Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1804: Crisis

There is no way to be shocked by the Southern and Northern Dynasties. This kind of thing can't be kept calm. Jiang Chen's actions have gone beyond common sense and beyond the rules.

What is the rule? It is the rule that conforms to the ethics of the Daqian. The Emperor's essence is naturally a good thing, but the Emperor's essence is a master. It has its own life attribute. Under this circumstance, only the Southern and Northern dynasties have one, so except for the Northern and Southern Dynasties. There will be no second person who can directly absorb the Emperor's essence.

The average person gets the great spirit of the great emperor. It must be an effort to refine and absorb it, and merge it into the same existence as his own attributes. This is in line with the rules. Jiang Chen’s performance has gone far beyond the rules.

However, the existence of Hualong is a kind of anti-sky rule, or it is beyond the rules, it is really high on the things, so Jiang Chen possesses a dragon, it is equal to having a set of rules of their own, nowhere Unable rules.

The dragons can refine all the energy between the heavens and the earth, including the essence of the great emperor. Therefore, in terms of absorbing the essence of the emperor, Jiang Chen and the Northern and Southern Dynasties are essentially no different. Obstruction.

"The Northern and Southern Dynasties, there is nothing in this world that is impossible. It is as if you think you will always be tall, thinking that you are the emperor standing at the top of the pyramid, but when you meet me, everything will be changed, your noble In my case, it is worth nothing."

Jiang Chen will not let go of any opportunity to ridicule the North and South dynasties. This is a blow to the invincible belief of the Northern and Southern Dynasties. As a fateful enemy, the super-faith is the power to support each other. Once the faith is Crush, then the other side is weak.

However, the Northern and Southern Dynasties are definitely not so easy to be defeated. This is a powerful opponent. If it is so easily defeated, it is not qualified to become the enemy of Jiang Chen.

"Jokes, Jiang Chen, I admit that you are a rare wizard in the world, but my strength is not something that you can suppress. In this ruin, I have the advantage that you can't imagine. of."

After the brief shock of the Northern and Southern Dynasties, the momentum of the whole person has completely recovered.

Jiang Chen secretly shakes his head. This is indeed an extremely difficult opponent. The other party's psychological strength is almost comparable to that of himself. There is nothing to shake the heart of the emperor. Of course, Jiang Chen did not intend to cause the Northern and Southern Dynasties. What trauma.

Both of them chose not to speak any more, because they all knew that it would be useless to say more, and they would not have any harm to the other party.

Nowadays, what the two people have to do is to race against time and improve their training in front of each other. The fighting power between them is quite equal. Anyone who advances is a blow to each other.


The violent turbulence constantly slammed out of the two bodies, like a tidal wave, and swayed back and forth. The Southern and Northern Dynasties struggled with half a step of Xianzun, and Jiang Chen also tried hard to attack the Emperor.

The number of dragons in Jiang Chen’s body is still rising, and it quickly hits a level of 1.35 million. This number is the number of the middle class.


With the violent sound of dragons and the stormy waves, Jiang Chen first hit the middle of the Emperor, and at the moment when Jiang Chen was promoted to the middle of the Emperor, the opposite of the Southern and Northern Dynasties also successfully hit the half-step Xianzun. The momentum is rolling.

"Jiang Chen, let's die."

The Northern and Southern Dynasties do not say anything. It is a powerful hand of the gods. His illusory eyes seem to have to see the essence of Jiang Chen. The horrible hands of the gods seem to control everything. It is a huge hand with a heavenly obstacle. The waves of air that are emitted are enough to destroy a giant mountain.

In the face of the strong attack of the Northern and Southern Dynasties, Jiang Chen was not willing to show weakness, killing the dragons and screaming, the dragons roaring, the dragons flashing ruthless light, and the hands of the gods once again collided together, this time the collision, the power compared to before I don't know how much power, after all, both of them have improved a repair.

The turbulent flow of space has been completely smashed, and the indestructible space barriers have had a series of cracks. This powerful movement has once again attracted the masters of the world.

Many masters have noticed anomalies, but no one dares to go into the space to see what is going on. After all, this kind of thing is too risky, and in people’s minds, any powerful and unbelievable movements in the remains of the ancient emperor is normal.

In the space battlefield, a strong collision has shaken the North and South Dynasties and Jiang Chen away by a hundred feet, but from this momentum, this time the confrontation is also comparable.

"Hey! Jiang Chen, for the time being, let's take your life, next time, but I promise, you will never live out of this relic."

The Southern and Northern Dynasties left a swearword, and then the body disappeared and disappeared.

This time, Jiang Chen did not choose to continue chasing, because he knew in his heart that he would continue to chase it. It is also useless. With his current strength, it is impossible to kill the Northern and Southern Dynasties. He has to admit that in this relic, the Northern and Southern Dynasties The growth rate is too fast, so fast that he is caught off guard.

The slogan left by the Northern and Southern Dynasties, Jiang Chen must also be on the mind. He knows that the Northern and Southern Dynasties are definitely not talking big. No one knows where the North and the South went. Here, the Northern and Southern Dynasties have advantages over everyone and can find the best for themselves. s help.

"It seems that I have to find the center of this ruins as soon as possible to prevent the North and South dynasties from getting treasures. Otherwise, I am afraid I can't stop the rise of the Northern and Southern Dynasties."

Jiang Chen looks dignified, but he knows that it is definitely not an easy task to find the most central part of the relics of the Great Emperor. In addition to the difficulties, it will be dangerous. Generally, such places are laid down by the Emperor. In addition to the Northern and Southern Dynasties, outsiders want to go in, it is difficult.

The Emperor's essence, Jiang Chen now has to do, is to start with the Emperor's fine spirit, the Southern and Northern Dynasties must be robbed of the Emperor's essence here, this kind of essence, even if it is temporarily consumed, can be stored, and later to the side People refine and absorb.

As far as Jiang Chen’s situation is concerned, relying solely on the Emperor’s essence, it is enough to shock his cultivation to the peak of the Emperor’s mid-term, and then the combat power will rise again.

Enhancing combat power and repairing is the most urgent task that Jiang Chen has to do now. The North and South dynasties are constantly improving. He can only catch up constantly, and can close the gap between the two.

[At the end of the year, it was too busy. I have to go out again. I don’t know how many times I can come back. Today I’m even more. I owe everyone two more, and I will take it when I take the time. 】

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