Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1785: Feng Huazi

"Let your doormen come out."

The sound of Jiang Chen is like a thunderstorm in nine days. It is rolling over the wind door, and the sound waves spread thousands of miles. The entire wind door is clear.

For a time, the entire Windsor was alarmed. Numerous outside disciples, inner disciples, core disciples, and a large number of elders all flew over here.

"Turning the sky, I dare to sway the wind, it is simply lawless."

"Where is the madman, I ran to my wind and came to the wild, and I was going to smash it."

"The courage is too big. No one has ever dared to scream over the wind door. No matter who the other person is, even if he has a hundred lives, it is not enough to die."


The anger was soaring, and the wind and the door were angry. The calm wind door was completely plunged into the chaos. As a super-large faction in this area, no one dared to go to the Zongmen.

Inside the Zulongta, Jiang Zhenhai sees all this in his eyes, and his emotions are extremely exciting. Such a bold thing, I am afraid that only his own son can see it. Although he came to the fairy world, although it is not long, it is still for the Windsor. I have heard of it, such a super-big faction, in this super-large area, it is simply a giant.

Now Jiang Chen dared to enter the Windsor in this way. Jiang Zhenhai did not think about it. Of course, if he was told that Jiang Chen’s deeds in the Xianxian domain, even the entire sect of the corpse was destroyed in his hands. I am afraid I will not think so.

Countless people are flying high, and black pressure is everywhere. Jiang Chen looks into it. Even such a strong camp can still not make his emotions fluctuate. Compared with the scenes he has ever seen, this is actually A piece of cake.

Although there are many people who have appeared in the Winds, but so far, there is no real power. There are only a few statues of the elders. Only a few elders who are highly respected have been repaired to reach the half-step fairy, and the Oriental Royal is a level.

Unfortunately, this level of people, Jiang Chen has not been in the eyes.

"Look, you see, the man in his hand seems to be Shen’s brother."

"I am going, really Shen Shen brother, how can Shen Shen brother fall so miserable, both arms are smashed, the injury looks very serious, what is going on?"

"It must have been the injury of this guy. If you are young, you will have the strength to defeat Shen’s brother. It seems that it is not easy."

"Hey! What about it? It’s a good thing to be too arrogant. If this guy hurts Shen’s brother, it would mean humiliating us, and now I’m still wearing the injured Shen brother to come to Fenglumen’s martial arts. I don’t know. Live and die."

"This guy is dead, no one has ever dared to do such a thing. Even if there is a hundred lives today, it is not enough for him to die."


Numerous disciples are gnashing their teeth. Many people recognize Shen Yifei. His face is full of shock and anger. It is shocking that this white youth has the ability to hurt Shen Yifei into such a situation. The angry is that the other party is brave and dare to hurt the wind door. A representative of a generation, this is no different from humiliating the wind door.

"Who are you? Why come to me, why do you hurt me?"

A bearded elder stood up and said loudly to Jiang Chen. Now Shen Yifei is still in the other's hands. He does not dare to act rashly. Shen Yifei is the first genius of Feng Luomen. Objects, Zongmen has not known how much energy and resources he has spent on Shen Yifei. Now he has become a representative of the younger generation of Fenglumen, and the importance can be imagined.

"Let your doormen and elders come out, you are not qualified to talk to me."

Jiang Chen looked at the elder and said, not salty or not.

A disqualification almost didn't discourage the old man's beard.

It’s really grass, what kind of character, the first elder of the inner door of the chief, who is highly respected, whoever sees himself on the weekdays is not allowed to give three points. Today, a young man who doesn’t know where to come from, actually said that he is not qualified to stand here. Talking, this makes him feel good.

Shen Yifei was completely controlled by Jiang Chen, and he did not even have the ability to speak. He was only able to watch the situation continue to develop.

"Bold, I advise you to let go of Shen Yifei immediately, and maybe there is room for recovery."

The elder shouted loudly.

"Old guy, you are arrogant to me now, and I will be grateful to you for a while. I am here today to help you."

Jiang Chen said to the elder.

"Mom, the brazen man who came here, obviously hurts Shen’s brother, and also wants to help us."

"Is this guy an idiot? How big is our wind slam, and it needs a little person to help us. What can he help us?"

"But now Shen is in his hands. It seems that only the elders and the doorkeepers have appeared in person. Otherwise, he used Shen’s brother as a key, and we have no way to shoot."

"You must have the elders of the deity to take the shot. This guy has the strength to injure Shen Shixiong, indicating that his strength is still very strong. You must know that the Shen Xiong Xiong Emperor's later cultivation has already been able to confront the elders of the half-step Xianzun. ”


The words of Jiang Chen let the people of the Windsor can't help but want to marry the mother. This guy is obviously going to make troubles. He also said that he is a grandiose, just like he is a good man.

"Gap stuff, let me go."

At this moment, a powerful momentum rose from the inside of the Windsor, carrying a powerful anger, a figure came to this moment, standing in front of Jiang Chen not far away.

The comer is a middle-aged man. It looks like he is 40 years old and up, and is similar to Jiang Zhenhai. However, it is extremely tyrannical, but from the surface, Yang Yu is basically a grade.

Seeing the coming of people, Shen Yifei's emotions suddenly became very excited, but because of Jiang Chen's control, he couldn't say a word, but his expression was richer. Unfortunately, his Laozi obviously couldn't understand this rich expression.

Jiang Chen mouth overflowed with a hint of laughter, the Lord finally came, seeing this guy in front of the legend is the legendary elder, Shen Yifei's father, Shen Yu.

After the appearance of Shen Yu, I saw the horror of my son. The powerful anger could not be concealed, and his eyes turned into blood red. He was such a son, and he used it as a treasure in his hands. He began to cultivate hard from an early age. It has become the first genius of Feng Luomen, and it can be said that he is the pride of his life.

The Shen Yifei in front of him was completely abolished, and his arms were all smashed. In this case, Shen Yan almost spurted a blood, and his mood at the moment could not be ignored by others.

"Kid, I don't care who you are, today you are dead, I let you fly immediately, and will give you a good time."

Sinking coldly, if the eyes can kill, at this moment, Jiang Chen has been executed by Ling.

"Shen, I am so excited, I have no intention of killing the lang. I just want to see your door and all the high-level people. As long as they come out, I will let Shen Yifei let your father and son reunite."

Jiang Chen said that he was not salty and threatened. He was indifferent to the threat of indulging. He had seen too many masters, and the peers like Li Wangye did not let his emotions fluctuate, a small one. Indulging, but also did not reach the point where Jiang Chen was afraid. With his current strength, there is a big void in the body, the world is big, and you can go anywhere.

"In the early days of a little fairy, I dare to squat in front of this seat. It is easy to kill you in this seat. In front of this seat, do you think you still have the ability to hurt my son?"

Shen Yu has released his powerful momentum and locked all the dust machines of Jiang Chen. It seems that he is looking for an opportunity to save Shen Yifei from Jiang Chen’s hands.

"Yeah? Even though you try to see it, I have to look at it. Can I kill Shen Yifei before you can."

Jiang Chen’s gaze suddenly became extremely cold, and his gaze and his indulging eyes collided with each other.

The anger of indulging became more and more vigorous, but he did not dare to shoot. A guy in the early days of the Emperor dared to collide with himself so much, and he could not see the slightest fear in the other's eyes.

He couldn't see through the other side, so he didn't dare to shoot, because he didn't have a little grasp, and he was not sure to save Shen Yifei from Jiang Chen's hands. This kind of thing that he risked with his son would not do it.

"Who are you? Why are you hurting my son?"

Asked about the sinking.

"You will know the reason later."

Jiang Chen smiled and laughed. Before the door of the wind door did not appear, he would not say the reason for the event. If you let this indulge to run, it is not a waste of effort.


Just as Jiang Chen’s voice just fell, a huge momentum rose from the inside of Feng Luomen, and Jiang Chen’s mouth overflowed with a hint of laughter. These powerful momentums were obviously released by the powerful Xianzun master. It seems that The high-levels of the Windsor have to appear. After all, they are not too small to make things happen, and they are clear to see their owners.

Nowadays, even the elders of Shen Yu can't solve the problem, and the doorkeeper is naturally going to appear.

Soon, a dozen powerful masters of Xianzong came out and came to Shen Qian’s side. When they were first, they were so arrogant, and the eyebrows of the eyebrows looked like they were old and indifferent. The cultivation has reached the point where the peak of Xianzun has reached the peak.

"The door owner."

Sinking and clenching, everyone else is swearing, the person who comes is not someone else, it is the door of the wind door, Fenghuazi.

Fenghuazi nodded, and then looked at Jiang Chen and Shen Yifei. The atmosphere of the upper class was filled, and people dare not face it. All the elders and disciples on the wind and the door have a respectful color on their faces. .

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