Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1786: Exposing conspiracy

The appearance of Fenghuazi, let the entire wind Luomen suddenly find the backbone of the heart, this is the majesty that a superior must carry, at least in the hearts of most disciples and elders of Fenglumen, Fenghuazi is the existence of God. It is the support of the entire Windsor, as long as he is there, even if the sky is collapsed, it is not afraid.

Of course, the wind can not collapse, a small river dust, running to the wind door to make trouble is just a jump clown, if it is not because of holding a Shen Yifei, the master of the wind door will kill it. Now, it is his turn to stand here and continue to talk, but also to see the door, not to see who he is, what qualifications to see the door.

The appearance of Fenghuazi, in people's minds, this self-important white young man is basically finished, but after one person saw Fenghuazi, his expression changed greatly, and his head was sweating, not others. It is Shen Yifei controlled by Jiang Chen.

"The kid, the doorkeeper is coming, and immediately let go."

Shen Hao shouted at Jiang Chen, but ignored the Shen Yifei who had been giving himself a look. Shen Yifei now has an impulse to spurt blood. His own son has already been in trouble, not rushing to run, and still arrogant there.

However, for Shen’s shouting, Jiang Chen was completely indifferent. His eyes fell on Fenghuazi’s body and nodded. Then he said, “In the next river dust, today’s coming to the Windsor is to help the door. The Lord solves a big event."

Fenghuazi’s eyebrows were picked, and obviously did not think that Jiang Chen would say such a thing, and he was somewhat surprised in his heart. It is very rare to know that it is very rare to be able to stand in front of him in the early days of a fairy emperor. Jiang Chen has the courage to be alone in the wind, and it is really admirable.

But this does not cover up the anger of Fenghuazi. Like other people, he also saw Shen Yifei, who was extremely injured. As the first genius of Feng Luomen, in order to cultivate Shen Yifei these years, Zongmen did not know how much resources he spent. Nowadays, it has been abandoned. As a door owner, Fenghua has no reason not to be angry.

However, Feng Huazi did not think that Jiang Chen actually said that he would come to help himself. This made Fenghuazi have some interest.

"Yes? You are talking about how you want to help us to wind up the door. I hope that your reason is very good. Otherwise, your results may be very bad."

Feng Huazi is going to listen to what this Jiang Chen can make.

"Haha, the lord of the wind, do you think that you are proud of the wind and the door, you can rest easy, and you don't know the danger is there. You have a big traitor in the wind, you are peeping at you. The status, plotting how to get rid of you, Windwind will soon be suffering from unprecedented chaos, you are not in a hurry, I am anxious for you."

After Jiang Chen finished, his eyes looked at the side of the sinking intentionally or unintentionally.

After listening to Jiang Chen’s words, Shen’s expression clearly changed a little. Although it was not easy to detect, how could it survive the dust.

"Boy, what are you talking about? It’s just nonsense."

"Just kidding, I am inside and outside the door, how can there be traitors."

"This kid is a nonsense."


The passionate and enthusiastic disciples and elders are angry. A big sect, peace and harmony are always the most important. Jiang Chen came up and said that there are big traitors, which makes them feel good.

Fenghuazi is frowning. His eyes are still very sinister. It can be seen that Jiang Chen is not a madman, and he will never come to the wind to find death. It seems that the other party really knows something.

"Jiang Chen, you are talking about it, where is this big traitor?"

Feng Huazi asked with interest.

"The doorkeeper, don't listen to this person's nonsense, in my opinion, kill it directly, and dare to swear at me, this is a death penalty."

Sinking out loudly, it seems that Jiang Dust will be directly shot. With the cultivation of his immortal mid-term, he has already felt something naturally, and Shen Yifei has been using his eyes to communicate with him. He has already let him suddenly realize that their The secret is to be exposed. Once exposed, the consequences are so fancy, and Shen Shen’s heart is clear.

"Shen Elder, what are you doing so excitedly? You have to save your son just now. Now that you have heard of a big traitor, even your son’s life is not taken care of. Is it difficult for him to become an old traitor?"

Jiang Chen looked at Shen Yu, and Yin and Yang said strangely.

"You, what are you talking about? I am addicted to the door of the door, and I will make a rebellion."

Indulge in yelling, I don’t know that his performance has caused many people to be surprised. People with guilty conscience are sometimes difficult to keep calm. Even the powerful fairy statues are the same. Something is abnormal. The three words of the big traitor in Jiang Chenkou seem to be very touching on him.

Fenghuazi is not a fool. At this time, he really felt that things didn't seem so simple.

"Hey! Sinking, don't do things, don't be afraid of knocking on the door, if you don't have a rebellion, why are you so nervous?"

Jiang Chen snorted and then looked at Fenghuazi again. The time has come and he didn't want to waste time.

"The Lord of the Winds, I am coming to Jiang Chen today. There is absolutely no maliciousness to your party. Although I have been here from the mountain gate, I have never hurt one person. I am here today for the sake of this sinking and revenge for my father. Of course, if the doorkeeper does not want to hear about the indiscriminate retreat, then forget it."

The sound of Jiang Chen is so high that it is like a thunder.

For a time, many people in the Windsor did not speak. Jiang Chen’s words were not wrong. Although he broke in, he did not hurt a person, and his performance was too abnormal. Moreover, he would like to say Jiang. Dust a young man in the early days of Emperor Xian, and Feng Luomen is also innocent and enemies, even in spite of life and death, running to the wind door to frame a big elder, I am afraid no one believes, unless Jiang Chen is a fool, but how does Jiang Chen look? Not stupid.

"The doorkeeper, I asked to kill this person immediately, don't let him provoke the relationship between you and me."

Said with sorrow.

"Shen Elder, why are you so excited, the Qing people are clear, if you kill Jiang Chen now, is it that no one can return your innocence, I can't see him making it clear."

Feng Huazi looked at Shen Yan, and his mood is very complicated now. But since Jiang Chen has said this to his share, he must make it clear. Otherwise, the sinking thing will be like a spike. The thorns are in the hearts of everyone in the wind, and the winds of the future will give birth to each other. This is not what Fenghuazi wants to see.

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