Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1793: a place of superior cultivation

Fenghuazi's tone is very sincere. This is also the real truth. What happened today is that Feng Luomen owes Jiang Chentian's human feelings, and Fenghuazi is the least liked to owe people. If Jiang The dust has gone like this, Fenghuazi will always feel uncomfortable.

If Feng Luomen can do something for Jiang Chen, Feng Huazi will be very happy. Just because Jiang Zhenhai is very bad because of the problem of trying Dan, if he can bring some benefits to Jiang Zhenhai, he will raise Jiang Zhenhai’s body. I am also doing something for Jiang Chen.

When I think of Jiang Chen’s arrival, my attitude towards Jiang Chen is very bad. The more I feel in Fenghua’s heart, the more I am embarrassed.

Moreover, such a stranger as Jiang Chen can be said that he has never seen it, even if it is rare, this kind of person is promising, and future achievements are even more limitless. If Feng Luomen can make a good deal with it, There must be no harm in it.

Jiang Chen stopped his footsteps. Feng Huazi’s words made him feel a bit tempted. Jiang Zhenhai really needs a quiet place to retreat. He originally planned to take Jiang Zhenhai to go to the Dagan Empire in Xianxian, but now the situation in Xianxian is too Confusion, there is no peace at all, and I don’t say that I have offended all the big forces and Xianting. I just said that the contradiction between the Dagan Empire and the Dayu Empire and the Tianyu Dynasty is also getting bigger and bigger. There is a possibility of a battle between the Empire and the Empire.

Moreover, once Jiang Chen returns to Zhu Xianyu, he will immediately fall into endless killings and battles. With Jiang Chen’s current cultivation, he is also only capable of self-protection. In comparison, Feng Luomen is quiet. Many, Feng Chi Xian domain has also been in a state of calm, such an environment, is undoubtedly the most suitable for Jiang Zhenhai practice.

In this fairyland of the weak meat, no matter when, the strength is the most important. Even if you are stronger, you can't replace Jiang Zhenhai. Only Jiang Zhenhai is strong, Jiang Chen will be relieved, otherwise, wherever he goes, his heart will finally It is a concern.

"Well, that Jiang will be bothered."

Jiang Chen nodded and decided to stay for a while. Once, he could rehabilitate Jiang Zhenhai's body, help Jiang Zhenhai's stable foundation, improve his cultivation, and secondly, he can also see the different customs and forces of different Xianyu. A fairyland is incomparably powerful. Any fairyland can make a career. Since Xianxian is not suitable for returning now, simply mix and match in the wind, not to build a big force of its own. It is also good to draw some masters.

"Well, Jiang Chen brothers are refreshing, I will personally arrange a place for your father and son to practice."

Fenghuazi is very surprised.

Seeing that Jiang Chen wants to stay, the elders in the back have also come up, one by one, and they look very happy.

"I said, Jiang brothers have helped us so much." If we don't stay for some time, let's take a look at the friendship of the landlord. Doesn't it seem that we have no friendship? ”

"That is, after the Jiang brothers will regard this place as their own home, and I will not see you."

"Feng Luomen can make friends like Jiang brothers. We are very happy on the top and bottom of the door. We are sorry for the bad attitude towards Jiang brothers."


These elders are masters of Xianzun, the lowest is half-step fairy, and there are high-level existences on weekdays. The general Emperor, even the eyes are not looking at it. Today’s attitude toward Jiang Chen can be said to be quite rare. .

Of course, the reason why these elders are so polite to Jiang Chen, in addition to Jiang Chen's help to Feng Luomen, but also because of the strength of Jiang Chen itself, in this world dominated by the strong, strength is always the only measure of a person's status The standard, and not to mention that Jiang Chen can kill Shen Yifei is already quite shocking. Just two times before, I easily evaded the indulgent killing, and also safely flashed off with hundreds of people, it is enough to be amazing. Such a young and talented person, who dares to look down.

"The elders are polite."

Jiang Chen smiled, and the impression of the people of the Windsor was very good. The wind door is not the decent of the middle-class, and many people seem to give a feeling of high wind and bright.

"Okay, you are going to do all kinds of things, there is such a thing in Windsor, there are still many things that you need to deal with. I am now taking the Jiang Brothers to arrange a place to practice and do not bother."

Feng Huazi said to the crowd.

"Yes, the door owner."

Many elders should be in unison, and then they will perform their duties. With these elders, the impact of the wind and the chaos will soon be eliminated, and the entire sect will return to normal.

"Jiang Brothers, please."

Feng Huazi made a gesture of asking for Jiang Chen.

"The door owner please."

Jiang Chen smiles.

Feng Huazi and his ancestors took the lead to go to the center of the wind door, where the heavens and the earth are the strongest places and the core of the underground dragon veins.

Watching Jiang Zhenhai is still a bit nervous, Jiang Chen said: "Hey, don't be nervous, there is me, you are too king in the Shengyuan continent, to the fairy world, you are still too emperor."

Jiang Chen’s words made Jiang Zhenhai could not help but shook his head. It seems that this is too precipitous, but it’s not very suitable for the fairyland. After all, the change from Danu to the present is too fast, so he can’t accept it.

However, Jiang Zhenhai still shocked the momentum and showed his own temperament. In any case, he could not lose face to his son.

At the center of the Windsor Gate, there is a beautiful mountain peak. It is the cultivation place of the great elders. Now it is dead and it has become a land of nowhere, but it is indeed the most suitable environment for cultivation. Fenghuazi just vacated this place for the use of Jiang Chen and his son.

"Jiang Brothers, here is the place where you can practice. You can still be satisfied."

Feng Huazi said that the top of the mountain is a huge courtyard. There is a pot of medicine in the other courtyard. There are various kinds of elixir grown in it. They are all private collections. The heavens and the earth are full of scent, and the dust itself is This kind of rich fairy may not care, but for Jiang Zhenhai, it is definitely the best environment.

"The lord of the wind has the heart."

Jiang Chen laughed, if such an environment is not satisfied, there will be some bullies.

"Right, I don't know where the Jiang brothers are coming from. You can't be a mess like this."

Feng Huazi asked curiously, but immediately said: "Of course, if the Jiang brothers feel embarrassed, they can not answer."

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