Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1805: snatch

Inside the turbulent space, Jiang Chen did not come out. His whole person is like a dragon. He constantly appears in different places. Every time he goes to a place, he must display the eternal fairy wind to absorb some of the great emperor. Jiang Chen knows very well. One point, that is, the Northern and Southern Dynasties at the moment, and constantly plundering the great emperor inside.

A fallen emperor, how much residual gas can be, at the speed of the Northern and Southern Dynasties, I am afraid that it will take less than half a day to be able to gather, and he himself has this strength, Jiang Chen naturally can not make the North and South dynasty, he is now Do not care what kind of treasure is hidden in this ruins. What he has to do now is to block the North and South dynasties and seize the resources of the Northern and Southern Dynasties.

I have to say that the interior space of this relic of the Great Emperor is really big. In many places, there is no existence of the Emperor's essence. The Emperor's spirit is very scattered, and the speed of the Northern and Southern Dynasties is too fast, and the Southern and Northern Dynasties are the reincarnation of the Emperor. He, where the rich Emperor's essence will appear, he knows better than anyone else.

Fortunately, Jiang Chen has a great heavenly technique, and can also calculate where the great emperor is.

"Hey! This guy is really fast. The essence of the great emperor in this space has been completely absorbed by the Northern and Southern Dynasties. It seems that I have to go in different directions. Otherwise, nothing can be obtained."

Jiang Chen’s heart is extremely depressed. He resorts to the sky, and his work has always been a strong hegemony. Only the Southern and Northern Dynasties can make him suffer losses.

Jiang Chen's body swayed and went to a different direction. The current intention of the Northern and Southern Dynasties is already obvious. That is to first absorb all the great emperors here. Jiang Chen must race against time to snatch.

Under the guidance of the big heaven machine, Jiang Chen quickly found a space where the Emperor's essence was relatively rich. The eternal fairy wind was unfolded like a tornado, and all the great emperors were absorbed. Immediately, the Emperor's essence will be absorbed.

Jiang Chen now has to spare no effort to refine these emperors and improve their cultivation. Nothing is more important than improving their strength. Especially in this space, there is a great emperor of the Northern and Southern Dynasties. In the budget of Jiang Chen, the Emperor is used. Jingqi, his cultivation can be directly upgraded to the peak level of the Emperor's mid-term, and the remaining Emperor's essence will be retained. After waiting for it, he will use it for his friends.

Others do not say that if these great emperors are brought back to the Dagan Empire, the overall strength of the entire Dagan Empire must be upgraded.

Soon, the number of dragons in Jiang Chen’s body has once again increased by 10,000. This kind of improvement is not to absorb other energy-enhancing energy ratios. The Emperor’s essence is too pure, and even the foundation of Jiang Chen is directly stabilized. Influence his roots.

In other words, Jiang Chen can now absorb the Emperor's essence at the limit, but he is only a fairy emperor after all, and how much he can absorb at the limit.

With the continuous collection of the Emperor's fine spirits, Jiang Chen began to rejoice that he had a big chance to do it. If there is no big celestial technique, even if he has the eternal fairy wind, he wants to get a lot of relics in the ruins. It is an impossible thing.

After all, the Emperor's essence is not only scattered, but also hidden deep. It is difficult for ordinary people to find out. What can be discovered and obtained is that it is a dog. If there is no big machine, even if Jiang Chen has other means, It is useless, because he is destined to be half a beat slower than the North and South, just half a shot, you can only follow the North and South **** behind the butt.

On the other hand, the Southern and Northern Dynasties gathered the Emperor's essence, and felt that the Emperor's essence in the entire space was rapidly decreasing. He knew that Jiang Chen was robbing himself.

"Damn, these are my things, dare to eat me, let you spit out sooner or later."

The Southern and Northern Dynasties are raging, and Jiang Chen can be said to be the person he most wants to kill. As the first genius of the North and South family, the reincarnation of the Emperor of Heaven, he has always been unfavorable, never lost, only in Jiang Chen. To shame, this has seriously hurt his high self-esteem.

"Eternal fairy wind."

The speed of the Northern and Southern Dynasties is faster. He and Jiang Chen are almost in the same finals. They are not allowed to give each other. One is to defend their own baby, the other is to seize the opportunity and not give the other party a chance to grow up quickly.

Many of those who have entered the ruins of space, many of them are still in the midst of confusion, but I do not know that two people have begun to plunder the treasure.

The space left by the Emperor of Heaven is too broad. It is hundreds of thousands of miles away, and it is a space of overlapping layers. There are void cracks and turbulence everywhere. There are ancient roads where you don’t know where to spread. Full of crisis.

There are often hurricane waves in the void, and many of these hurricanes contain powerful arrays. Once ordinary people fall into them, they will soon be lost. It is impossible to get out. Finally, they will be torn apart by the hurricane.

This is not the most terrible. It is rumored that the Emperor of Heaven had raised a large number of cockroaches, which were distributed in different places in this space. These cockroaches are full of evil, and the means are extremely powerful. The gods are gone, the relics are only opened soon, and many people have been killed and died in these hands.

In addition, there are more horrible creatures, strange gods, and murderousness. This is almost everything that must exist in every long-lasting relic. After all, this is the relic of the great emperor, which has an incomparable aura. The resentment of death and sorrow, the instinct of the emperor exuded in the invisible, and the death of the battle.

Under the influence of these air currents, many evil creatures will naturally come out. They rely on the superior environment here, they grow very fast, and some live in a group, killing them, if someone falls into it. The encirclement of the group is almost imaginable.

In the illusory small space, surrounded by variegated colors, seven or eight powerful monks walked, their faces were full of excitement, and they walked very cautiously, everyone thought their own thoughts were like tides. Spread out and expect to find some benefits.

Suddenly, someone grabbed the void and caught a golden scent. When he felt the breath of the emperor from the spirit, he immediately realized the madness.

"The Emperor's essence is actually the essence of the Emperor. This is the essence of the Emperor of Heaven, haha, I really took the dog, and I got a trace of the Emperor."

The monk laughed and couldn’t hide his inner excitement and joy.

[To break out today, the brothers are waiting to see it. 】

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