Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1794: Reborn

"The main words of the door are heavy. Under the people who are not in the field, the reason why I came here this time is because I have sensed the breath of my father. Our father and son used to be ascends, but I suffered after flying. The tribulation, if I arrived in time, the consequences are really unimaginable."

Jiang Chen said that he did not conceal his identity as a soaring person. This identity itself has nothing to hide. He was concealed because he was afraid of revenge from the Northern and Southern Dynasties. Now he is not so concerned about the Northern and Southern Dynasties, let alone here. Xian domain.

Think of the Northern and Southern Dynasties, Jiang Chen brows can not help but stunned, this guy was almost destroyed by his own sun **** feathers when the gold kills the field, but Jiang Chen knows that the North and South Dynasty will not die so easily, this guy is The reincarnation of the Great, if he was to find the body of his previous life, I am afraid it is still a major disaster.

"It turned out to be."

Fenghuazi is stunned, but it is not too surprising. He has long guessed that Jiang Chen is not a man of Fengchi, but if he is such a genius, he must know.

"Jiang Chen?"

The ancestors on the side whispered the name of Jiang Chen, seemingly thinking about something, and felt that the name sounded familiar. Suddenly, the eyes of the ancestors brightened.

"Jiang Chen, are you the Jiang Chen in Xianxian? Gold has become famous in the war, and has offended the three forces of the immortal world. He also offended the three Xianting. One person’s power destroyed the entire sect of the corpse. Later, it was also involved in the three semi-emperor masters of Xianting, and Xiao was forgotten to calm down."

The eyes of his ancestors are full of shocking colors. His eyes are constantly being fired on Jiang Chen. He is almost certain that the Jiang Chen in front of him is the Jiang Chen of the Xianxian domain. Besides the Jiang Chen, who can easily avoid it. The indulging attack is a miracle in itself.

Although the old ancestors did not ask the world for retreats on weekdays, he was extremely clear about the great things in the world, and he knew more than Fenghua.

Of course, the great turmoil in the Xianxian domain, Fenghuazi also heard some, Jiang Chen, the name, he has always felt familiar, but did not think that this Jiang Chen is the Jiang Chen.

"Yes, it is me. Jiang is now an enemy everywhere. I think it is good to leave. If it brings trouble to Feng Luomen, I am upset."

Jiang Chen nodded and acknowledged his identity. At the same time, his heart was also embarrassed. What he could not think of was that his fame had already reached this point. Even Feng Chixian had heard of his name.

It’s really what Jiang Chen’s things are too earth-shattering. Of course, Feng Chi Xianyu is too far away from the Xianxian domain. It is completely equivalent to two fairy circles. Most people still don’t know the name of Jiang Chen, but like the ancestors. The superiors like Feng Huazi will definitely pay attention to the big events in the whole fairyland, so it is not unusual to know that Jiang Chen is.

"Jiang Gongzi don't misunderstand. Your deeds and my ancestors have heard about it. You can say that you are admirable. You can make a young talent like you. We are very happy. Although your enemies are many, they are also involved. Not the body of my wind."

Feng Huazi said quickly, and when he was tired, he was really not afraid. After all, the things of Xian Xianyu were not related to Feng Luomen.

For Jiang Chen himself, Feng Huazi and his ancestors are incomparable appreciation. The earth-shattering events, the whole fairyland, I am afraid I can no longer find a second person, especially the power of one person to destroy the entire corpse No matter what kind of means Jiang Chen uses, it is enough to make people shock.

The big forces like the corpse yin dynasty are quite similar to the wind solomon. Even if they are not in the same fairyland, Fenghuazi knows it. If they want to destroy the corpse, even if they are unable to do anything, they will not be able to do it. But Jiang Chen did it alone.

The attitude of Feng Huazi and his ancestors to Jiang Chen has changed again. If they said that they were only grateful to Jiang Chen, but from the perspective of cultivation, there are still some high-minded words, then now completely Jiang Chen’s status has been flattened.

A strong world is respected. No matter where you go, the strong will always be respected. Jiang Chen is a strong person who can do things that people all can't do in the whole world.

The three men chatted a few more times. Jiang Chen took Jiang Zhenhai directly into the other hospital. Fenghuazi did not follow up to disturb the rest of Jiang Chen.

"This person can be deeply involved. I don't think he is an ordinary person. The future achievements must be limitless."

The old ancestor said.

"The old ancestors said that it is true that any ancient world, any one is not a world-famous event. This person has a great emperor, and he helped us to solve the traitor. Wind Solomon owes him a big man."

Fenghuazi Road, Feng Luomen is a famous decent in the middle of the domain, whether it is the ancestor or Fenghuazi, is a just person, the grace will certainly repay.

In the following time, Jiang Chen and Jiang Zhenhai stayed in Fenglumen. Jiang Chen refining a lot of medicinal herbs according to the situation of Jiang Zhenhai. These medicinal herbs are the most useful for the current Jiang Zhenhai. As for the medicinal materials used in alchemy, There is no need to give the wind door to the end, and it is enough to indulge in the medicine in this medicine.

The Xuanyang Dan, which was made from the medicinal herbs, was integrated into the earth's fairy milk and the wood's aura. It can achieve unimaginable effects. An remedy can completely eliminate all the bruises in Jiang Zhenhai. The negative effects of the promotion of the Celestial level on the body were all removed.

With the help of Jiang Chen, it took only half a month, and Jiang Zhenhai’s cultivation was completely stabilized in the half-step Xianwang. Of course, during this half-month, Jiang Zhenhai was in the Zulong Tower. The thirty-three-time time spent, thirty times the time rule, half a month is four hundred and fifty days. For such a long time, Jiang Zhenhai's repair is to reach the half-step fairy king, and the foundation is very stable and the foundation is thick. The body is also a big change of blood. At this moment, Jiang Zhenhai is more qualified than the average genius.

"Haha, half-step fairy king, I did not expect that I could get such a strong point."

Jiang Zhenhai laughed and felt the changes he had made at the moment, and he could not believe it.

"Hey, your current situation is very rich, and it will take a long time to directly impact the realm of Xian Wang, but Xian Wang wants to stand still in the fairy world, and then slowly come."

Jiang Chen laughed and saw that Jiang Zhenhai continued to improve. His heart was also extremely happy. The key is the change of talents. Jiang Zhenhai can continue to go down in the fairy world and will not fall behind.

[Today's three more]

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