Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1770: Blockade Danfang [three more]

Jiang Chen’s mouth overflowed with a hint of light laughter. People like Wu Guanshi, he saw too much. He thought that he had a strong backstage and dared to sway in front of himself, but he did not know the so-called background, in front of Jiang Chen. Not a fart.

Jiang Chen’s big hand grabbed it, and the five management things only felt that a huge force fell on his own body, so that he could not move. His body involuntarily came to Jiang Chen’s body. Jiang Chen’s big hand fell on the shoulder of the five things. I didn't see how hard he was. Five arms and one arm were torn down by Jiang Chen. Blood shot and exposed Bai Sensen's bones.


The five management affairs made a scream on the spot, and an arm was easily abolished. He felt the horror of Jiang Chen, an unimaginable horror, as if a mountain was standing in front of himself, and he It is like an ant under the mountain, and there is no qualification for looking up.

Jiang Zhenhai looked at his son with a shocked look. You must know that this five things are the cultivation of Xian Wang, but in front of Jiang Chen, it is simply that the ants are generally weak, and seeing their son grow to such a terrible position, Jiang Zhenhaifa Since the heart is happy, Jiang Chen is always his greatest pride and pride in his life.

"Say, who is this Danfang modulated?"

Jiang Chen asked.

Five things are frightening, he has already seen it, the other side is a madman who kills people without blinking, and the other side is tyrannical. In this world of strong people, he only obeys, he has no doubt, if he dares to have A little bit of disobedience, the tragic death on the spot, like those guards.

"It’s Dan Fang who took out the big deal, but who made it, I don’t know.”

Five things honestly said, while forcing the pain caused by broken arms.

"Listen, my name is Jiang Chen, this is my father. You Yujia dare to take my father as Dannu. This is the most wrong thing for you. The price that you have to pay is that Kill the family."

Jiang Chen’s tone is dull.

The two words of the extinction are said to be exported. The whole person is scared. He can hear it. Although the tone of the other party is dull, there is absolutely no joke. That is to say, because of a Danu, Yu Jia will be desperate today.

There is a kind of impulsive impulse in the five things, and those Dannus who are caught by the guards have such a large background. Who can think of it, if you know that Jiang Zhenhai has such a powerful son, he will not dare to kill them. Grab it and try Dan.

"Take me to Danfang immediately."

Jiang Chen’s tone is still calm. The suffering of Jiang Zhenhai must be paid for by someone else. It’s really nothing for Jiang Chen. He is not afraid of the three emperors, let alone a small family. .


Where did the five management things dare to be a little bit sloppy, and immediately turned and walked in front, Jiang Chen and Jiang Zhenhai walked behind, Jiang Zhenhai at the moment, has recovered a lot, the state is better than before, striding is not a problem at all, see you now When he arrived at his son, Jiang Zhenhai was like a dream, and his mood naturally could not be compared with the previous one.

The three quickly left the entrance of the underground square, leaving only a lot of face-to-face Danones. You look at me, I look at you, face to face, things are too fast, too sudden, In the blink of an eye, all the guards are dead, and even the powerful five things are completely controlled. They are not mentally prepared.

"We are free."

Someone responded and shouted loudly. Others became very excited. Some people burst into tears and burst into tears. They couldn’t believe that they still have a free day. This hope has been the first step since entering here. The sky is completely broken, happiness comes too suddenly, and everyone is unacceptable.

"Freedom, are we really free? Impossible, this is certainly not true."

"It is true. The young man was a very powerful master. He was so strong that he could not be tempted by the rest of the family. I didn't expect the middle-aged man to have such a powerful son. It is."

"Thanks to the grace who saved us, I want to go home."


All the Dannus were excited as never before. The entire underground plaza was completely out of control. Some people even climbed and crawled outside. They had not seen the sunshine outside for a long time. At this moment, they could not suppress the excitement inside.

Outside the underground plaza, under the leadership of Wu Guan, Jiang Chen came to the back door of Danfang. It was connected to the entrance of the underground plaza. It was very hidden. Except for the people in Danfang, the outsiders could not detect it. This is also for the wind. The reason why Danfang has done such a devastating thing can still maintain its reputation.

Jiang Chen’s hand is holding a long sword, the cold light is fluctuating, and the five managements are frightened. Every step takes a lot of courage. The only thing he hopes for now is that the master in Danfang can take this horrible guy. Even if he knew it was difficult.

Jiang Chen looked up and looked at the wind Danfang. A powerful momentum suddenly rushed out, forming an invisible ban on the entire Danfang, blocking the entire Danfang. Today, in Danfang, he Not intending to let go of a person, some of the costs are doomed to be fierce.

With the emergence of Jiang Chen's ban, everyone in Danfang felt an extremely strong pressure, and their oppressed souls trembled.

"What is going on? How can there be such a strong pressure, this is the pressure of a strong man."

"The right thing is to feel the vibration of Danfang, it seems to be from the underground."

"Well, the entire Danfang has been blocked by a strong ban. Is there a master who wants to take a shot at our Danfang?"


The calm Danfang was in a big mess. The tyrannical pressure made countless people feel very uncomfortable. Many people felt confused and didn't know what happened.

The main hall of Danfang Center, the high-rise of Danfang is here. The one sitting at the top is an old man. This old man is also very tyrannical. He has reached the early stage of the Emperor. He is the big manager of Danfang. It is also the great elder of Yujia, who has a position that ordinary people can't match in Wind City.

This sudden and powerful pressure allowed several of the directors present to stand up from the seat immediately.

"There is a master."

The three directors said that his face was a bit ugly because he felt strong hostility and murder from the powerful pressure.

"Go, see what happened? Someone laid a ban on Danfang. We have been in control of the wind city for so long, and no one has ever dared to run here."

The big manager was shocked and strode out to the outside.

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