Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1771: All the way to blood [four more]

"That is, we have never been afraid of the rest of the family, even if the strong does not dare to treat us, because our backstage, not the general strong can be provoked."

"Hey! I have to see who is so bold. Just relying on the blockade of Danfang is enough to make him die a hundred times."

The second management and the four management affairs were also full of momentum. The three followed the big management and strode out of the hall.

Under the leadership of the five management affairs, Jiang Chen has stepped into the back door of Danfang. At this moment, there are two strong men guarding the back door. After seeing the five things, they are about to come out, and the five things are really stunned. Broke the arm, who is so bold, in this wind city, it is simply going to turn over the sky.

"Five things, what is going on?"

Asked by a guard.

Jiang Chen took a step forward and came to the four guards. He said coldly: "You are now concerned about yourself."

After that, Jiang Chen gave the two people a chance to surprise them. The long sword in the hand waved, and the two heads flew directly. The eyes of the two still showed confusion. Until they died, they did not know this. Why, before that, they never thought that death would come suddenly, and it was so fast.


The five management things sucked a sigh of gas. He knew that today's Danfang is destined to be a river of blood. This young man is like a demon king. He is now coming to Danfang to harvest his life.

"Go ahead and find your big management.

Jiang Chen took a look at the five things, and the five management things dared to be a little bit sloppy. He is now very scared. The soul is deep in fear. He fears that the sword in the hands of Jiang Chen will fall on his head in the next moment. Alien.

Five things trembled forward, coming in from the back door, directly connected to the inside of Danfang, not the Dan area outside Danfang, in other words, the people who appear here are people inside Danfang, It’s the rest of the family. Jiang Chen’s killing, no worries.

There were no more than a dozen steps, and there were five or six Danfang guards in front. They also saw the situation in which five things were manipulated, and they immediately greeted them.

Jiang Chen even saw these six people without a single eye. The sword in the hand waved forward, and the sword gas directly cut open the void. The six people made a scream and scream, all of them were smashed into two halves, blood mining, clean ground. Instantly dyed red, pungent **** gas filled the air.

The five managements are pale and white. As the five things of Danfang, they are high above. There is never such a fear at this moment. The other party is clear that it is to kill people, not to ask questions, and no matter who the other party is.

Five things are now going to marry the mother again. The following people are so stupid, catching the father of a super strong person to be a Dannu, and personally understand the horror of Jiang Chen, he feels that the end of Yu Jia is almost coming.

Five things know that some superpowers in history have a wrath to destroy a city. If you raise your hand, you will kill millions of people and treat all beings as ants. The young man wants to ask his father for justice. It seems to be going. The old road of those peerless powers, this price is really too heavy.

The screams here immediately alerted the entire Dan government, and countless guards appeared. There were powerful masters who came to this side. After seeing the scenes here, they were murderous.

"Bold mad, dare to go to Danfang to scatter wild, I don't know how to die... ah..."

A half-step master of the Xianwang level shouted at Jiang Chen, but he did not even finish a sentence, and was smashed into two halves by Jiang Chen.


The scene suddenly moved, and the guards who had been rushing over scared and frightened. The masters of the half-step Xianwang level were lifted and killed by the other party. They rushed up, I am afraid that the other party was not enough to blow.


Jiang Chen snorted and slammed into the front of the sword. Numerous swords and mans were intertwined into a sea of ​​swords. The speed of these swordsmen was too fast. Every sword is a weapon of the gods. For those guards, Every sword and mans are deadly, and they are all things that are dead.

Ah, ah...

For a time, the screams of the sky, under the impact of a sword sea area, dozens of guards were directly smashed into smashing, blood squirting, flesh splashing, scattered debris on the ground everywhere, scene Blood is at its peak.

Five things have been scared to go on the road, especially to see a master who is similar to himself was smashed into two halves by Jiang Chenyi, let him deeply understand the horror of Jiang Chen.

It was completely chaotic, Danfang boiled up, and there were more and more people. It must be said that the wind Danfang is indeed very big, and there are many people in it. At least there are thousands of people’s camps. Now there are big things, all of them are I am coming towards this side.

Jiang Chen’s face is expressionless, and the long sword in his hand is still bleeding. He has a five-handed thing that is scared into one hand, like a dead dog, striding forward, he follows the directions of the five things. The speed is very fast. When you see someone, you will raise your sword and smash all the way.

The screams of the sky, Danfang ushered in the real end, where Jiang Chen passed, not leaving a living, killing and killing, a road to finish, at least 500 people died in his hands, Danfang Half of the people have already died under the sword of Jiang Chen. The entire Danfang is filled with pungent **** scent and smells vomiting.

It is no longer the bustling Danfang, it has become a **** of hell, and it has become a real place of death.

In front of it is a huge square. At this moment, most of the remaining people in Danfang are gathered on the square. Looking at the arrival of Jiang Chen, one face is iron and blue, and they are constantly retreating. They look at Jiang Chen’s body and form a row of bodies. Everyone realized the feeling of the end.


Four tyrannical figures descended from the inside, flew over the square and blocked in front of Jiang Chen. It was the other four things in Danfang. After they saw everything that happened here, they were all angry. Yu Jia informed the Wind City for so long, and never had anything happened before, and he had not suffered such a huge loss.

In the Wind City, they have always been killing the rest of their families. Now it is the first time that someone has gone to Yujia to kill.

"Who is a big deal?"

Jiang Chen looked at the four people and asked.

"I am, who are you? Why come to Danfang to kill, do you not know that the wind Danfang is Yujia?"

The big manager took a step forward and said aloud that, like the five things in the beginning, the strength of Yu Jia still gave him great confidence and superiority. Even if Jiang Chen had already killed the door, he still didn’t realize the real thing. Crisis.

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