Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1803: Dragon pattern

Just like now, the Southern and Northern Dynasties resist their own killing dragon seals, and can also use the eternal fairy wind to absorb the Emperor's essence.

When the Emperor's fine spirit entered the body of the Northern and Southern Dynasties, he became directly involved in the internal organs of the Northern and Southern Dynasties. He was completely absorbed by him. It was such a fast, blink of an eye, all the injuries suffered before the Northern and Southern Dynasties were completely restored. The armor is intact, and his cultivation has reached the peak of the late Emperor's late stage. It is only a step away from the half-step Xianzun.

"Haha, Jiang Chen, what about you?"

The North and South dynasties laughed wildly, and the violent eternal fairy wind once again struck out from him and turned into a deep snake into the deep space.

"damn it."

Jiang Chen couldn't help himself. He didn't expect this situation, but Jiang Chen had completely seen it clearly. As long as he went deep into this ruin, the Southern and Northern Dynasties were already invincible. He had countless means for a short time. In order to improve his cultivation and combat strength, according to the situation of the Northern and Southern Dynasties, I am afraid that I will be able to promote directly to the half-step Xianzun. At that time, I will not pursue the Southern and Northern Dynasties myself, but the Southern and Northern Dynasties will go back and chase. Kill yourself.

Jiang Chen knows that his own situation has gone and he wants to kill the Northern and Southern Dynasties. It has become impossible.


However, Jiang Chen will never give up so easily. The violent killing of the dragon seal was once again hit by Jiang Chen. At the same time, Jiang Chen himself changed from a half-man and a half dragon to a real **** dragon and a dragon of killing. Brought together, at this moment, Jiang Chen himself became a powerful killer, killing all the creatures between heaven and earth.

"Useless, Jiang Chen, you can't kill me, I will soon be promoted to half a step, and it will be your death."

The Southern and Northern Dynasties danced blondely, arrogant and arrogant, without a little bit of fear. The hands of God were once again displayed. The power was much stronger than before, although there were some weaknesses compared to Jiang Chen’s powerful killings, but the Northern and Southern Dynasties I don’t care at all, even if he is beaten again by Jiang Chen, he doesn’t care.

Because there will be a new Emperor's essence soon, his repair will directly impact the half-step Xianzun, when Jiang Chen is in his own hands, it is like a cockroach arbitrarily crushed.


The violent energy once again raged, and the ending was as expected by the Northern and Southern Dynasties. The Southern and Northern Dynasties were once again flew out by Jiang Chen, and suffered some injuries, but they were far from death.

Just after the attack of Jiang Chen, the eternal fairy wind brought out some of the great emperor's essence, and it was integrated into the body of the Southern and Northern Dynasties. He was absorbed by him instantly, and he did not need refining, because this is his own thing in the North and South.


The violent violent waves rushed out from the north and south dynasties, forming a golden storm. At this moment, the north and south dynasties are the center of the storm. The power of the sky is rising, and his momentum is constantly rising, and it is hitting half a step.

"Jiang Chen, this is what you are looking for. When I am promoted to half-step Xianzun, I will kill you first."

The Southern and Northern Dynasties incarnate an emperor and marry the world.

"This **** is already unstoppable. If I don't leave now, I will be killed by him in a while."

Jiang Chen’s eyebrows are very unwilling, but they are helpless. They have lost the best chance to kill the Northern and Southern Dynasties. If you can stop the North and South Dynasty from entering the ruins in the first place, it’s a pity that the South and North Dynasty is too smart. Wait until the last moment before rushing in, not giving yourself a chance to stop him.

Just as Jiang Chen was about to give up, his nephew suddenly lit up.

"Eternal fairy wind."

Jiang Chen’s body was shocked, and the singer flashed a sacred look: “This guy is using the eternal fairy wind to find the hidden emperor’s essence, and I will also be eternal fairy wind. The eternal fairy wind that I display is the same as the essence of the Northern and Southern Dynasties. It should also be recognized by the Emperor of the Great Emperor. Although it is not as easy as the Northern and Southern Dynasties, I have a great opportunity to use the eternal fairy wind to calculate the position of some great emperors. My current cultivation has reached the fairy. At the beginning of the emperor's peak, only one step can be promoted to the middle of the Emperor. If I can absorb some of the Emperor's spirits, it is not easy to promote the Emperor in the middle."

A rare opportunity, Jiang Chen will not miss it. It seems that he has a good relationship with the North and South dynasty. At least the Northern and Southern Dynasties taught himself how to absorb enough Emperor here.

There is no longer any hesitation. Jiang Chen’s body immediately displays the eternal fairy wind. The violent wind and waves learn the posture of the Southern and Northern Dynasties and penetrate deep into the space.

Upon seeing it, the face of the North and South, which was originally proud, instantly condensed. He now thinks that Jiang Chen will also display the eternal fairy wind.

"Jiang Chen, you steal my eternal fairy wind, do you think that you can hook out the hidden emperor spirit?"

The Northern and Southern Dynasties roared loudly.

"of course."

Jiang Chen mouth overflowed with a sneer, his body shocked, and the eternal fairy wind that had penetrated deep into the space re-flyed out, with the golden essence of the Emperor, directly rushed into the body of Jiang Chen.

The face of the Southern and Northern Dynasties changed again. He didn't think of it. Jiang Chen also found the place where the Emperor's essence was so easy, and he successfully pulled it out. This made him an incomparable atmosphere. In his opinion, those great emperors Qi, belongs to him, is his personal treasure, Jiang Chen is plundering his own spirit.

"Jiang Chen, even if you get the spirit of the Great Emperor? Can you absorb it directly like me? Hey! I am the reincarnation of the Emperor of Heaven, these essences fit perfectly with my body, and you want Refining and chemical absorption, it takes a lot of time, do you think I will give you this time? I will soon have to hit the half step fairy, when it is your death."

The Southern and Northern Dynasties said that he had made a decision. When he hit a half-step Xianzun, it was when Jiang Chen was killed. Jiang Chen was his own life enemy. It was a big worry and must be removed as soon as possible. Today is a great opportunity.

"Not always."

Jiang Dust is like a rainbow. After the emperor's essence enters the body, he is immediately engulfed by the dragon. If he is replaced by other people, it is naturally the same as the Southern and Northern Dynasties. It is extremely difficult to thoroughly refine the spirit of the Emperor. It takes a lot of time, but Jiang Chen is different. Hualong can refine all the energy between the heavens and the earth. Even the Emperor's essence is no exception. After entering the body, it will be completely refining.


The gas sea suddenly smashed, and a new dragon pattern condensed.

Jiang Chen is ecstatic, and the secret of this great emperor is really powerful. It is truly a peerless treasure.

"Impossible, this is absolutely impossible."

The Southern and Northern Dynasties saw the state of Jiang Chen. The whole person was completely out of order. He was bleeding in his eyes. This completely exceeded his imagination. He was originally his own great emperor, why Jiang Chen could refine it like himself. absorb.

[Today is a bit of a thing, it’s two more, and I still owe everyone a bit more. 】

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