Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1784: Unstoppable

This is Shen Yifei's last illusion. As long as Jiang Chen puts their father and son together, their father and son will have a comeback. Otherwise, when the wind door is opened, all the conspiracy is revealed, and their father and son will never have a chance.

In the past few years, his father secretly gathered a lot of masters. At the crucial moment, they rebelled together and won the wind, but it was conditional. The condition was that their father and son had the power to dominate the wind door, that is, Shen Yifei’s father. With the cultivation of Xianzun’s later period, otherwise, those people will not follow them. After all, no one is a fool, especially a big thing like rebellion. Without absolute certainty, it will not Some people have shot, because that is no different from finding death. No one will play their own lives, especially those who have a certain status in the Windsor itself.

"Yes? It seems that your father and son are very rich, and if your father and son can come up with a billion yuan of fairy stone, I will consider letting your father and son."

Jiang Chen smiled.

Lying grass!

Shen Yifei squirted an old blood, almost did not be killed, a billion-dozen Xianyuan stone, this his mother really dare to open, he is a wind elder, although the family is rich, but wants to come up with ten The billion-yuan sacred stone comes, unless he kills him, but Shen Yifei also understands that this is Jiang Chen’s deliberate lion’s opening, and it is clear that he does not give his father and son a living.

"Jiang Chen, have you messed up our father and son, what good is it for you? If you can cooperate with us, it will be better if we sit in the wind in the future."

Shen Yifei is not reconciled and continues to say.

"Shen Yifei, I am not interested in Feng Luomen. I am not interested in the grand plans of your father and son. I and your father and son are also innocent and invincible. It is impossible to have a relationship, but you have hurt my father. This is you. The most wrong thing to do, maybe your father and son really have a successful day, but you have made fatal mistakes, and some mistakes are enough to make you robbed. In your eyes, rights and desires are important, but in In my heart, my dignity is better than everything. All those who trample on the dignity of my father will pay an extremely heavy price. It is the misfortune of your father and son to meet me."

Jiang Chen said a very philosophical statement to Shen Yifei. Everyone has his own rules. Quanquan and wealth can never represent everything. Sometimes dignity always exceeds anything, just as Jiang Chen said. Some mistakes are fatal and bring about destruction.

Many times, a lot of things, not a sentence I am wrong can make up for mistakes, and not all mistakes can be made up with wealth.

Wrong, there is no chance to correct it.

After listening to Jiang Chen’s words, Shen Yifei’s heart was completely desperate. It’s just the smallest part of their big plan. It’s just the smallest part of their big plan. Who can think that there will be mistakes in such a link, although this is something that Yujia’s people do. However, the real instigator is still himself. Jiang Chen is now clearly looking for the culprit.

Shen Yifei also finally understood that this is an unrecognizable person.

The strength of Jiang Chen itself can't cause any harm to Shen Yifei's father. But Jiang Chen's wisdom is terrible. He sees everything. Now he has to use the power of Feng Luomen to eradicate his father to eliminate the trouble. This move can be said to be brilliant.

After knowing that Jiang Chen had talked about the conditions, Shen Yifei thought about sending a letter to his father, so that his father could prepare in advance and escape. Unfortunately, under the control of Jiang Chen, Shen Yifei did not even have a chance to move. Don't say that you have a letter, and you are completely within the control of the other party.

Fengchi Xianyu is similar to the Xianxian domain. The large area is divided into five sections. Compared with the mysterious domain of the Xianxian domain, this side is more simple. It removes a mysterious character, namely the eastern domain, the western domain, and the south. The domain, the northern and the middle, and the location of the wind solomon, belong to the middle domain of Fengchixian. There are eight forces here. Fenglumen is only one of them, but the middle area is vast, compared to the celestial The East Xuan domain of the domain is also in no way inferior, so the vastness of the area that Feng Luomen can control is conceivable.

This is a super-big faction. In this area, it is destined to be high. Jiang Chen will completely control Shen Yifei. Shen Yifei also dare not make a half-point, guiding Jiang Chen to fly in the direction of the wind door.

At the speed of Jiang Chen, in the case of the implementation of the big void, it is really a simple and easy thing to get from the Wind City to the Windsor. It didn’t take long to get to the wind. Outside the gate of Solomon.

Like other big forces, Windsor has built its own mountain gates on a vast mountain range. This mountain range is full of miles and a dragon's vein. It can keep a big force and a strong air.

Seen from a distance, there are layers of fog floating over the wind door, like a fairyland, rows of buildings undulating, the towers of the palace towering into the sky, the momentum of the big forces, at a glance, from this appearance, the wind The door is enough to kill countless small and medium-sized forces.

At this moment, the wind door, a piece of calm, a few mountain brother disciples boring outside the mountain gate, from time to time to exchange a few words.

In fact, the Guardian Mountain is just a form. The big forces like the Wind Solomon do not need to guard the mountain disciples. The entire middle-class, dare people who ran to the Windsor to make trouble, not many.

Jiang Chen and Shen Yifei came outside the mountain gate of Feng Luomen. Shen Yifei lost his arms and his face was pale. This pale, in addition to his body suffered a huge injury, a part of the reason was scared, thinking of it happening soon. The thing, Shen Yifei's soul is about to come out, such a scene, he never thought about it.

It is hard for him to imagine that he has suddenly changed from a first day of the Windsman to what the rebels will greet. Those who fear themselves in peacetime will probably cast aside themselves.


Jiang Chen looked at Shen Yifei.

"Jiang Chen, let us have a life."

Shen Yifei continued to beg for mercy. At this time, in addition to begging for mercy, he really couldn’t think of other methods. He himself fell into the hands of outsiders, his father was his greatest reliance, and the strong cultivation of Xianzun’s mid-term was indeed true. It can be regarded as a big backing, but unfortunately, Shen Yifei does not have a sense of security, because soon after, the backing will collapse.

"Don't worry, I won't kill you. I am here today, just to watch the show. As for whether the Windsor will spare you, I won't know."

Jiang Chen said, pulling Shen Yifei to go straight to the mountain gate.


The few Shoushan disciples saw someone coming, and immediately shouted, blocking the way Jiang Chen and Shen Yifei went.

"In the next river dust, come to the Lord of the Windsor door, you can quickly report."

Jiang Chen said loudly to several guards.

"Jokes, who are you? A little person, and I want to see our doorkeeper, I don't care."

A leading disciple ridiculed that the identity of the Lord of the Wind Gate, how honorable, and whoever wants to see can be seen.

"You look at who this is?"

Jiang Chen pushed Shen Yifei to the front.

"This is? Shen Shen brother, my God, really Shen Shen brother."

"Damn, this guy hurts Shen’s brother and smashes the two arms of Shen’s brother.”

"Fastly inform the top of Zongmen, someone will come to the wind door to make trouble."


Several disciples recognized Shen Yifei, and their faces suddenly changed wildly. Shen Yifei’s repair was too clear for them. Feng Luomen’s first genius was now being labeled like this. If they were not careful, they would simply Did not see it.

Someone actually wounded the first day of the wind door, and also ran to the wind and the door to triumph, this is simply turned over the sky, in the history of the wind door, there has never been such a thing.

"Several of you, get out of the way, I am here today to help you wind up the door to clean the door, only your doorkeeper can come out and talk to me."

The powerful momentum of Jiang Chen’s body directly shocked several disciples of the mountain guards. These disciples and Jiang Chen are not at all a level. They want to block Jiang Chen, which is a joke. Jiang Chen is here today. The door is naturally stronger, and it will display its own momentum. People can’t despise themselves. Only strong people can be valued by more powerful people. If they are not strong enough, how can they attract the wind door? The main owner.

However, Jiang Chen only sent those disciples to the earthquake, and did not cause any harm to them. After all, he did not come to the wind door to avenge this time.

Jiang Chen's powerful momentum was released and hovered over the entire Windsor. He volleyed forward and rushed straight toward the center of the Windsor.

Shen Yifei was ashamed in the hands of Jiang Chen. He couldn’t say a word. What can he say now? If he was in the past, it would be like going to his own home. When he arrived at his own site, he might see hope. Shouting, but now, the most feared of him is the return to the door.


A tyrannical figure rushed out from the wind door. There were hundreds of disciples between the eyes. Unfortunately, the cultivation of these disciples was too weak, and they did not pose a threat to Jiang Chen.

"Who can dare to slam the door, find death?"

"The madman who came here really didn't know how to live and die."

"Stop immediately, go one step further and die."



The disciples of Feng Luomen yelled one by one, but they could not stop Jiang Chen from being a sea-like impact. The huge momentum was like a tidal wave that rushed out from the body of Jiang Dust, and the disciples of the hundred winds suffered strong. The impact of the screams in one mouth, the whole was smashed, like a gust of wind sweeping leaves.

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