Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1792: Fenghuazi's retention

Jiang Chen’s words directly led Feng Huazi and his ancestors to realize that Fenghuazi was stunned by anger at first, only thinking about giving out all the traitors, but ignoring the most important point, that is this How much will the move have brought to Windwind.

Jiang Chen said that nowadays, the elders have become rebellious. Now the most important thing for Feng Lumen is unity. There is no double heart, and the scene is more powerful. Feng Luomen has begun to guard each other. This is not Fenghuazi wants to see, and as Jiang Chen said, those people are tempted by indulgence. Since they are not up, they will not rebel, nor will they have the ability to rebel. Those who are not guilty of the past will be grateful and will be absolutely loyal to Windsor.

In this way, the future Windsor will become more united because of this matter, and will not give birth to each other. Those who secretly promised to rebel with the sinking, naturally also thanks to Dade, perform well, if so In the future, Feng Luomen will be more prosperous and prosperous. It can be said that it is a blessing in disguise.

Both Feng Huazi and his ancestors looked at Jiang Chen with appreciation and gratitude. No matter who this young man is, Feng Luomen should regard it as a guest. They are very clear in their hearts. If it is not Jiang Chen, Shen Shen will It will not be excavated, and what kind of situation Windwind will face in the future is simply unimaginable.

The same grateful to Jiang Chen is not only Feng Huazi and his ancestors, but also those who secretly intend to rebel with Shen Yu, and they will give Jiang Dian a sigh. Jiang Chen’s key moments not only saved their lives, but also saved their lives. Regaining their reputation, this is a life-saving grace.

"Well, since the Jiang Chen brothers say so, then they will not be investigated. I will definitely be more prosperous after the winds, and you will die if you sin. You will die in your hands today, and you will be dead."

Feng Huazi said, the long sword in his hand passed through the prison of his ancestors, slamming into the indulging eyebrows and killing him.

Feng Huazi’s shot speed is very fast, and he rarely gives a chance to sink. His purpose is very simple. He is also afraid of sinking into the wall and telling the people below. At that time, it’s hard to think about it. Therefore, Fenghuazi decided not to give the opportunity to speak to Shen, and directly returned to the wind door.

Jiang Chen nodded and breathed a sigh of relief. After all, Shen Yu was dead. Feng Huazi’s means of killing and sinking also showed the wisdom and determination of his master.


After killing Shen Yu, Feng Huazi’s long sword in his hand was lifted high, and the powerful sword gas gathered directly into a dragon. It circulated constantly in the sky. It was completely condensed by the sword, and it was full of strong dignity. It is frightening.

"The owner of the Windsor listens, Shen Shen is dead, this is the end of the traitor, this seat hopes, the future of the Windsor, all the hearts and prosperity."

The sound of the wind is like a thunder, spread all over the world, and the sound waves circling back and forth over the entire Wind Mountain.

“One heart and one heart, prosperity.”

“One heart and one heart, prosperity.”

“One heart and one heart, prosperity.”


Countless elders and disciples screamed up and down on the wind door, and the warmth of the blood was rendered. All the mustys and speculations between them disappeared with the scream of passion, no matter what happened before, sinking to death. Now, it is over, the winds of the door will usher in the latest era, and everyone's heart will be tightly tied together.

The wind and the door of the chaos is completely calmed down, and even the ancestors who did not appear on weekdays are all shot. It can be seen how big the incident is. Jiang Chen has undoubtedly become the biggest benefactor of the Windsor, and everyone from the top to the bottom To be grateful to him, the hundreds of disciples who were rescued by Jiang Chen from the hands of Shen Yu were even more grateful to Jiang Chen.

Feng Huazi and his ancestors came to Jiang Chen in the near future. Feng Huazi said: "Jiang Chen brothers, today is a loss to you. Otherwise, I don’t know how much loss I will suffer in the future. This kind of kindness is really nothing to report. After the Jiang Chen brothers, but there is a need, I need the help of the wind door, although the opening, I am a fan, absolutely unshirkable."

Feng Huazi said that it is very heroic, which is itself a heroic person.

"The door is very polite. I came here today because I was hurt by my father. I just want to ask my father for justice."

Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"I don't know where to order."

Feng Huazi asked.

"Hey, come out."

Jiang Chen's body swayed, and Jiang Zhenhai's figure appeared next to Jiang Chen's body. The ancestral tower was invisible and hidden in the body of Jiang Chen. Even the ancestors of Feng Luomen could not find it.

The emergence of Jiang Zhenhai, it seems very excited, he is too weak to repair, standing in front of the master such as Feng Huazi, it seems very uncomfortable, if it is not the support of Jiang Chen's breath, he may not stand stable at all, just happen He looked at the scene. With such a son, Jiang Zhenhai felt very proud and proud. He saw that the peerless masters such as Xian Xianzun were gracious to their sons, and Jiang Zhenhai was satisfied with the extreme.

"Jiang Zhenhai, I have seen the owner."

Jiang Zhenhai held a fist at Fenghuazi.

"Jiang brother is not polite, you have such a son, that is your greatest pride."

Feng Huazi also responded with a fist, and Jiang Jiang said that this made Jiang Zhenhai feel a flattering feeling. He never dreamed that one day a powerful fairy would stand in front of himself and politely speak. Of course, Jiang Zhenhai also No fluttering, he is very clear in his heart, the other side is to look at the face of Jiang Chen, if there is no Jiang Chen, then he is nothing.

"Well, since the sinking has been removed, I will not bother, and I will leave."

Jiang Chen held a fist to Feng Huazi and his ancestors, and he was leaving with Jiang Zhenhai.

"Jiang Chen brothers are slow."

Feng Huazi hurriedly shouted. He looked more admired at Jiang Chen’s look. He thought that Jiang Chen would at least give some benefits to Feng Luomen. After all, his actions today are not even more beneficial. For the sake of the wind, the door will also try to satisfy.

However, I did not expect that Jiang Chen had no choice but to leave. It is really rare for a young person to have such a heart.

If Windsor can cultivate such a genius, it is a great blessing for the Windsor.

"What else is there for the doorkeeper?"

Jiang Chen laughed.

"Jiang Brothers, I see that the body is very bad now, it is better to stay for some time. I have the best alchemy here, have the best medicine, have the best cultivation environment, I believe I can help to honor, today Jiang The brothers helped us to be so busy, but if we left, I can feel comfortable in my heart."

Feng Huazi said openly.

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