Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1791: Old ancestor shot

At this time of the millennium, when everyone’s heart was filled with despair, a wave of air suddenly wrapped up hundreds of people. It was a breath of field. In this field, the wind These disciples immediately had a feeling of security.


Just before the day when the towering hands were about to land, this area was directly transferred and disappeared in the same place. The next moment, everyone has moved more than a dozen miles away. At the same time, the towering hands also attacked the previous place. It destroyed a void and made it a place of destruction.

Everyone has a lingering fear, and all eyes are looking at a figure, Jiang Chen!

"It is he who saved us."

To the extent that they have reached their level, no one is a fool. They can all feel that it is Jiang Chen who released the momentum of the field at the last moment to save their lives.

Yes, the natural shot is Jiang Chen, the big void technique and the big heaven machine are combined to make the escape time accurate to the extreme. Even if it carries hundreds of people, it is still not a problem for Jiang Chen.

"Thank you Jiang Gongzi."

Some people hold a fist against Jiang Chen. In the eyes of everyone, there is still a little bit of hostility toward Jiang Chen. Jiang Chen is their savior, and is the benefactor of the entire Windsor. No matter where Jiang Chen comes from, what is his identity? Feng Luomen has already regarded it as his own. After all, Jiang Chen did not show a little bit of hostility to the wind door from the beginning. Today, in addition to revenge for his father, it really helped Feng Luomen. A lot of busy.

Feng Huazi and the elders of the Yangtze River are all in their eyes. They are also grateful to Jiang Chen. They also shocked Jiang Chen’s shocking escape speed. This ability, even if it is a powerful fairy, can’t be done. .

"A good Jiang Chen, this seat will see, how much you can escape."

Shen Yu was beaten with real anger. The black fairy in his hand made a wave of air. It was like a black river, piercing the void, and killing the past with Jiang Chen. At this moment, he has forgotten his situation. I only want to kill Jiang Chen.


At this moment, a cold voice rang from the void, and at the same time, the golden palm of the hand appeared, grabbing the black light and smashing it with a bang.

An old man came out of the air. He was dressed in plain style. He looked like he was sixty or seventy years old. But he was very strong and he didn’t look old at all. The exuberance of his body gave him a complete pressure on the violent atmosphere. Go on.

"Old ancestors."

Seeing this old man, Feng Yunzi and many elders of the Windsor are happy. Today, the wind and the door are in chaos. The doorkeeper of Fenghuazi must be unable to control the situation. If the ancestor does not appear again, it will be like a madman. I really don't know how much damage will be brought to Windsor.

Seeing the appearance of the ancestors, Shen Yu also recovered his mind from the previous madness, and immediately regretted that he knew that Feng Luomen’s ancestors were in a higher state of retreat and generally did not appear, so they should have just When things are exposed, they choose to escape directly. As long as the ancestors do not appear, no one can stop their own departure, and when they are savvy, they will come back for revenge.

This is the best plan. Shen Wei did it in the first place. Unfortunately, Jiang Chen killed Shen Yifei, completely angered him, and let him forget to consider it in a short time. At this moment, I want to go, it is already late. Even if he is addicted to his bloodthirsty magic, he is not confident that he can compete with his ancestors. It is the supreme master of Xianzun's late period. The gap is not a little bit.


Shen Hao did not dare to hesitate again. The ancestors have already appeared. If they don’t leave, I am afraid that they will not be able to go.

"The traitor, do you still want to go?"

The ancestors were also extremely angry. He was like a ghost, and he was in front of the sinking. The big hand suddenly slid out and turned into a huge cage. He was trapped in prison and allowed to collide with it. Get out of the cage.

Upon seeing it, the people of Feng Luomen breathed a sigh of relief. Even if the elders who had a good relationship with Shen Yu on weekdays did not think that the cultivation of Shen Yu was already strong enough, today's things, fortunately, there are ancestors.

At the same time, people are also grateful for the arrival of Jiang Chen today. If it is not Jiang Chen, the secret of Shen Yu will not be discovered. When Shen Shen really rises, I am afraid that even the ancestors are not their opponents. That is the wind. The real disaster of the door.

"My ancestors spared, I know it is wrong."

After squatting down, he slammed his head against his ancestors.

"Hey! The most annoying thing in this life is your traitor. I have already asked Zongmen for a long time. I almost lost the entire wind door in your hands."

The wind sorrow ancestors snorted and looked at the sinking eyes, full of disgust and anger.

"Kill him, ancestors, kill this traitor."

"It must be executed on the spot, scum."


The passionate and indulgent behavior has thoroughly inspired the anger of the entire Windsor. To be able to do this, Shen Yu is also the first person in the history of Fengluomen.

"And slow."

Fenghuazi spoke up and went forward. He looked at the imprisoned prisoner and said: "Sink, you have to conspiracy to rebel. I am afraid there are still many other parties. Say it, you are the last of the winds." Did one thing."

Fenghuazi is not a fool. On the contrary, he is very intelligent. He knows that Shen Shen is a great elder. Since he wants to rebel, he must have already won a lot of people in the dark. Otherwise, even if he kills himself and his ancestors, he wants to completely control it. Windsor is also difficult.

Fenghuazi’s voice just fell, and there was some incitement in the crowd. It can be seen that many people’s faces began to change.

The elders and disciples below are you looking at me. I look at you. They are full of guards. They seem to be unable to trust each other. After all, the influence of Shen Luo in the wind is too great.

"The damper master."

Seeing the changes in the wind door, Jiang Chen quickly went on.

"Jiang Chen Brothers, do you have anything to say?"

Feng Huazi smiled and his attitude towards Jiang Chen changed a lot.

"There is no need for this. I believe that even if there is a party with the same party, many of them are forced by him. Now Shen Shen is solved. I believe that those people can also see the end of the rebellion. This is already the biggest shock. Under such shocks, they will inevitably be loyal, and will not dare to have two hearts. From then on, the Windsor will be a piece of iron, killing one hundred and one hundred, enough, there is no need to make the wind and the wind hurricane, you Say?"

Jiang Chen said with a smile, he has already seen it from the instigation of the previous one. I am afraid that there are many people who are insulting. If you want to pursue it, it will be a very heavy blow to Feng Luomen. This blow, Not only the overall strength, but more importantly, the people.

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