Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1822: It turned out to be the Emperor?


However, such a scene once again set off a stormy wave, and everyone was shocked by the open mouth, even the half-emperor was no exception. Looking at the indifferent Jiang Chen, the eyes were full of incredible.

"God, this young man is too horrible. In the late period of the Emperor's reign, even a sword killed a late Zeng, how could this be?"

"The terrible guy, even if the man was seriously injured by the semi-emperor, but it is also the master of the late Xianzun, the so-called skinny dead camel is bigger than the horse, and then it is impossible to let a fairy emperor kill, and you see No, when the master died tragic, there was no chance of rebellion. The speed of Jiang Chen was too fast."

"Great, I see his energy bursting out in an instant, even if a master is not his opponent, the guy was seriously injured in the semi-empire, so he died in his hands, it can be destroyed by the great ban. Genius enchanting, its strength can not be used to common sense."

"The eyes of the Emperor, it is really sinister, so talented and magnificent, even if it is the peerless genius in Xianting, it is not worthy of him, and this person is killing and decisive, treating the enemy will kill, never merciless, I have already After the immortal life, but he still killed him, in the fairy world, only such fierce people can truly rise."


Everyone can't keep calm, and the half-empire looks at Jiang Chen's eyes is full of surprises. If he said that he was not very good at Jiang Chen from the beginning, then now everything has changed, he even I began to firmly believe that the Emperor of Heaven secretly said what he said to himself. In the difficult situation that the Emperor is currently facing, I am afraid that only such a person can appear in front of me to truly help the Emperor.

Killing the old man, Jiang Chen returned to the original place, holding a fist to the half of the emperor, and said: "Thank you for helping."

Jiang Chen has always been a person who understands right and wrong. People take the initiative to help themselves. It is also necessary to express gratitude. More importantly, Jiang Chen did not feel malicious from this half of the emperor, and there was no greed in the other's eyes.

Jiang Chen’s perception is very keen. If this half of the emperor is helping others with his own intentions, Jiang Chen will be able to feel that the other party is not malicious to himself, and Jiang Chen can feel it.

"You called Jiang Chen?"

The old man in gray robes asked with a smile.


Jiang Chen nodded. For the old man to know his name, Jiang Chen was not surprised at all. Before he and the North and South Korea talked to each other, the other party shouted his name more than once, so other people know that it is normal.

"In the downwind Chixian Xian Xian Han Feng, do not know if the little brother can borrow a step to talk?"

Han Feng’s face suddenly became dignified and looked very cautious.


Jiang Chen stunned, could not help but raised his brow, he carefully observed the old man, can be sure that he was the first time to see Han Feng, never knew before, the semi-emperor master of the fairy world, he only knows one person, that is Xiao Forget about it, not to mention that this Han Feng is the character of Feng Sin Xian Xian, and Jiang Chen’s self-recognition and the fairy tales of Xian Tian, ​​there is no half-point intersection.

Seeing that Jiang Chen did not oppose, Han Feng waved a brilliance to form a protective cover, which completely surrounded him and Jiang Chen, forming an enchantment, which is equivalent to a small ban under the semi-emperor's master, completely isolated from the outside. It’s impossible for outsiders to see what’s going on inside.

"Han elder, I don't know you and your pixels?"

Jiang Chen asked, he still didn't feel a bit malicious from the other side. This is why Jiang Chen is still willing to stand here, and Jiang Chen also wants to see what the other party is doing. It can be seen that the other party is looking for himself. It seems that there is a certain secret.

"Little brother, don't hesitate to say, I am entrusted by the Emperor of Heaven, looking for a person who can display the changing body of the dragon. I didn't expect to meet here today, and the performance of the little brother, let this seat be stunned, the eyes of the Emperor, Sure enough, it is very poisonous."

Han Feng said that he had to open the door and talk to Jiang Chen. He can see that Jiang Chen is a very smart person. In front of such people, it is the best choice to get straight to the point. First, let the other party eliminate themselves. The heart of alert.

"Who is the Emperor? I don't seem to know."

Jiang Chen asked, he is also very puzzled in his heart, since the other party's mouth is called the Emperor of Heaven, it is enough to explain the horror of this Emperor, at least a real Emperor, otherwise, how can command a semi-emperor master.

"The Emperor of Heaven is the emperor of our Xianting, but it has only just returned soon. Right, the Emperor said that if you see this thing, you will understand."

Han Feng said, taking out a thing from his hand, a huge ruler flashing in front of Jiang Chen, when he saw the ruler, Jiang Chen’s face changed instantly.

"Wanhua Stars."

Jiang Chen almost exclaimed, this ruler he is familiar with, but it is the Nangong asked the heavens of the soldiers of the Wanhuaxing ruler, before he returned to the Shengyuan continent to kill Jun Tianqiu, learned that his father and Nangong asked Tiandu already Flying up to the fairyland, Nangong asked the sky or even ascended earlier. Jiang Chen came up this time and found his father Jiang Zhenhai. Then he also planned to inquire about the whereabouts of Nangong, but did not expect to see Wanhua Stars here. .

Seeing that Jiang Chen knew the Wanhua Stars, Han Feng suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

"How can the Wanhua Star Ruler be in your hands? What is the relationship between Anan and the Emperor?"

Jiang Chen quickly asked, his mood is very excited now, the brothers of life and death, the poor Nangong asked the day that one did not know the whereabouts, and now with the news of Nangong asked the day, he has no way not to be excited.

"Jiang Brothers, Nangong asks Heaven is our Heavenly Emperor."

Han Feng said.


Jiang Chen rolled his eyes and looked awkward. He almost didn't faint. Nangong asked Tiantian to be the Emperor? This is also too frivolous for his mother?

However, Jiang Chen also nodded secretly. When Nangong asked the heavens to practice the eternal mythology, Jiang Chen felt the extraordinary skill of this martial art. He could let Nangong ask the heavens to cultivate the power of the wild elephants, but they did not I thought that Nangong’s life experience was so extraordinary that it turned out to be the reincarnation of the Emperor.

Jiang Chen suddenly felt that he was too lucky. The person beside him was originally a god. The big yellow dog would not say it. It is probably the embodiment of the demon emperor. The morning rain is the reincarnation of the female emperor of Jiuyin. It also got the inheritance of Qindi, and now Nangong asked that Tiantian was also the reincarnation of the Emperor.

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