Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1754: Force pressure [two more]

When I heard the name of Tianyue, Lu Yan’s face, which was still sneer, changed instantly. He looked at the other person with horror and couldn’t believe it: “You are Jiang Chen?”

At this time, Lu Yan had to be so skeptical, because the other party said that he had killed Tianyue, and Tianyue was killed in the hands of Jiang Chen not long ago. This world knows, it is not a secret, and then thinks that this river is not satisfied. In the exquisite performance of the exquisite and blessed land, it is also necessary to easily kill the Lu Qi scene in the middle of the Emperor, so that Lu Yan is more convinced that this is Jiang Chen.

"You are not stupid."

Jiang Chen said, his body swayed, and a flood of power spurted out of his body like a sea of ​​oceans, directly showing the state of the dragon, to deal with Lu Yan, still need to do his best, he wants to fight the battlefield The choice here is that you don't want to expose your identity when you are in the exquisite land.

"Come on, let me see, how is your life more?

Jiang Chen’s murderousness is like a god-killing, and the aggressive momentum makes Lu Yan feel a strong pressure.

Lu Yan's face changed slightly, and seeing the change of the dragon of Jiang Chen, the identity of Jiang Chen was further confirmed. The dragon change itself is the biggest symbol of Jiang Chen.

Lu Yan did not think that he met Jiang Chen so quickly, telling the truth, dealing with Jiang Chen, he did not have a little grasp in his heart, it can be said that it is constantly playing drums, after all, the other side killed the Yue Yue, this is a fact, the day He is too clear about his ability. He is also practicing in Xianting, and he is most familiar with each other.

"What? Are you scared? If you are afraid, you can choose to surrender."

Jiang Chen laughed.

When I heard the words of surrender, a strong anger suddenly spurted out of Lu Yan’s body. When Lu Yan surrendered, this is an insult to others. If this matter is passed on, then I don't have to mix myself.

"Hey! Jiang Chen, the reason why you can kill Tianyue is just speculation. The more you die, the more you die. But I am not in the sky. Since I met today, I will kill you with Lu Yan." ”

Lu Yan snorted and faced Jiang Chen. Although he had no bottom in his heart, the greedy heart began to shake up. He knew better than anyone else. Killing Jiang Chen has great benefits for himself. It’s famous.

Moreover, in the view of Lu Yan, the reason why Jiang Chen was able to kill Tianyue was completely relying on a magical secret technique to replicate the Tianyue and Jiuyi of Tianyue, completely disturbing the heart of Tianyue, so he finally Killing, as long as you pay attention to yourself, Jiang Chen is definitely not an opponent.


Lu Yan’s arm trembled, and a shocking sword appeared. He knew that Jiang Chen had a means to evolve his opponent’s combat skills. If that is the case, then he would not use his combat skills and use the powerful Xianbing to go directly to Jiang. Dust causes stress and injury, and with the strength of Jiang Chen, we must do our best to suppress each other.

"Get it."

Jiang Chen's slow-moving extraction of the Tiansheng sword, the **** dragon sword made a roaring sound, it seems that there has been no fighting for a long time, at this moment has been unable to withstand his own joy.

Lu Yan moved, facing the strong Jiang Chen, he did not dare to have a slight scorn, the sword in his hand rang, like a poison dragon, carrying the momentum of Mount Tai, and smashed toward Jiang Chen, the sword of horror Wherever he went, the void was directly split into two halves.

On the other hand, Jiang Chen also moved, and the Tiansheng sword was even more horrible. His movements were not fancy, and he directly smashed the sword against Lu Yan.

Jiang Chen didn't want to entangle with Lu Yan. When he came up, he showed his full strength. The posture was a quick fix. He said that Lu Yan did not use his combat skills. Even if he did, Jiang Chen did not use the Taiji figure to evolve. Lu Yan’s combat skills are not of the slightest interest. What he is interested in now is the life of Lu Yan.


The two swords collided with each other, and suddenly there was a terrifying roar. Even though the two had already opened up a battlefield, the peaks within a few hundred miles below were destroyed. After all, the devastating energy is too great.

This sword, the two have not retained, so it is also a high judgment, even if the strength is like Lu Yan, it was directly shaken back by a hundred feet, completely falling into the wind.

"Good metamorphosis guy."

Lu Yan looked ugly, even though he had already prepared himself, but now he was shocked by Jiang Chen, but he could not accept it. In any case, he could not change the fact that Jiang Chen was only in the early days of Emperor.

"Xian Ting's genius is really extraordinary. If my current cultivation is just the stage of the early promotion of the Emperor, I am afraid it is not the opponent of Lu Yan."

Jiang Chen’s heart is also slightly surprised. Genius like Lu Yan is not the average person. Jiang Chen’s current cultivation is at the peak of the early Emperor’s, and it is only a step away from the middle of the Emperor. It is clear that if you are in the early stage of the promotion to the Emperor, it is definitely not the opponent of Lu Yan.

Of course, in front of the situation, killing Lu Yan is enough.


Jiang Chen was extremely fast, and Tian Shengjian was once again lifted by him. He went to Lu Yanyu. He used the big void technique and went to the top of Luyan’s head in the blink of an eye.

Lu Yan was shocked and did not dare to hesitate. The sword in his hand carried the energy and swords of the ocean, and once again collided with Jiang Chen.


It’s a scene of falling into the sky. The scene is really hot. In this fierce contest, the momentum is undoubtedly the most important, because the fact that Jiang Chen killed Tianyue is preoccupied, making the momentum of Lu Yan from the beginning. The river dust was weaker, so there was no accident. Lu Yan was once again attacked by Jiang Chen.

"Jiang Chen, I admit that you are a peerless enchanting, I am not fighting you today, there is a kind of election meeting that will appear tomorrow, and naturally someone will kill you."

Lu Yan left a **** and then turned and left.

This is a very intelligent person who never fights with uncertainty. After realizing that he is not the opponent of Jiang Chen’s opponent, Lu Yan is not entangled and chooses to escape.

I have to say that this is a very sensible choice, because Lu Yan knows clearly that it is not good for himself to continue fighting. Even if he does his best, he can't kill Jiang Chen. It is not a waste of feeling here, as long as tomorrow. Dust dare to appear at the election meeting. Naturally, someone killed him. This time, many geniuses of Xianzong masters, such as Li Feng of Huangquanmen, did not aim for elections, but came for Jiang Chen.

"Haha, Lu Yan, since I am here, do you want to leave?"

Jiang Chen laughed and laughed, and the big emptiness technique was unfolded. In the blink of an eye, Lu Yan’s way was blocked. He was joking. He finally led Lu Yan out. If he had to go back so fluently, it would not waste his former feelings. And, when Lu Yan went back, his identity was exposed.

[The remaining two are 12 points. 】

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