Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1761: Unbearable [one more]

"I rely!"

Chutian's eyes were black, and almost no blood was sprayed, and his nose was so fast.

Who is this fucking, let yourself roll when you come up, isn’t it too serious to take yourself seriously?

Long XIII, the name he really heard, seems to be a powerful character, but my Chutian is also a powerful character. If you come up like this, you will be stupid, and you will let the people go, and you can’t bear it. What's more, his famous Chutian, if this time he really rolled down, is that face still? Do you still use it later?

"Dragon thirteen, it seems that you are very arrogant. Since you are not dead, you should hide well and cherish this hard-won chance of rebirth. I did not expect that you not only did not know how to cherish, but also actively jumped out and me at this time. Chutian robbed a woman, but it was not good for me. It was simply looking for death. Since you are looking for death, I will fulfill you, let you die this time, and you will never be able to live."

Chutian was angry, and anger rushed out from the celestial cover. He carried the fist of the horrible blast, bursting out the sound of humming, and flashing toward the dragon thirteen.

After the thirteenth one-handedly carrying a dragon's back, he looked at Chutian contemptuously. He did not put it in his eyes. Even before he was promoted to the half-step fairy, he could kill him. What's more, he has been promoted to a half step. This Chutian is naturally very powerful, but in the same situation, I want to play against Dragon 13 and it is still far behind.

With the strength of Dragon 13 now, the masters of Xianzun's early stage can raise their hands and grind them. They are not in the middle of the fight against the immortal. If they are against the powerful genius and enchanting, the early stage of Xianzun is not his opponent.

All in all, Chutian is completely unrecognizable in front of Long XIII.

Just when Chutian’s fist was about to reach the thirteenth chest, the Dragon Thirteen only understated and raised a finger and pointed it at Chutian’s fist.


Just listening to the bang, Chutian that is enough to destroy the fist of the giant mountain, was easily pierced by a finger of the dragon thirteen, broke a blood hole, blood raging.

Chutian's majestic body was directly shocked to the edge of the battle platform. He almost retreated. One of his hands was constantly spraying blood, and one arm was shaking violently. He suffered an unprecedented trauma, and the whole arm was considered a waste. It is.


Long XIII dismissively said that he is arrogant to the extreme, as a descendant of fighting dragons, pride is his nature.


The whole audience was amazed, and countless horrified eyes fell on the battle platform. Zhang Dazui couldn’t believe the picture in front of him, especially the first time he saw the dragon thirteen shots, the mood could not relax, Chutian The strength of everyone is obvious to all, otherwise it will not force the heroes, and get the first place's good results.

After all, Chutian is a enchanting genius from the fairy court. It means that the genius can be compared with the ordinary genius. In many people’s eyes, even if the dragon thirteen is strong, it is comparable to Chutian at best, even if it can be suppressed. Chutian, but can't easily hurt each other, but now, Dragon 13 just sticks a finger, it completely hurts Chutian, which is not to be seen by the eyes.

"This guy is now promoted to half-step fairy, it is terrible."

"In addition to Jiang Chen, Dragon XIII is also a big problem, but he did not expect that he would not die. When the day was the golden killing of the field, Long XIII killed the newly promoted half-step fairy The Xianting genius, now upgraded to a level, is almost invincible at the same level, Chutian is not his opponent."

"It's so awful. I don't know what method he used to live. On that day, the old man and the ancestors of Huang Quan have already killed him. He is a ghost. Is this the legendary Nirvana rebirth?"


No one is shocked, everyone is very shocking, and the power of Dragon Thirteen is beyond their imagination.

The most shocking thing at the moment is of course Chutian himself. He looks at his almost abolished arm, his face becomes very pale, and the injury on his arm is more than the trauma of the soul.

"This is impossible."

Chutian shook his head and couldn't accept this reality. He had just tried to force the heroes to look forward to the beauty of the people. He became the son-in-law of Linglong Xianzun. He wanted to make a name for himself. The joy in his heart could not be expressed. Now the whole person is delighted. The state hit hell, the kind of spiritual impact, and the humiliation of the dragon thirteen, let him be completely angry.

"If I were you, I would immediately go down and save my life. I am in a good mood at the moment."

Long XIII is still indifferent and said that he is in a good mood now. After all, he is resurrected and rehabilitated. If he is not in a good mood, Chutian in front of him is already a dead person.

Of course, Chutian will not cherish this life chance, that is his own business.

"Bastard, Dragon Thirteen, I am high on Chutian, I am not allowed to humiliate others, you dare to humiliate me, you will die, destroy the Tianlun."

Chutian was completely angry, his black hair was dancing, and the whole person was completely in a state of madness. With another arm trembled, the horrible destroying wheel reappeared, and his combat power was doubled by the appearance of the destroying wheel. .

"The momentum is very good, but unfortunately, in front of my monkey, it is just a simple trick."

Dragon thirteen shook his head, and he looked at the sky wheel, still expressionless.

The performance of Dragon Thirteen has undoubtedly stimulated the glass heart of Chutian. It is an absolute contempt. Chutian can't control his angry emotions. He burst into a bang, and the horrible destroying wheel emits endless destruction. The force, the dragon thirteen to the fierce smashed the past.

"Hey! Since you are looking for death, then I will fulfill you."

The dragon thirteen was also angry. In the face of the attack of the Tiantian wheel, the dragon thirteen raised his fist and smashed the past against the Tianwheel. The destruction of the Tianlun was the most powerful attack of Chutian, and it should not be underestimated. No one has ever dared to fight with the flesh, because that is no different from finding death.

But then, the horrifying scene was discovered, only to hear a loud bang, and the powerful momentum that the Tianshui should be exuded was not crushed.


After the Tiantian wheel and Chutian blood were connected, after being destroyed, he himself was subjected to a very strong counter-attack force. On the spot, a blood spouted out of the wow, and the momentum completely disappeared.

At this time, Chutian is even more stupid and knows the horror of Dragon Thirteen. At least in his current situation, it is not the opponent of Dragon Thirteen.

"I have given you two chances. You don't know how to cherish it. If so, then you will die."

The dragon thirteen scorpion smashed the cold and killed it, and killed it toward Chutian.

[Thanks to the thirteen brothers for the reward, today is three more. 】

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