Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1821: Let's die here.

The Northern and Southern Dynasties slowly opened their eyes and looked at Jiang Chen with a mocking look: "Jiang Chen, your actions are ridiculous, just if you can break my defense, then I am a godlord, I am not in vain. It is."

After that, the Northern and Southern Dynasties closed their eyes again and fell into a state of cultivation.

Jiang Chen gently wiped off the blood of the corner of his mouth, and then put away the Tiansheng sword and the dragon to change his body. Although he wanted to cause damage to the Northern and Southern Dynasties, even if it only affected the other's mind, Jiang Chen also had self-knowledge. His own ability, even if it is to give up the strength of breastfeeding, still can not cause damage to the North and South Dynasty, as the Northern and Southern Dynasties said, that defense is too horrible, if you can easily break open, then it is not a bully Great emperor.

At the same time, Jiang Chen was also shocked and shocked the great power of the Emperor. With his cultivation in the late Emperor's Emperor's reign, he was able to use the dragon to change his body and attack with all his strength. Even if he was a master of the mid-south, he could kill him, even if he It is the late stage of Xianzun, and it can still be a battle.

Such a powerful strength can not incite a layer of defense ban under the Emperor. It can be seen that the Great Emperor, how terrible it is, is the most peak existence between the heavens and the earth, does not touch the realm, will never understand How terrible this realm is.

"Once the North and South Korea merged successfully, the consequences were unimaginable. For everyone in the entire space, it was a doomsday. Now I can only pray that the light rain can quickly rely on Jiuyin Xuanxin to wake up. Now only the rain can fight the North and South. ""

Jiang Chen said that now, in addition to the smoke and the morning rain, I am afraid that no one is an opponent of the Northern and Southern Dynasties, even if it is the outer half of the emperor.

The cultivation of the Southern and Northern Dynasties itself has reached the level of Xianzun. If the body of the Great Emperor is merged, even if it is just merged, it cannot be restored to its peak state, but Jiang Chen estimates that the repair of the Northern and Southern Dynasties must at least reach the level of the Plenary. It is already infinitely close to the existence of the semi-emperor. Together with the reincarnation of the great emperor of the Northern and Southern Dynasties, it understands the law of the emperor itself. Even if it is not a semi-emperor, it can easily kill the semi-emperor.

In addition, the Northern and Southern Dynasties will control the most horrible Emperor Sword, a powerful peerless soldier, who can compete, even if it is for Xiao to forget, it is also a dead end.

Jiang Chen has withdrawn from the area. What he can do now is just waiting. He is expecting that the morning rain will wake up before the Northern and Southern Dynasties. At least it will not be able to catch up behind it. Otherwise, the consequences will be difficult to measure.


At this moment, a veteran of the late stage of Xianzun came to the front of Jiang Chen, with a sly smile on his face, and said to Jiang Chen: "The kid, hand over the baby who absorbed the magma before, you can spare You are not dead."

Jiang Chen coldly glanced at the old man, his face was indifferent, and the people who smashed the fire were not missing at all. Jiang Chen knew that the performance of the ancestral tower had attracted the attention of these masters, so even if the other party gave birth to greed. It is normal, in this fairy world, it is itself a weak meat.

"Old guy, you better think about what you are doing."

Jiang Chen said coldly, he is in a very bad mood now. If it was before, the master of Xianzun later, he might have only run away, but now, Jiang Chen can say that he does not put the other party in his eyes. Moreover, the old man in front of him is still the kind that has just been promoted to the late stage of Xianzun. The cultivation is not stable. Jiang Chen can fight with one of them under the full force, and even use the big void to escape.

"Hey! A arrogant boy, you can enter the area of ​​the Great Emperor, and you can absorb the magma energy inside. It must be because of the rare baby in your hand. The so-called sin is guilty of sin, as long as you hand it over. This seat will spare you."

The old man snorted, he was strong, and he decided to eat Jiang Chen, and he was originally planning to wait for Jiang Chen to come out and take the nine-yin Xuanxin together, but did not expect Jiang Chen to actually I gave it to the funeral fairy, which made his plan fall, but Jiang Chen’s baby, who can absorb the energy of madness and absorption of magma, made him very tempted.

This time, he entered the remains of the Great Emperor. He still didn't get a decent baby. Now it's hard to meet one. Naturally, he can't let go.


Suddenly, a loud slap in the face of the old man, this slap, directly fanned the old man of the late Xianzun more than ten feet away, the fan of the fire of Venus, teeth and blood sprayed out from the mouth.


The old man was mad and screamed, but the word behind it had not yet come out. He had already seen the person who shot, and immediately dared not speak.

A gray robe old man appeared in front of Jiang Chen, before the fan slap in the face, it is this gray robe old man, the only one of the semi-emperor masters present.

"In front of this seat, you dare to grab something."

The old man said coldly, the power of the semi-emperor was released, and the pressure of terror made the old man slammed directly on the ground.

"Adults are forgiving, adults are forgiving."

The old man was frightened, no matter how heavy his greed was, but he was afraid of death after all, and he was offended by one and a half, which is almost no different from finding death.


The old man in the gray robe screamed, and the horrible sound wave once again drove the immortal old man to fly far away. He wowed blood and suffered a minor injury.

"Thank you for your great fortune, thank you for your great fortune."

The immortal old man, such as Meng Daxie, even stood up and rolled up and flew toward the distance. He finally understood the fact that in the face of the half imperial, even if it was robbery, he could not reach him. The baby who is not coveted, in his view, the reason why the half-emperor shot, is also in order to **** the baby on Jiang Chen, he is equivalent to competing with the semi-emperor, which is itself a kind of performance.

"Hey! Still want to go?

Jiang Chen snorted, he never gave the enemy any chance, this immortal intention to **** himself, even want his own life, for such an enemy, Jiang Chen never has a bit of politeness.


Jiang Chen's speed is extremely fast. He instantly casts the dragon to change his body. In the blink of an eye, he catches up with the old man who fled. The Tiansheng sword hits the ground and pierces the old man's head with a bang.

"you you……"

The immortal master looked at Jiang Chen with his big eyes and felt the vitality of the body. Even if he was dreaming, he probably couldn’t think that he would die in the hands of a fairy emperor and die in the remains of this great emperor.


Jiang Chen's face was drawn back like a sword, and he didn't look at the old man's eyes. He calmly restored his original face. If the old man is in a state of full prosperity, he can still fight with Jiang Chen, but now he is seriously injured by a half-emperor. It’s not the opponent of Jiang Chen at all. It’s normal to be killed by Jiang Chen.

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