Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1783: Solomon

I rely on!

One billion!

When Yu Jia’s high-level madman turned his eyes, he sneaked a sip of old blood. What is called a lion’s big opening? Today is finally a knowledge.

There are billions of openings, except for Jiang Chen, I am afraid there is no one.

"Only five minutes, if you can't get it, you have to die."

Jiang Chen’s words were repeated again. In his view, Yu Jia controls all the economic lifelines of the entire wind city. It is not difficult to come up with one billion. Of course, if the other party does not have such a large savings, then they can only blame them. Not good, this one billion, just buy a life.

"Well, Jiang Gongzi is waiting for me here, I will give it to you."

Yu Jiajia stood up from the ground and disappeared in the blink of an eye. The speed is really coming to an extreme. The other elders and high-rises of the rest of the family are sighing and sighing. With the family of the rest, they can really come up with one billion yuan. Xianyuan Stone came, but after taking out this billion, I am afraid that the whole family will be completely short-selling. It will directly hurt the roots and want to recover. I don’t know how long it will take.

Of course, nothing is more important than life. Jiang Chen can kill them all. After all, Jiang Chen has reasons to kill them. Sometimes, if the strong kills, there is no reason. If the money is gone, you can earn more. But if the life is gone, it is really gone.

Shen Gongzi was completely controlled by Jiang Chen. His arms were broken and his face was desperate. He had already thought about what would happen next. Once their father and son’s conspiracy was publicized in the Windsor, wait. Theirs will be ruined.

Shen Yifei looked at the rest of the family and other people who couldn’t help but said: "A group of waste, waste, and a small thing can't do well."

Shen Yifei is now depressed and wants to vomit blood. Originally, their father and son’s spring and autumn plan is proceeding in an orderly manner. Everything is secret. There will be no accidents at all. Their father and son have also drawn some confidants in Fengmenmen these years, just wait for themselves. The father's great achievements, he can win the wind in one fell swoop, to achieve the hegemony, and the medicinal drugs have been almost tested, but did not expect the key moments on such a small thing, there was an accident, a fatal accident.

Shen Yifei naturally hates the rest of the family. Finding a Dannu can find such a big thing. If Jiang Zhenhai is not caught in the first place, Jiang Chen will not come to the door. Their plan is a successful day.

But now, it’s too late to say anything.

"Hey! Shen Yifei, have you made us Yu Jia into the present, and have faces to marry us? If it is not your father and son, we will not suffer from today’s disasters, and if we know that you want to rebel, we Yu Jia said nothing will help you."

The big manager who broke an arm said the same evil. Jiang Chen’s thing is indeed that the following people are not good at doing things. They should not catch Jiang Zhenhai. But the root of this matter is still on Shen Yifei’s body. Now Yu Jia is like this. He hasn’t opened up yet, but Shen Yifei has insulted them.

In the past, in the face of Shen Yifei's insults, Yu Jia naturally did not dare to have a little resistance, but now it is different. Shen Yifei is controlled by Jiang Chen, and there is no threat. Even his father will be finished. Yu Jia also What are you afraid of?

This is the reality. It is the most unreliable to simply establish friendships on interests. At the crucial moment, when you turn your face, you turn your face and there is no feeling to talk about. Besides, this thing is the one that suffers huge losses, whether it is Yujia or Shen Yifei. .

Needless to say, Shen Yifei, both father and son are destined to die, Yu Jia died so many people, Danfang has been destroyed, and now have to take out the entire family's savings, the heart can be imagined.

"Shen Yifei, Yu Jia is not afraid of you now, of course, you have no value that can make them afraid."

Jiang Chen said.

Jiang Zhenhai in the Zulong Tower sees this in his eyes, and it is also awkward. This is the world of the fairy world, a world of weak meat and strong food. It is even more cruel than the Shengyuan continent. But now in his eyes, only Jiang Chen is alone, and that life makes himself The existence of pride, the ruin of the big family that he can not climb high, the fate of the whole wind door, the arrogance of pointing the way, Jiang Zhenhai knows that his son is doomed to be ordinary, Shengyuan This is the case in the mainland, and in the fairy world.

Shen Yifei sighed and sighed. He didn't expect him to be the first genius of Fengmen. He had a good future, but today he was destroyed in the hands of Jiang Chen. The rest of the family used to be nothing but an ant-like existence. Now Also began to insult him, this is the reality, the world is hot.

Not long after, the rest of the family returned and returned. Sure enough, there was no more than five minutes. He held a ring in his hand and handed it to Jiang Chen.

"Jiang Gongzi, here is the home of all the rest of our family, one billion emperors, Yuanyuanshi, a lot."

The owner of the Yu family said.

Jiang Chen’s thoughts were swept away, and he found that the sacred stone piles in the Qiankun Ring became a Jinshan Mountain, and then he threw the Qiankun Ring into the Zulong Tower. He did not have to count, because he knew very well, even if he gave Yujia 100 I am afraid to deceive myself at this time.

Yu Jia's family naturally did not dare to deceive Jiang Chen, joking, and finally saved the lifeline of Yu Jia. If there was a small gap at this time, Jiang Chen's anger was not something they could afford.

"You can continue to control the wind city, and manage your family. You can't arrest the test slaves. As for the revenge of Shen and his son, you don't have to worry because they have no chance."

After Jiang Chen finished, he disappeared with Shen Yifei.

Seeing that Jiang Chen finally left, the top of the rest of the family was on the ground, and everyone was bent apart. In a short period of time, they all felt that they had walked a few laps in hell, and almost went into the gate of the ghost. As for grasping The matter of catching Danu, and giving the rest of the family a courage, did not dare to do it.

Jiang Chen is flying all the way, there is Shen Yifei in his hand, and he can't find the mountain gate of Feng Luomen.

Jiang Chen is going to be alone in this time. Shen Yifei’s father is a powerful master in the middle of Xianzun. Such a powerful enemy must be removed to be able to feel at ease. Jiang Chen itself is not the only master of the immortal mid-master. Now there is an opportunity to remove it with the help of the winds of the wind, why not.

"Jiang Chen, can you let go of our father and son? Even if you raise the conditions, how many celestial stones we will give you."

On the road, Shen Yifei said, seeing Jiang Chen give Yujia to Xianyuan Stone, he thought of using Xianyuan Stone to buy Jiang Chen.

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