Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1790: frenzied

Shocked is not only indulged, but also Fenghuazi and countless masters in the wind, many people are dumbfounded, one by one looking at Jiang Chen's eyes are horrified.

"How did he do it?"

"The speed is so fast, this reaction is too fast."

"In the early days of the Emperor's reign, not only defeated Shen Yifei, but also easily escaped the powerful blow of the mid-level master of Xianzun. How can such a character be unknown? Why have we never heard of it?"


The people of the Windsor were very surprised. There was no way to be surprised. They didn’t know what kind of means Jiang Chen used to avoid the blow that had just been killed. Moreover, like the geniuses like Jiang Chen, they even had a little before. I have never heard of it, and this is a thing that is worthy of surprise.

Ignore the shocked eyes around me. After all, Jiang Chen has already become accustomed to this kind of gaze. He looked at the opposite sinking, and the palm of his hand was gently placed on the top of Shen Yifei's head.

"Since you ignore the life and death of your son, then I will help you kill him."

Jiang Chen is indifferent.

"Jiang Chen, are you dare?"

The face of Shen Yan changed greatly.


It is a pity that the voice of Shen Shen has just fallen, only to hear a bang, the head of Shen Shen was crushed by Jiang Chen, and even the screams did not have time to send out.

No one has ever dared to question the guts of Jiang Chen. When it was cruel, Jiang Chen never had a soft hand. It is like now, in the face of Shen Shen’s face, there is no emotional fluctuation on Jiang’s face, looking at the whole world. Since he dared to kill his son in the face of sinking.


The roaring roar, the black scorpion immediately turned into a blood red, he was like a wounded beast, the whole person began to enter the state of violent walking, watching his son die in front of himself, but unable to do anything, who is replaced, It will be furious.

"Jiang Chen, I want to kill you."

The indulgent violent, bloodthirsty magical power was completely released, his speed is extremely fast, the horrible black claws are grabbed toward Jiang Chen.

"Sink, you must die for sin."

Fenghuazi shot, the horrible wave of the mid-level peak of Xianzun was released, and the majestic body was blocked in front of Jiang Chen. It was his intention to almost let Jiang Chen die in the hands of Shen Yu, the same mistake he could not Make another second.

"Jiang Chen, you must leave first."

Feng Huazi said to Jiang Chen, and at the same time he found a palm and a sinking pair.


A void has been completely smashed, and there is a devastating atmosphere everywhere. Some disciples with insufficient strength can not withstand the strong momentum of the waves, pale, and the population spurts blood, fainting on the spot.

Jiang Chen left the place unhurriedly, standing not far away, watching the show with no expression, the battle of the mid-level masters of Xianzun is naturally extremely horrible, Jiang Chen is not the opponent of such masters now, but The aftermath of the battle can not have a slight impact on him, and there is a big void in the body, not to mention sinking, even if the ancestors of the Windsor came, it is not necessarily able to leave Jiang Chen.


Feng Huazi and Shen Yu launched a fierce battle. This battle was seen in the heart of the Fenglumen disciples. The mood was complicated to the extreme. This was killing each other. They never thought that the wind door would burst out like this one day. The war is coming, for Windsor, this is destined to be a tragedy.

"The bloodthirsty palm."

The screaming burst of screaming, the horrible huge **** palm of the hand was hit by him, it is like a hand of heaven and earth, it is too great, just this palm, it is enough to easily smash a mountain, this is bloodthirsty magic There is a powerful move in the middle, and even the face of Feng Huazi has undergone some changes.

"The wind is unpredictable."

Feng Huazi also started his own life, until now he realized how big the potential crisis of the wind door is, and the depth of the sinking is too deep, secretly practicing evil, the power has been terrified to this terrible degree. As Jiang Yu’s crystal ball says, if you let Shen Qiang’s medicine be practiced, the day of evil and great achievements will probably be his death, the end of the wind.


The two masters of the mid-term sages collided with each other. This is a battle of peaks. Even if the battlefield has been closed, it has also caused great shock to the gates of the Windsor. The following mountains have begun to disintegrate. Many buildings have collapsed.


Fenghuazi was subjected to a powerful anti-shock, and he retired for more than a dozen steps to stabilize his body. His face became extremely ugly.

"Sinking, I didn't expect your evil skills to have been cultivated to such a terrible degree."

Fenghuazi laughed at himself and hid such a big hazard by his side. He didn't even notice the doorkeeper. He had to rely on a stranger who had never met him to tell himself that this was a kind of irony.

"Feng Huazi, let me take Jiang Chen away today. From then on, I will be indifferent to the wind and the door."

Sinking is now very emotional, and I only want to kill Jiang Chen.

"I wonder, you can't think about going today."

In the hands of Feng Huazi, there is a sword of the fine four glory.

"Haha, Fenghuazi, you are not my opponent at all. If you insist on stopping me, then don't blame me for killing."

Sinking and laughing, Shen Yifei’s death is more irritating to him. He has become a crazy guy. He explored it in a big way and attacked the past in the direction of Jiang Chen. The horrible towering hands covered the scope. Broadly, it can be seen that his purpose is not only Jiang Chen, but also people around Jiang Chen. If this is hit in front, there are at least hundreds of disciples in the wind, and there will be no trace of it. The accident.


Fenghuazi’s face changed again. Even though he is strong, he may not be able to stop the madness of killing innocent people. A powerful master in the middle of Xianzun has cultivated the evil of horror. If he kills here, he really does not. Know how much damage it will bring to Windsor.

The Fenghuazi long sword was found, but it was blocked by the singer in the hands of Shen Yu.

On the other hand, when the attack of Shen Shen came, many people's faces changed completely. They smelled a death. It was a great threat to life. It was not something they could bear. It was a big hand in Shen Shen. Under the pressure of the momentum, they have lost control of their bodies. After all, the gap between them and Shen Yu is too great.

"Damn, this heartbreaking guy is going to kill us all."

"Well, we are dead."


All the people who are controlled are as dead as they are, they are desperate, Fenghuazi is blocked, and other Xianzun masters are too late to rescue, and the indulgence is too fast.

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