Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1760: Get out of the way of the monkey


The energy of the dragon thirteen is rolling like a wave, like the waves rolling in the ocean. His own cultivation is in the late stage of the Emperor. At this moment, the soul just woke up, it is necessary to directly hit the half step fairy, but for this situation, Jiang Chen had expected that after the Dragon 13 was comatose, he first got a drop of the earth's fairy milk. Later, he absorbed the exquisite jade scorpion liquid on the exquisite jade stone, and added the **** tyrannical, this time he woke up, you can say It is Nirvana rebirth. If this is not the case, it will not be able to promote a level.

"This guy wakes up this time, don't know how strong he wants to be, and the genius of Xianting is unlucky."

Jiang Chen laughed very happy. As a dragon of the Taikoo Warlord, it is a fighting madman. Once he is promoted to a half-step fairy, even the Xianting genius in the early days of Xianzun is not his opponent. It is almost certain.

If you go out, the scene will definitely be very lively. In the eyes of the world, Dragon 13 is already dead. He died in the hands of the old man and Huang Quan’s ancestors. Now, going out, it’s just a ghost, subversion. Everyone's cognition.


The dragon thirteen lying on the stone of God, suddenly opened his eyes, a red golden fire sprayed out of his eyes, like two sharp swords, cut the void into two halves, the eyes of the fire, also restored Before, he was destroyed by Huang Quan's ancestors, and now he is reborn in the top of the exquisite jade stone, and the eyes of the fire are directly restored.


Jiang Chen laughed. He is very happy now. Long XIII is finally alive. When Dragon 13 was killed and the body was hung, Jiang Chen was almost violent. If Dragon 13 is really dead, Jiang Dust will not be safe in this life.

On the battlefield, the final battle is about to begin. Chutian’s body jumped directly onto the rooftop, and then sharply looked at Lin Biao below, saying loudly: “Lin Yan, don’t delay time, come up with a fight.”

Lin Biao was frowning. After measuring the status quo of the two sides, he said helplessly: "I admit defeat."

Lin Biao’s admitting defeat caused a sigh of sighs. I was still looking at a peak contest. Now it seems that there is no drama, but for Lin Biao’s admit defeat, people feel that it is understandable that it is a matter of course. After all, Lin Biao is now The state is not good, and there is a huge gap with Chutian. In fact, fighting, the final outcome is no suspense.

Lin Biao is a smart person, and he is not reckless. Even if he does not want to, he can only choose to admit defeat.

"Unfortunately, Lin Biao admit defeat, Chutian became the final winner, it is enviable."

"Lin Biao admits that losing is the most sensible. If you know that you are going to lose, you must go up and lose your eyes."

"It seems that Chutian has become a son-in-law of Linglong Xianzun. There is no suspense. This time, not only has the beauty returned, but also the great benefits. Men do nothing to do this."


The sound of countless envy sounds, to become the son-in-law of Linglong Xianzun, this is the thing that countless men have dreamed of, and it is simply envy and hate.


Chutian laughed and laughed. He was very excited. He held a fist to Linglong Xianzun and said loudly: "Xianzun, I have won. From then on, the Promise and the Exquisite is a family."

Looking at the smug face of Chutian, Lan Lingji suddenly felt a desperate look, her eyes looked at the distance, is it really like this?

"What are your qualifications for the Promise and the exquisiteness to become a family."

At this moment, a loud drink suddenly sounded from a distance, this voice was extremely arrogant, everyone looked at the sound in the past, and saw a young man in the yellow robe volleying, the young face is cut, handsome Uncommon, the red scorpion is incomparably glaring, and a black and white hair is his biggest sign.

"Thirteen brothers."

Lan Ling Ji burst into tears, the journey from despair to the light heart, except for Lan Ling Ji himself, no second person can understand her mood at the moment.

When countless eyes fell on the dragon thirteen, the scene instantly boiled, and the entire performance field completely blasted the pot.

"Dragon thirteen? Impossible, how could it be him?"

"What happened? Is Dragon 13 not dead? It’s really a ghost, how come it again. On that day, I saw the old man and Huang Quan’s ancestors killed Dragon XIII. How did he live again?

"Miracle, this is the biggest miracle I have ever seen. The dead are really resurrected. The Dragon 13 is definitely dead on the day, but now it is in the exquisite land. What is going on?"

"Grandma's, this guy is still not dead, and it looks more reinforced. If it is not seen by the eyes, I will not believe it."

"Dragon thirteen is a battle dragon, a powerful Taikoo war spirit, a **** tyrannical, not so easy to die, but the old corpse and Huang Quan ancestors jointly killed it, in that case Being able to survive is a miracle of greatness."


No one is shocked, everyone is shocked, the scene is completely boiling, almost everyone knows the tragic death of Dragon Thirteen, it is impossible to live, but it is the impossible situation, but now it really appears The living example is in front of you. The Dragon 13 is not dead, it looks stronger than before.

The geniuses who came back from Xianting have never seen Dragon XIII, but they are no strangers to this name. After the Golden Killings, the reputation of Dragon 13 is second only to Jiang Chen, and it has become the whole fairyland. The object, but because he died, all of them did not talk about the dragon thirteen, but the dragon thirteen resurrected, and appeared here, so that the masters of the major forces immediately emerged a strong killing.

The face of Linglong Xianzun finally showed a smile, and my heart was relieved. The election of this election was not in vain. The next thing, then I completely looked at Dragon XIII myself. Can you take Lan Lingji back from those geniuses, and look at the skills of Dragon Thirteen.

Dragon thirteen volleyed, came to the top of the battle platform, stood opposite the Chutian, said coldly: "Stupid, you want to dye the spirit of Jiong, do not sneak into the urine to see what kind of virtue Immediately take off the eyes of the monkey, and perhaps have a chance to live."

Long Thirteen’s arrogance to the extreme, so Chutian actually directly stunned, he is sure that this guy is absolutely the most arrogant one he has ever seen, dare to insult and despise himself, this is also the first.

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