Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1756: Identity exposure [one more]

Jiang Chen went back and returned, but Lu Yan did not return together. This situation caused the scene to explode completely. Some people speculated that Lu Yan was dead in the hands of Jiang, but most people still think that this is not possible. After all, The gap between the two is really too big. People would rather believe that they went out and circled, did not encounter, and did not start fighting.

"Jiang is not satisfied, what about our brother Lu Yan?"

A disciple of Huang Quanmen blocked Jiang Chen’s way and said loudly.


Jiang Chen said in an understatement.

"Let your mother's fart, you can kill Brother Lu Yan, you must have escaped, and you can't fight against Master Lu Yan."

The disciple had an urge to spurt blood. It was really a bragging man who didn’t draft a draft. Lu Yan said that killing would kill it?

"Get out of the way, don't be the way of Lao Tzu."

Jiang Chen shuddered and screamed at the disciple.

The disciple immediately attacked a spirit, and the body was uncontrollable. Jiang Dian let the road open. Although he was the mid-term cultivation of the Emperor, but in front of Jiang Chen, he had no temperament at all. Before the other party just killed the same For the emperor's mid-term Lu Qi, he can see clearly, such people are killing people without blinking, means fierce and sinister, if they angered each other, raise their hands and kill themselves, it is also white death.

Jiang Chen ignored the eyes of the public and strode to his own hospital in the VIP area.

"Let's go, let's go back. I guess this river is not convinced to go out and hide and return. Lu Yan may still be looking for him outside, and it will take a long time to come back."

"It took a long time to force it. It turned out to be a coward."

Many people thought this way, watching the back of Jiang Chen, could not help but reveal the contemptuous look.

Outside the VIP area, Yang Bufan looked at Jiang Chen, who was swaying back and forth, and couldn't help but laugh. Only they believed that Lu Yan was really dead and definitely dead.

"Little dust, how did you change your appearance?"

Yang Bufan said the voice.

"Can you come out without changing the model? I am afraid that the exquisite blessing will immediately become a battlefield. The election of tomorrow will mainly stimulate the monkey to wake up. I can't steal his limelight."

Jiang Chen responded that he was very clear that this time Linglong Xianzun held an election meeting, so many people came for themselves. The really powerful masters were secretly hiding those who did not appear. They are all trying to kill themselves. If they show themselves in the true face, they will immediately become the focus. I am afraid that the exquisite and blessed land will immediately become a battlefield. This is not what Jiang Chen wants to see, because he knows better than this. The purpose, if not to stimulate the dragon thirteen, Linglong Xianzun will not take the saint as a bait.

The night is coming soon, but the VIP area is even more difficult to calm down. This is not calm because Jiang Chen’s other hospitals have continuous and exquisite female disciples, but because of the long time, Lu Yan still has not returned.

"Lu Yan has not returned yet. Tomorrow is the day of the election. He will not be unclear. Jiang will not come back soon. If he can't find a trace of dissatisfaction, he should have come back soon."

"Don't? Impossible, this is absolutely impossible. How could the river not kill, how could it kill Lu Yan? This is too funny."

"However, why Lu Yan is still not coming back. The river is not allowed to accept it. It is easy to kill Lu Qi before. With this alone, it is enough for him to stand in the young generation of genius in the fairy world."


Many people can't keep calm. At this time, many people began to recall the words that Jiang Chen said when he came back. Lu Yan died, and many people began to imagine, this may be true.

The people in Huangquanmen couldn’t stand it. Several disciples flew out to find the traces of Luyan. An hour later, the disciples of Huangquanmen went back and still did not know the traces of Luyan, but they found Wanlizhi. There is a sign of fighting outside the wilderness. From the time of the battle, it coincides with the time when Jiang Chen Luyan went out.

This shock is not the same, all eyes immediately condensed into the body of the river.

"In this way, Jiang dissatisfied and Lu Yan are really likely to fight, and the time and place are very consistent with the traces of the battle. It is said that the wild veins have been smashed."

"Lu Yan hasn't returned yet, can he say that he really can't die?"

"Jiang disobeyed really killed Lu Yan, but Jiang dissatisfied with the strength of the early Emperor. When the fairy world appeared such a enchanting, if there is such a enchanting, it has long been famous in the fairy world, no one knows, but we never I have seen such a dissatisfaction with the river, and I have not even heard of it. At present, the entire fairyland has the ability to kill the half-step fairy genius with the early cultivation of the Emperor, only Jiang Chen."

"Jiang Chen, Jiang is not convinced, they are a person, Jiang is not satisfied with Jiang Chen, it must be like this, Mom, we have been cheated by him."

"Yes, it must be a person. It is impossible to have two, and the same surname, and he will show his hostility to Huang Quanmen when he comes up. He will kill if he is shot. It must be Jiang Chen. If there is no deep hatred. If you do, the means will not be so sinister."


The scene is out of control momentarily. Most of the people who come here are genius figures. They are all smart people. It is easy to think of the key. Jiang is not satisfied with Jiang Chen. This is the only explanation. Otherwise, it is impossible for Lu Yan. Dead, only Jiang Chen can kill the masters such as Lu Yan in the early days of the Emperor, because Jiang Chen killed Tian Yue a few days ago.

The news spread all over immediately, and Jiang Chen appeared. It will surely set off a big wave. For a time, the genius figures of all major forces have been dispatched, and the other houses of Jiang Chen are not able to pass the siege. The geniuses who came back from the court also appeared. They all existed at the same level as Lu Yan, but the number is large, there are twenty or thirty. If they are united, it is a big force that cannot be underestimated, lethal. Unbelievable, Jiang Chen is not an opponent.

However, when they were trapped in other hospitals, the hospital was already empty, and there was still a shadow of Jiang Chen.

"Damn, this guy ran away."

"The idiot, he was under our eyes for two days, we didn't even know it, so it was a shame to miss the opportunity to kill him."

"Don't worry, I guess he will appear in the election meeting tomorrow. This guy is a desperate man. We will have more powerful genius tomorrow. As long as Jiang Chen dares to appear, let him have no return, no death. place."


The great geniuses were angry and thought that Jiang Chen was in front of them before, but they did not notice it at all. If they missed a great opportunity, they would not be depressed.

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