The other party, in the early days of the Emperor’s reign, was even more powerful and did not dare to fight with himself.

Where did he think that Jiang Chen directly agreed, but also took the lead to fly outside the exquisite land.

Where does Lu Yan know that it is Jiang Chen’s most important thing to find a place where no one is fighting. If he plays here, he is afraid to expose his identity. Masters like Lu Yan must be removed, so they must be removed. Jiang Chen will naturally agree to the challenge of Lu Yan.

Jiang Chen has already seen it very clearly. The strength of this land rock is equivalent to that of Tianyue. He can kill Tianyue and kill a land rock naturally.

"Is this guy crazy? I really promised Lu Yan's challenge. But Lu Yan, who gave him such confidence?"

"Crazy, it must be a madman, Lu Yan shot, he will die."


Many people are shaking their heads and feel that this is a crazy behavior, only a madman can do it.

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