Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1755: shocked

Lu Yan’s face changed again. The horrible speed of Jiang Chen made him completely shocked. He only thought of this time that Jiang Chen had a big void.

"Jiang Chen, do you really want to break the net? You don't have to be able to take advantage of it."

Lu Yan said loudly, he felt that Jiang Chen was too much, and he was so determined that he would kill himself. He felt that even if he was not an opponent of Jiang Chen, it would be very easy to leave in front of Jiang Chen. Jiang Chen’s approach is simply Is humiliating him.

"The fish is dead, you are not worthy."

Jiang Chen said, Tianshengjian once again smashed the past. He and Huangquanmen are still not dead. This Luyan came back from Xianting himself to kill himself. He just thought that he couldn’t kill himself and chose to withdraw. Otherwise In the words, Lu Yan will not let go of any chance to kill himself. This is very clear to Jiang Chen.

Therefore, since the attraction of Lu Yan, Jiang Chen will never let go of this great opportunity to kill Lu Yan, and Jiang Chen has the grasp of killing Lu Yan.

Lu Yan is also angry, as a genius of Huang Quanmen, the character of Xianting, when he was subjected to such a suffocating temper, his violent waves broke out, and the sword in his hand swayed like rain, again with Jiang. The dusty heavenly sword collided together. For a time, the sky was dark and the space was blown up. The mountains below were also blown up.


Even if he had already made all the effort, Lu Yan was still relegated by Jiang Chen to take a few steps to stabilize himself. At this time, even if he did not want to admit it, he was not a Jiang Chen opponent.

In Lu Yan's view, Jiang Chen is like a fierce beast. The body contains endless powers of indiscriminate flooding. It will never be displayed. Seeing Jiang Chen's momentum is like a rainbow, he suddenly has a hint of fear. This is a very terrible thing. You must know that reaching his realm has long been unaware of what is fear.

At this moment, Jiang Chen’s momentum has changed again. He is like a blood, and he has taken up the Tiansheng sword at a crucial moment. For a warrior, it is extremely difficult to collect powerful Xianbing at a critical moment. It’s sensible, but Lu Yan is even more afraid, because he really feels the fear from Jiang Chen’s body. He knows very well that Jiang Chen’s collection of Xianbing is not to give up his strengths, but to be more effective than Xianbing. The means of terror.

"Don't play with you, kill the dragon seal."

Jiang Chensheng is like a thunder, and there is a **** dragon in the head. The dragon is cold and cold. There is no feeling of a little bit. The light falls on the body of Lu Yan like a sword. It completely locks all the breath of Lu Yan. It is killing. The will of the dragon, once locked in the other side, must be killed, not endless.


The horrible dragon of killing forms a huge dragon seal. The blood-red dragon print carries the taste of death. It destroys everything between the heavens and the earth. In a crushing posture, it rushes toward the past.

Lu Yan was shocked. In the face of this horrible killing dragon seal, he directly felt the will to kill. This dragon seal also contained a faint taste of Tianwei, which made his soul tremble.

The will of death suddenly rises from the bottom of Lu Yan’s heart. This feeling has never been felt. It’s terrible. The **** killing dragon print is like the most terrible thing in this world, so that he can’t afford it. The power of resistance.

At this time, Lu Yan’s first thought was to run, but to escape, but he did not dare to escape, because he clearly felt that the killing dragon seal had completely locked his breath, and the speed of his escape did not kill the dragon. Fast.

The only thing that can be done now is to exert full force to resist, hoping to block the killing dragon.

"The sword sweeps all directions."

Lu Yan seems to have also been provoked the final potential. He burst into a bang, and the sword in his hand displayed countless swordsmanships, sweeping the gestures of all directions, forming a piece of big net, shrouded the killing dragon.


The blood dragons are arrogant, and those swordsmen fall on the body of the killing dragon, making a squeaking sound, which can not cause any harm to the dragon of killing. This scene is exactly the same as that of Tianyue. Dragon's opponent.

After Jiang Chen realized the way to kill, he became a killing dragon. Now, this killing dragon has become a representative of killing, a perfect interpretation of the way of killing, and it absorbs the Tianwei of killing and robbing. It is said that Jiang Chen is now the most terrible means, and the lethality cannot be imagined.


The entire battlefield has become a chaos. The dragon of killing is too horrible. The huge dragon mouth swallowed Lu Yan directly and then burst open. Then, Jiang Chen waved his hand and shot a wave of air to disperse the color of chaos. The shape of Lu Yan was also revealed.

At this moment, Lu Yan, all of them are blood, and the wolf is at the extreme. Seeing his breath, it is only a little bit better than the day at that time. Lu Yan in this state can only be allowed to be slaughtered by Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen came to Lu Yan and the scorpion was as ruthless as a knife.

"Jiang Chen, don't, don't kill me."

Lu Yan has never been so afraid of death at such a moment, he does not want to die, no one wants to die.

"Give me a reason not to kill you."

Jiang Chen said faintly.

Lu Yan smiled bitterly, because he couldn't find the reason why Jiang Chen didn't kill himself. It was like if Jiang Chen fell into his own hands, he would definitely die. At this moment, Lu Yan was completely desperate.

Jiang Chen took up the dragon and changed his body. He turned and left. When he disappeared into the mountains, Lu Yan’s body suddenly burst open and turned into a **** fog. The sword in his hand turned into a golden light and flew to the place. In the hands of Jiang Chen, Jiang Chen’s body swayed and disappeared completely.

Exquisite and blessed, now is still a sea of ​​people, tomorrow is the election of the election, the coming is coming, and now many long-awaited eyes are looking far away, seems to be waiting for someone to appear.

"Why don't you come back, you said who will win?"

"Do you still think about it? The fools know that Jiang will not be sure to die, but it is Lu Yan."

"Yes, I bet, no more than ten minutes, Lu Yan must return, and with the head of the river dissatisfied."


The crowd was incited. For this battle, I felt that there was no suspense. Just when people were still betting on the discussion, a figure suddenly appeared in the eyes of the people. Several breaths went to the front of the hills of the exquisite land, when people When I saw the people coming, I was dumbfounded.

"Is this not Jiang dissatisfied?"

"Yeah, how did he come back? Lu Yan? Why didn't Lu Yan come back? He won't kill Lu Yan?"

"What do you want? Can he kill Lu Yan? I guess they have no fight at all."


[Sorry, the fourth chapter did not write out, because of physical reasons, the old Su must sleep at 12 o'clock, today is three more, but tomorrow will be more replenished, the owe will be returned. 】

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