Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1820: Terror defense

The performance of the Southern and Northern Dynasties was seen by Jiang Chen. Jiang Chen had to praise that the Southern and Northern Dynasties were indeed a figure. In this case, they could be integrated with the Emperor's body. In fact, the Northern and Southern Dynasties are the best choice because The Northern and Southern Dynasties can accurately see the development of the situation. The magma area is definitely not guaranteed. It is not directly guaranteed. It is the most important thing to integrate with the Emperor. Once the integration is successful, the other is not the only one. It’s terrible, and when it’s time, a huge mountain between the fingers will be wiped out.

After all the magma disappeared, the appearance of Jiang Chen came out again. The portal of the Zulong Tower was closed and swallowed up so much energy. The Zulong Tower was very satisfying, and it was very quiet and honest in Jiang Chen’s body. stand up.

The people outside looked at it all in the eyes, and couldn’t help but sigh.

"It's really a boy who is against the sky. His cultivation is much better than before. From the previous period of the Emperor, he directly promoted to the late Emperor."

"Improving a level is nothing. The key is that he has even destroyed the prohibition of the Great Emperor. This is something to be proud of. If it is replaced by us, even if the half-Emperor personally took it, I would like to do it."

"Yes, don't touch the emperor, never know how terrible the emperor is. This kid broke the banned area of ​​the great emperor with the cultivation of the emperor. This alone is enough to be proud."


Everyone is full of praise for Jiang Chen. They are all ancestor-level figures, either from super-generals, from ancient families, or from Xianting. In their capacity, they have seen too many geniuses in their lives. But like this young man in front of you, it is really the first time I saw it.

The most exciting thing is that the half-empiror, he himself came with a certain purpose, in order to help the Emperor to find such a genius who can change the fate of the Emperor, now not only found, but also the performance of the incomparable, beyond his expectations In addition, this makes him no way not to be excited.

On the other hand, the Emperor Sword is still fighting fiercely with the funeral fairy, and there is a breath of excitement in the funeral fairy. A ray of light rushes out from the funeral fairy and falls in front of Jiang Chen, which is buried. Xian Yu tears open a mouth, Jiang Chen understands that this is the best chance.

Jiang Chen did not hesitate, took out the nine-negative mysterious heart, put it on the light, and disappeared in the blink of an eye. The next moment, Jiuyin Xuan Xin entered the funeral fairy.

"What is he doing? Why do you want to give away the baby? Why do you want to give it to the funeral?"

"Is this kid not stupid? The value of Jiuyin Xuan Xin will not be unclear. It took such a great effort to take such a big risk and got Jiu Yin Xuan Xin. Now I gave it to the funeral fairy. Why is this?"

People can't understand it. Jiuyin Xuan Xin itself is equivalent to a treasure. Some people have even given birth to a greedy heart. They are ready to take the guise of Jiang Yin from the hands of Jiang Chen, but they did not expect Jiang Chen to actually The Jiuyin Xuanxin was directly given to the funeral fairy, and if it was replaced by them, the Jiuyin Xuan heart would immediately fly away, where it would stay here for half a moment, and it would be even more impossible to let the baby of the hand be handed.

But immediately, they saw an abnormality. Before that, there was a layer of frost covered by the funeral fairy, which made people unable to understand the internal situation. Now, after the nine yin heart enters the interior of the funeral fairy, the layer of frost It disappeared and disappeared. The situation inside was also clear.

A woman who is a peerless fairy is quietly lying in the funeral fairy. After entering the funeral fairy, Jiuyin Xuanxin automatically enters the body of the female emperor, which is the part of the heart.

"Look, there is a woman lying in the funeral fairy, and Jiu Yin Xuan Xin was absorbed by the woman."

"It is the female emperor, the female emperor of Jiuyin, yes, it must be the female emperor of Jiuyin. I finally understand why the funeral fairy will suddenly come to Emperor Mountain. It turns out that the female emperor of Jiuyin is lying in the funeral fairy. This time, it is itself. For the sake of Jiuyin."

"The funeral fairy is the commander of the emperor of the emperor, how can the female emperor of Jiuyin lie inside?"

"You don't know this. There is a secret rumor. This nine-nine female emperor is the daughter of the celestial king, and the celestial king and the burial emperor are the life and death of the emperor. It is said that it is still the cognac of the nine yin female emperor, so the nine yin female emperor It’s not surprising to lie in the funeral fairy. What I am wondering now is why this young man will help the female emperor of Jiuyin. What is his relationship with the female emperor?

"Confusion, too chaotic, the battle of a great emperor extended to the present, and now the reincarnation of the Emperor of Heaven has found it here, and the female emperor of Jiuyin has appeared again. These two people of the world seem to be different. The way is resurrected."


Shocked, shocked, as if the biggest secret was revealed. For those present, the Emperor and the Jiuyin emperor are already ancient figures, and the Emperor and the Emperor of the Immortal are not to mention that it is almost The ancient characters of the world, that is only the characters in the legend, is the most peak of the immortal world.

Jiuyin Xuanxin entered the body of the smoke morning rain, Jiang Chen finally breathed a sigh of relief, the funeral fairy is still fighting with the emperor sword, the smoke morning rain is firmly guarded in it, so that it is not hurt, so Jiang Chen does not have to worry about the safety of the smoke and the morning rain. If the funeral fairy can't protect the morning rain, then no one in the world can protect the morning rain.


Jiang Chen turned around and looked sharply at the Northern and Southern Dynasties. He would not look at the North and South dynasties here. He must take some measures.


Tianshengjian appeared in his hands. Jiang Chen did not say anything. The Tiansheng sword in his hand became a sword of the world with a hundred feet long. He smashed the past with extreme fierceness toward the north and south, even if it was a slap. Undead the Southern and Northern Dynasties, but also affect the minds of the Northern and Southern Dynasties, so that he can not concentrate on the integration of the Emperor.


It is a pity that when Jiang Chen’s sword just touched the head of the Northern and Southern Dynasties, a golden mask suddenly rushed out from the throne of the north and south, and the North and South dynasty was firmly inside. Jiang Chen’s sword On the golden mask of the layer, there was a roaring sound of earth-shattering.


Jiang Chen stepped back a hundred feet away and barely stabilized his body. The powerful anti-shock force shook his arms, and the mouth was directly spilled with blood. Then look at the golden mask of the north and south dynasty. Lossless, no traces left.

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